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Happy Buddie

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Everything posted by Happy Buddie

  1. is this Armageddon? Shoving this out prior to the transfer window opening (on Saturday?) says what? Better get posting pish, lads, 119 pages go before then.
  2. The blinkers are off, acceptance is total, those funny chemicals in the bloodstream are gone and the prodigal son has returned. Kill the Fatted Lamb At last that numpty seems to have got his head out of the sand (see avatar)
  3. No, as previously stated many times, it was Rangers who were responsible for paying the tax as the players are employees and tax is paid (or not) in a PAYE system which the employer is legally obliged to deduct from wages and pay straight to Hector. It would be interesting to see if Stewart Gilmour has Steven Thompson in his office over the close season for a "wee chat" about integrity.
  4. Aye, and those guys who do that are generally the kind of guys who think they are more important than the club itself, and that they know better than everyone else, and everything should be done to suit them, but obviously that doesn't apply in the case of RFC.....oh, wait......
  5. Don't get me wrong in any way, I'm partial to succulent lamb myself, but only in a curry, so definitely no RFC agenda. Howver, there have been cases in the past where, e.g. golf club members have been expelled or otherwise disciplined and have ultimately taken their case to civil courts. It usually seems to give the appellant a bit of leverage, but 99% of the time it results in a foot-shooting, as it just gets everybody's back up, in the golf club case nobody wants to play with you, so you're back in but ostracised. In the case of RFC as I mentioned earlier, when you do face a legitimate penalty it's applied with very precise (extra?) vigour and to the full extent and letter of the law (we hope) .
  6. Nobody knows the exact dialogue between the SFA and FIFA, and i think No. 8 is either being delibeartely obtuse or it's just normal for Orcs to see everything through blue-tinted specs. My daily dealings I have to eliminate the " read-between-the-lines" options in stuff, which kind of helps me to do just that. I suspect the dialogue between them might have gone along the lines of: FIFA: We notice RFC have taken you to court. We do not allow such things. SFA: We will await the judgement of the court. The punishment for the original offence may be greater than we would apply for the breach of your articles. FIFA: We'll be keeping an eye on things. SFA: We are aware of your interest. Leave it to us. We'll deal with it. FIFA: We'll, we're happy with that. Now where would that leave RFC in a psotion to lay on a party?
  7. FIFA's articles are legally dodgy in some areas, attempting to close the door on "natural justice". It's a bit like your headmaster giving you the belt for telling the Polis you've been felt up by your maths teacher, instead of going to him first.
  8. It looks to me like the reason they went to CoS, ignoring CAS, was time-related, CAS may have taken too long to overturn the decision. IMO the whole premise of Green's takeover is the "buy'em and sell'em" strategy, and if they can't do that the whole thing falls at the first fence, so they HAD to get rid of the transfer embargo. However, Beecher's Brook awaits, as does The Chair, and I suspect Green's horse thinks it's in a flat race.
  9. TBH, I took the OP with a large pinch of salt, anyway. As you say, post 2002, I think the attitude towards "franchise relocation" as in AU and MK Dons has hardened.
  10. Albion Rovers? No, from my lofty wee Ivory Tower in Airdrie, the buzz I get on them is a slightly "Italian" persuasion. Airdrie? More likely givne Mr Ballantyne's recent high profile travels.
  11. I thought that the SFA had to apply a sanction that was on their approved list, that's why they went to court. Is a cup ban in wahtever form on the list? And on the subject of renaming the training ground, how about "Lumley Park", cos it's one thing that DM didn't completely f*ck?
  12. I'm just waiting for the Irn Bru ad which rips the p1$h out of the SPL (or RFC mibbe) given their habit of slightly controversial campaigns. I remember with fondness they had a big blonde running starkers round Love Street for one.
  13. Where's the party going to be? All us posting on here should have our equivalent of a Twitnic on the glorious day. How about the Louden Tavern in Dennistoun? Mibbe no, right enough.
  14. The beauty of the statement is its simplicity. Basically, the club lives and dies by its own actions. If anyone else can remember the days of Ernie Walker or Jim Farry, this statement would have been full of codicils, the party of the third part, the party of the second part, finished off on page 135 with the Sanity Clause. What, you don't believe in a Sanity Clause?
  15. I calculated a few tens of pages ago that at the current rate of posting page 1690 would fall on 16th/17th June (but that's Sat, Sun) The 14th would be possible if we upped the rate on the 11th-13th.
  16. Depends on the context, mal a la tete : headache, mal a l'etomac: the shits.
  17. Don't let Leggo see that. He'll have it down as an unreconstructed solvent reconstruction.
  18. Is that not the colour of Robin Hood's tights? Rob from the poor (berrs) give to the rich. Sounds about right.
  19. Help needed here, guys. Turned this into I C B I N R and immdiately saw Ich Bin Ein Hvn. Is it just me or am I becoming obsessed?
  20. Require them to provide suitable doumentation? If they don't, they won't be allow to transfer the playing licence or membership of SFA/SPL?
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