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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. And does this not have it's origins in the "greed is good" culture of Thatcher's (is that bitch no died yet?) 80's, when it became obvious that it was easier to sit behind a desk churning money on a vast scale and taking a wee %age cut, than going out and building a business that actually made stuff that people could use. It used to be callled engineering.
  2. "I am hugely disappointed Aberdeen are taking this stance, I understand they are reflecting the wishes of their supporters, but they have to look at the bigger picture. I would appeal to supporters of all clubs to put aside tribalism and hatred. Put themselves in the same position as Rangers supporters." Jimmy Calderwood" Ok, Jimmy, I'm in Al Pacino mode, method and all that. Blood pressure building, arms seem to be lengthening, nose turning blue, cannae think straight, seem to be only able to see straight ahead to a new Eden where the sky is blue and so is the grass. Funny, that I seem to have exagerrated feelings of tribalism and hatred, especially tae thae Fen88n ba$$tturts. And, see if Rangers get kicked oot the SPL, ah'm gonnae gie the wife a right doin'. Eh, naw, Jimmy. I don't think I'll bother, thank you, but no.
  3. The query as to why Team Cardigan didn't appear earlier, was, I think, posted by someone earlier, that it was obvious that for football to be played out of Ibrox again, the debt level was too toxic and Rangers had to die . Watty and his boys would have been tarriered (see what I did there?) with the same brush as Whyte if they had allowed the club to be liquidated, so green was allowed to do that job, then the Shining Knights come riding to the rescue on King Billy's horse. Chancers to a man.
  4. Even I shouted at the telly when that fekwit compared Aberdeen to RFC(deid) around sporting integrity and non-relegation. Aberdeen's benefit was entirely within the rules (even if Falkirk fans will say it was a fiddle, it was a fiddle within the rules) When was that? I'm only vaguely aware of it as I think I must have been working out of the country at that point.
  5. If the Newco has no contracts previous suppliers of RFC(defunct-2012), have the players and hingers-oan had to return their nice shiny company cars to Lomond Audi?
  6. Now there's a boycott that would really amke them sit up and notice. You'd only get the bluenoses at Hampden. And can I suggest that whatever division T'Rangers end up in next season, the only song to be sung is "You're not Rangers anymore....." You have the Power.
  7. Good morning, gentlemen (and ladies). I'm not even going to try to catch up from last night but one observation this morning. I had thought last night that the blind-side run by Team Cardigan was probably negative in that it would fire the Berrs up to demand to stay in the SPL. However, given that it appears now to have caused maximum confusion, The Mysterons are demanding around £20 million to "walk away", the fans won't support them, the whole thing is such an organisational mess that they will be lucky to be able to put out either a five-a-side team, or even a pub team, I now think it's going to be a no-brainer for the SPL committee, if the SFA haven't humped them oot before then. Oh, and on Super Ally's walking away: Traynor is a tit, trying to defend himself on Sportsound last night was laughable. At least Charlie-boy is up to speed with the Scottish MSM: the only good thing you get in newspapers is fish and chips. . Oy, aye, and the other upside is that it has rejuvenated this thread, years of this to come.
  8. Oh, oh, i'm getting awfy excited about this, if RFC (IL, reincorporated 13/6/12) is sold to Team Cardigan, does that mean they'll be a new Newco? That way the history dies twice? No..........oh, well worth a punt, bugger.
  9. "The Herald understands that phase one of the Smith-led plan would be to achieve stability and then establish which league Rangers will be playing in. The club would then be rebuilt from scratch. That would be followed by the injection of future revenue down the line, most probably in the form of an open to all share issue in the newco.." So, still these guys are NOT going to use their own money. A fan share issue....good luck with that, been tried before, no?
  10. The major danger now is that all the Orcs and Berrs who had just about accepted SFL3 for next season will be pumped fu o adrenaline (or worse) and demand no punishment, membership of the SPL as a right, a place in Europe (cos Motherwell wid jist waste it, anywey) and expect to win the SPL next season, and we've got to got through the whole rigmarole again of persuading our Chairmen to vote "No", cos they'll fear if they vote for expulsion, they'll have bricks through the windows to deal with.................................................. and breathe.
  11. I'm sure that shyster would, happily, for a wee contribution to cover all his expenses and time, and a small "consideration" for his involvement so far.
