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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. Err, I think you made an error, wunf. You have put 'retard' in twice........................
  2. Unless I have misunderstood recent evets ( ) , it will be the same league, different divisions. I don't know how that would affect ground sharing. Anyway, it's not going to happen.
  3. Will "The Eskimos" win promotion next season? Weather conditions may favour them.
  4. Good to see the BRALT back on form. Why did AWR get banned? Won't miss him. Interesting posts from the Bennett twins. Roll on next week for the next instalment.
  5. As I see it, the shenanigans surrounding Rangers, The Rangers, Sevco whatever, have left the door wide open for any club to vigorously contest any future attempts by the authorities to mete out punishments for various misdemeanours. The "whatabout" factor is large and could be called 'setting a precedent'. I could be wrong, though.
  6. From 2 years ago...............(and who are these BBC bears?)
  7. 2-1 at home in the first leg............squeaky bum time in the return. Away goals count double.
  8. There was no journalistic investigation of Whyte which would have revealed him as the shyster he is. I, for one, don't believe it was done to aid Rangers , just lazy journalists peddling what the masses wanted to hear in order to sell copy. Maybe some of them DID know he was a crook and just didn't care as long as they got paid.
  9. Ooh argh Jim lad. These be rangerous waters.....................Ar. Slow down and sail carefully.
  10. It would appear, yes, they have. You know how pronouncements from the legal profession must be accepted as true.
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