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Posts posted by Raidernation

  1. You make a good case actually and I'm in full agreement. I was more driving at the point that many seem to think prisons are some sort of lovely holiday camp. You could give me all the TV channels, games consoles etc in the world, but at the end of the day I still wouldn't want to be confined to the same place for years, told what and when to eat and so on.

    I'd hate to be scared of dropping the soap in the showers as well.

  2. That would be me. I have a ridiculous phobia of wasps. :( I know I look like a fanny but it's just a reflex action. Can't help it :(

    They're more scared of you, than you are of them!

    Edit: Shite typo (I'll not use the broken finger as an excuse, it was just shite and I didn't even notice it until a day later!)

  3. 2. Her Inverness accent makes things sound gormless, even when the thing being said isn't gormless and the way it's expressed isn't intended as gormless. This is common among a great many Teuchter accents. Here ends the full explanation in relation to the second bit you emboldened in your last post.

    Aye, Right eeenuf!

  4. Just finished reading 11.22.63 by Stephen King. It's a what if/time travel bookset in the years leading up to the Kennedy Assasination. This is the best Stephen King book I have read in YEARS, and there's not a wise old negro or mystical retard in sight. 10/10.



    Thought it was fantastic!

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