  12. You have a point there, I think. For what it's worth, IMO, when they stepped in, I thought they were just trying to get to the split, because , as we all know, they are "supposed to look after the interest of the creditors" in the first place. However, by not reducing costs, by keeping on players at high wages, even though reduced, they seemed to be looking after the team's position in the league. Even if at 14th Feb they had got rid of all but 15-20 players they would still have been in the top six, would have saved some money, unless the plan was to see it out to the transfer window to make that money up. Maybe that's where the plan went awry.
  13. Is it, mibbe, a measure of how badly fecked the books were at Ibrox and evidenced by the "sh1t aff a shiny shovel" move made by Bill Miller? And they have actually been doing a good and proper job?
  14. I'll bring the Buckie, you bring the jelly, KY or with ice cream, it's all the same to me.
  15. Aye, I now it's difficult to get the head round but I was in your position a few weeks ago, before TBKs, BM, etc tried their hands, but they were offering buttons, but as I posted earlier, it's supply and demand. Look at what Sky just paid for EPL coverage and it shows how little value there is in Scottish football. If I owned an English Championship club (with even just a slim chance of promotion next season) I'd probably bust the bank to make sure I had a piece of that action in a year's time. There's no real value in a Scottish club (unless the ground is in a city centre) other than developing talent and selling on, and THAT'S exactly what Captain Green and The Mysterons are planning. IIRC, he's a football agent, so the incestuous deals to be done there are obvious. We can only guess at what is grinding away in his head, but possibly, just possibly, he wants to go to SFL3 so he can bring boys in at rock bottom prices and wages, the cheaper you buy, the bigger the profit when you sell.
  16. Sorry, i'm a relative virgin on this stuff (and I'm no' gettin' into the Teebear paedo thing again), what's the photograph smiley thing?
  17. No, anyone could have bought it as a football club for £5.5 million and closed it down. Then been left with the fixed assets. (Ok, you wouldn't live long, not near Govan anyway) Which they would have done what? with. MP's land is owned by the Cooncil, I believe, and a good bit of Ibrox is listed, so developing it as something else would be a raisky punt at making a profit. Let's look at it as something simpler. I'm selling a BMW 750, on the back seat is Catriona Shearer wearing nothing but a smile. How much would you pay for the package? The steering is dodgy, there's a rattle from the rear, the engine is making a funny noise, and the exhaust is farting like The Big Hoose Guy after a vindaloo and sixteen pints of Carling. OK, you offer me £50k, until you discover that Cat disnae need to go home with you, in fact she's wearing an engagement ring. Now what's the deal worth? The problems might be minor, but would you take the chance? It could cost £50k to fix. See the analogy?
  18. If all the big players do walking away, and they are allowed to dabble in the transfer market, they could, if they were determined to bring in replacement players at low cost , bring in a load of players on loan. They could then change their name to The Loan Rangers. I'll get my coat.
  19. Simple law of supply and demand. For Sale: 1 football club, toxic history, potentially serious toxic debts, uncertain future. Clean ashtray. Cost new £300 million. New owner must collect. Any offers considered. Over supply, no real demand. Simples.
  20. Non-league? Juniors? Or even better, Paisley and District Saturday morning amateur league. Better get ready for some really tough tackles. Christ, I might make a comeback, I could fancy a wee away game at Ibrox. I based my left-back career on a kind of "Tam Forsyth with ninja overtones".
  21. Classic from Andy Gray on TalkSport Richard Keays : "What is Ally thinking?" AG: "Who's that?"
  22. That's the kind of funds the Liquidisers ( ) will chase before they wind the company up (which can take years. I heard yesterday that Blair Nimmo is still involved in the winding up of Airdrieonians)
  23. At the risk of repeating MYSELF, it's been obvious from day one of the Green Era that he wanted to get his hands on the transfer money from the players, they were de facto the most valuable part of the RFC set-up. Ibrox usable only as a football park in Glasgow (obviously) MP (similar problem) but players worth £20-30m and portable, so gives a nice profit, spend £10m on players capable of getting 2nd or 3rd in SPL minus £6m outlay = minimum £4m profit in the first few weeks. RESULT. That's why they had to overturn the transfer embargo. If he gets to call the shots and the TUPE thing goes his way, (which I think won't happen) he'll clear them out within a week.
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