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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. I posted a couple of weeks ago that my mate who works for a financial adviser in Glasgow had been approached by a "fixer" to see if any of his clients were willing (able?) to pop £100k into a football-related investment. He laughed the guy off, but he was convinced it was linked to Ibrox, so much for the BIG investers behind him. The "fixer" came back to him last Friday to see if he had reconsidered. Eh, no.
  2. Front page of today's Daily Ranger ----- Ally "I'm in the dark" ................so, still no paid the lecky bill?
  3. I know we're all waiting for that ever-fraying thread holding the Sword of Damocles to finally part, and then the subsequent heavyweight book of the Rise and Fall of the Anti-Roman Empire. Might I suggest, if that's not a good enough title, in the spirit of financial jokery, The Currant Account?
  4. Does that calculation take into account The Man With Two Brains? No, not Steve Martin, the Andies Gorams.
  5. Well, maybe you've touched on the very point there, as the CVA states that all football sales go to the Green Brigade, not the CVA pot. Mibbe that's wee Charlie's cunning plan. Buy in, have a car boot sale, just gie up and shut it down? Sell players for £9m, pay off H&D for £5m, £4m in the sky rocket, and give the keys to Ibrox to HMRC.
  6. Or to put it with a little more arrogance : "Only the little people pay taxes" - Leona Helmsley (she got done for tax evasion, surprise)
  7. Right, lads, I'm off for the night. Remember, tomorrow is D:Day, and the day Captain Green of the Mysterious Brigade is due to become commanding officer at Ibrox. Interesting to see if he turns up.
  8. I think that the longer goes without a decision the better, there is a growing impetus to the "kick em oot" camp.
  9. You have to query Airdrionians motives. Looks like serious ar$e-licking "Oh, we'll take a bullet for the OF" Finish below the OF every time they're in danger.
  10. He's a Buddie. Easy part for him in that film. Parts of Paisley make Sparta seem like Kensingston.
  11. I just watched that on youtube and I think the Fat Lamb was under instruction (from Ibrox via the DR) to discredit Chic's reportage. Trying to squeeze a wee bit o doubt from an obvious fact.
  12. Dear Mr Green. Greetings from Nigeria. I hope you are well. I am a very prominent businessman in Nigeria, but due to oppression from the ruling political party here, I have had to suspend my business dealings in this country. I have managed to secure $400 million US in a secret bank account and wish to invest it in a prominent business in The United Kingdom. I would be willing to forego a substantial part of the secret fund to ensure my continued prominent business dealings in The United Kingdom as an investment fee with a prominent UK businessman. I understand you are looking for investors in your football business. My proposal is to use of my country's prominent footballers who has played in the World Cup of Football and give him to you to use in your Glasgow Rangers. This would be of immense benefit to the whole of Scottish Football, which I have heard is of prominent importance to you. On meeting with you at your home park, my cousin, the footballer, would be pleased to explain to you how we can transfer our $400million US to your Football Club. It is my proposal to transfer to you bank account the sum of $10 million US which will cover one year of my cousins football wages. My research shows that this is a standard amount for Rangers of Glasgow This will be added to by the $10million cash which he will carry with him which will help him to avoid much tax, which I also believe is standard practice for Glasgow Rangers. I look forward to establishing a close working relationship with your prominent team, and we can use my funds to profit from the transfer of young poor Nigerian footballers help them to become prominent footballers with Glasgow Rangers. In the first instance, it is important that you supply details of your bank account to allow me to transfer the first $10miilion US to your account. Unfortunately, I will require you to arrange the small sum of $1 million US to facilitate the release of funds from my secret account. Please do keep my identity secret as there are those within my country who would make trouble for me if they knew of my plans. I had planned to use a firm of accountants called Duff and Phelps to facilitate this transfer but they are feckin hopless and the theivin ba$tards seem to have conned me out of $5million US . Best regards, Sir David Ngarti (Dr) (sorry, it's a really slow day here)
  13. When I was a real regular at SMP, and Fergie was manager, before undersoil heating, for some strange reasons our games would be on even if that at Ibrox was called off. Ten past three, there would be another 800-1000 bodies piling in just to watch a game. I don't know the demographics of these guys, I suspect a good number would be there for the football, but I've always felt (and felt only, cos I never stood near them) that a lot would be NI Loyal, who wanted to watch a game as they had travelled so far. IMO, I think that there would be a good number who'd stay and watch locally (mibbe not in Aberdeen though), but I think the Big Tel factor would work for ICT (in addition to the number of times they've upset CFC).
  14. Oh, The Royals without a doubt. I hear Edward got one for putting his socks on correctly, and Harry has one for turning up for breakfast on time.
  15. The beauty of the internet is that Joe Punters like you and me are now more generally better informed ( as opposed to the few anaoraks a few years ago) and when we get on to a phone-in we give them a reasoned, intelligent argument and what does it do?....... it fickin throws them, witness Wee Chico and Lamb-boy in the past few weeks. Previously all you would get was a guy going on and saying " Ah'm a Rangers fan and we're the best" " And what is your point caller?" " Jist sayin', we're the best" "Oh, right, then." Now it's a positive joy just waiting for the wee hand grenades to get thrown in. Although my favourite was one from years ago when Wee Chico was rabbiting on about respect for refs, and a guy came on, had him spouting and raving about respect, then said "So, where was your respect when you were rantin' at the ref in your son's under-12s match at the Racecourse in Paisley last Saturday?" His answer? "You must be mistaken, it wisnae me" then cut the guy off.
  16. Correct. All these Johnny-come-latelys trying to join in. You must pay the price of membership, and read every post. Lightweights!!!!
  17. No, It was Traynor. Although Speirs was also at the dinner. The original article is available somewhere, maybe on RTC.
  18. Apart from the 10-point deduction and a £100k fine (which I assume they haven't paid!!) RFC haven't actually had any penalties/sanctions applied yet, but there is a whole shitstorm of charges (allegedly) to be answered and on which to be sentenced if guilty, most juicily, the twin contracts. Given the amount of noise with the few things proven so far, I am heartily looking forward to the tsunami when they start getting stripped of titles, and that's just the first step.
  19. Is his jaiket no oan a shaky nail? At what point does his editor sit down with him and do a job apraisal?
  20. You'd think from Traynor's pronouncements that nobody had ever lost a job before, that no company had ever gone under, that no business had ever suffered at the hands of one man. Witness the redundancies at the Glasgow shipyards, the miners, witness British Leyland, witness Lehman Brothers, witness the effects of Fred Goodwin on RBS, and people will still suffer because of RBS for years to come.My mate's brother worked for the bank for 30 years, and when it went tits up he was 6 months away from retirement, and had 80% of his savings in RBS shares. He'll never recover financially. So on the great scale of things, the effects are minor, it's the situation that was allowed to create the current state of play that was the major issue. The punishment must fit the crime.
  21. Oh, now you're talking. Last time I was up, I bought 2 dozen and froze them. Sad to say that the Star Chippy at the bottom of the West Port is now a chinky, so had to make do with a fish supper from the Round O.
  22. That's like changing your mind after you've jumped from the plane, when you remember you told them to "Stuff the parachute" and realised they misunderstood you.
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