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Bill Carr

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Posts posted by Bill Carr

  1. I forgot about the Beirut of Lothian, Kirkliston.

    Yeah I agree. That is a dull little place. Used to go to the sports centre there to play 5s with some boys from the next village along, Winchburgh (mentioned a few posts up), always ended with a scuffle, eventually Edinburgh leisure suspended us for a bit. One of my mates got chased out of Kirkliston with a metal pole once, he's also banned from the local bowls club.

  2. So Edinburgh is a 'grey shitehole' but your lifeless carpark town's USP is its proximity to Edinburgh and Glasgow?

    Tough times man :lol:

    Edinburgh is good for some things; the airport, the universities and, er.....that's about it. For everything else there's Glasgow, or indeed Livingston itself.

  3. :lol:

    Fine trolling once again.

    Is the wrong answer.

    Of course they're 2 of the better places in Central Scotland. Relatively affluent, the standard of housing and general living is above average, plenty of well paid jobs in the area, close to Edinburgh and Glasgow and with excellent transport links, plenty of shops & restaurants etc. How are they not good towns to live in? Their location is perfect. With the exception of Edinburgh/Glasgow I'd love to see you name anywhere better.

  4. You can change your privacy settings so that any person who tries to tag you in a post or picture will need your approval first!

    Yeah, I knew the same boy I was on about was gonna tag me in a really bad photo, so I briefly changed the settings. I think it still appeared on all my conatcts homepages though. Or doesn't it? :unsure:

  5. I've had FB for about 10 months. Never updated my status and never will.

    I hate tagging the most though. One of my pals quite often tags us whenever we're at a pub or something. Gets quite annoying, as I'm not keen on everyone knowing what I'm up to. He sometimes does that thing where he'll take a photo of a round of drinks and tag us in the photo.

    Gay as f**k.

  6. Better get your blood pressure down then you angry, angry man. Heart attack waiting to happen, IMO.

    Mocking people who suffer from high blood pressure and heart attack sufferers. Despicable.

    Yet you like Mark Lawrenson, you are a cockwomble, IMO

    Completely shite and irrelevant post. Well done Nathan, you're the first person to go on my ignore list.

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