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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. When Murray asked for money to save the 'Gers, they didnae cough up, so I don't see any of them buying in to this. Mind you, if they did it would be a wee Euro bonus for the 'Well. And they could still get a "No" vote. Now that would really nip their sphincters.
  2. This ICT "in for a pound" thing. Could we all buy in for just a quid and get a vote? And how much to join the 'Well Society? (That might choke a bit, though)
  3. That's a danger to which I don't think enough attention has been paid, that if Sevco don't have a lot of money at the moment, going round with the investment begging bowl, relying on cojones grandes to get them by, 6 months into the new season, and particularly if it's SPL, they could go tits up again and that would really put the feline in the doocote. Mind you, most of us here would be more smug than Professor Smug, the smuggest man in Smugtown. It would be the loudest "We told you so." in history.
  4. TalkSport going to talk (soon) about RFC (deid) offer to buy Bury with a Bury director to find out where the story came from.
  5. Friends, Scotsmen, countrymen, I come here to bury Rangers, not to praise them.
  6. Small furry animals eating sensibly what they can find = : the diddy teams which live within their means. Adapt and survive.
  7. 65 million years ago, on a little blue planet, orbiting a small yellow third-class star on the outer arms of a run-of-the-mill spiral galaxy on the remote fringes of the Universe, eneormous beasts with tiny little brains ruled the land. They were so little-challenged by the other types of animals on the planet that they fed without limit. Then out of the sky, with fire blazing from its tail, hurtled a city-sized asteroid. It plunged with outrageous ferocity into the planet's surface, throwing rocks and dust high into the atmosphere, which blocked out star's life-giving light for many months. When the skies cleared, there was not a dinosaur left alive, driven to extinction by the lack of sustenance on the planet's surface. The new rulers of the planet came forth in the shape ofall furry animals and feasted on the carcases of the dead giant beasts. These little animals were more intelligent than the giant dinosaurs, and overy many years had learned to adapt to environments in which the giants could not survive. In time, one of them came to be the most widely spread and most successful of all animals, ever, learning even to control its own environment. And now we witness the death of another beast, too big for its brain to cope with its changing environment, which has attempted to swallow up all the other beasts in its world, even feeding on its own kind, swallowing them whole in a futile attempt to remove any trace of their existence. But, as with the original dinosaurs, whose bodies were so big, and brains so small, that the head did not know what the tail was doing, the asteroid has struck, and with the dinosaur the victim of its own greed, the small furry animals shall rise up and feed on its carcase. Keep the faith, brothers.
  8. So...............not an ethical one, then? Maybe the business decision that suits the diddies won't be the bsusiness decision that suits The New Rangers.
  9. Aye, and I replied to it. Arrogant and condescending, no surprise there, then.
  10. And what also shocks me , and probably goes to show what a great team that was, is that I can identify 8 or 9 of them, more than I could with the current St Mirren squad.
  11. That photo reminds me why, when Davie Dodds was signed by The Old Rangers, he was on the bench so much...............it was in case the game turned ugly.
  12. But he's not doing anything to ingratiate himself to the players, as he's not talking to them. Is he going to appeal to their sense of honour, as Rangers men, to forego their potential signing-on fees as free agents, and take one for the team, to give him a pot to buy new players and leave him with a profit? Jeez, they'd be as daft as their fans if they did that. .
  13. I won't make the obvious response, just point you in the direction of the "Ugly" videos posted a couple of pages back. Really, a very shallow gene pool.
  14. What if Green does a "Whytie" with the ticket money? Let's say he gets half of the normal sales, that's 25,000 at £300(?) that's £7.5 million, six weeks into the new season decides it's non-viable, and goes for liquidation again. Just a point to ponder, Berrs, if you're planning to buy those books.
  15. There's a groundsman going round MP taking out every second floodlight bulb. Bargain on e:bay soon.
  16. That was originally from "Treasure of the Sierra Madre". Thta reminds, me....... bhajis and the Ibrox crowd's favourite curry...........lamb karahi All together now...........................the karahi was .......................no surrender...............
  17. Dust .................or road bottoming (they're no' allowed to cart the crap away to land fill anymore)
  18. [Florentine_Pogen, on 20 June 2012 - 10:10, said:You could well be right. It's all getting a bit All The President's Men / Deep Throat. quote name='sjc' timestamp='1340189548' post='6354411'] Chick Young ? And Leggo. On Watty. (eeeeuuuughhhhhh)
  19. IOUs and Luncheon Vouchers? Maybe a food parcel or two, courtesy of the WI and Shelter.
  20. Whit dae you think? FFS, get a grip. This is Airdrie. Jim Traynor spread his wild oats aboot here.
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