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Status Updates posted by Belslide

  1. Old TV series; are you also noticing the cliffhangers can look a bit outdated due to coastal erosion?

  2. There's no need for anyone to ever be poor; just go to the bookies and bet on poverty happening.

  3. #changeoneletterfilms 24 dour party people - amazing the party even lasted that long.

    1. Highlandmagyar


      Well, you shouldve stayed away from the SFA/Newco love in.

    2. Thistle_do_nicely


      Road Louse - Nothing spectacular, just a film about a grubby wee insect roundhouse kicking people for 90% of the film.

    3. SodjesSixteenIncher


      Gasy rider - A story with a lesson: going out for a curry is not a good third date.

  4. It's good only footballers have Wags. 'Wiggins' Wag' would just sound stupid.

  5. The first thing many people who want to throw a sickie during the Olympics need to do is to find a job.

  6. "See you when the sun shines!!!": Scottish greeting to someone you don't like.

  7. To the people who say Stephen Gough is basically flashing at everyone; do you also say the dinosaurs are currently having a flashback?

  8. They could make a film about my life... technically speaking.

  9. Harsh! Got punched in the face at Rangers ticket office after only managing two syllables of "...Sell tickets for the next Rangers game?"

  10. I walked into a VIP room... all walls were hung with mirrors... I struck a pose... No, don't wake me up, please!

  11. I'm pretty unimpressed by the rise in the amount of rape gangs in Scotland, especially the ones committed by midges...

  12. Old age; doing the same thing over and over again, without realising you've just done it seconds ago. That's how all night sex happens.

  13. #CheatingIsOkayIf you really need to smuggle a note into bed to remember all the favourite positions of your partner.

  14. "Stephen Gough, naked rambler, free again." "High streets worried about shifting clothing." Oh c'mon; his influence isn't THAT big!

  15. Don't say 'everything's alright', say 'the shit has hit the disposal van'.

  16. I'm truly a man for all seasons. Which has become quite easy, since the abolishment of seasons.

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