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Everything posted by cyderspaceman

  1. You're right, this thread has wandered way off topic. Just one thing. Could we use the word 'sycophant' instead of 'arse licker'? Eewww., gag me with a spoon.
  2. Fixed. ..................Ah, wait a minute. Can one be racist towards Smurfs?
  3. I'm relatively new to the forum community but I sense what is termed a 'meltdown' approaching, if not already standing at the platform. No names, awrite?
  4. Hmmm........don't think there should be a comma before a conjunctive but I'm old school. Wot? No old geezer emoticon? Harrumph!
  5. I'm sorry Lip but I can't resist it. You canny spell 'keech'. Your sentiments are spot on though. Poor No8.
  6. Not quite. "a tragic" makes no sense, 'tragic' being an adjective. 'Tragedy' would be right. So, three investigations ongoing plus the Easedale factor. Not to mention the actual football side of things. The summer of 13 will be loadsa laffs. (I'm not superstitious, but a lot of people are, 13 is not usually considered to be an auspicious number)
  7. May I answer this? I would think the subtle difference would be, not caring and being blithely ignorant (majority) and not caring while knowing full well what's going on (large percentage)
  8. If anyone is guilty of rambling, it's David 1,000 pound fine Leggat. He's another cartoon character in the multi-faceted comedy of errors that is The Rangers.
  9. I still do not understand how Sevco Scotland (apparently) got the gig when 5088 was officially the preferred bidder. Was that not cited as one of the reasons for not selling to the blue nighties or anyone else? (I have lost any documentation or recordings from that time) Oh, and having seen the names of Mather's other companies, cue "Simply The Best".
  10. If Craig Whyte had an unfortunate fatal accident , run over by a bus or a taxi , say, would that make any difference to the way things stand?
  11. No. Just leaving Govan, Glasgow and Scotland behind to spend his money in more comfortable places. eta just looked at OM. At least one obvious undercover man there.
  12. I noticed the queen's car had a large metal mascot on the bonnet. That's illegal. Usual story, one law for us common people and another for the nobs.
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