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Everything posted by Bendarroch

  1. When your fellow supporters are shouting 'murdering b*****ds' at these soldiers - is that the sort of 'harmony' you refer to? Would these be the same guys who you tell us are cool with your career and service as a soldier in Ulster?
  2. Breakdown is it? The amateur psychology on this thread is really shite. But, in saying that, even these (already lowly) standards seem to be slipping.
  3. So the Amsterdam thugs your lot were complaining about so loudly at darkhead are now pillars of justice and truth because they seem to support the actions of your own thugs? And I say seem because... Should they authorities ever see this - I wonder how the judge would assess the information regarding 'RA sulk hooligans kicking a wounded policeman.
  4. Easily the worst fantasy ramblings on the letter H to date on this car-crash of a thread. You have raised the bar by several miles. I can't see anyone ever topping that to be honest. Beyond parody.
  5. Poor, poor fhud. Did you think that shameful, terrorist loving IRA banner at darkhead was to do with 'sectarianism'? Did ye, aye?
  6. What's that, Dhense? Is there universal support for the IRA at darkhead? Are you confused? Have you forgotten your career, soldier bhoy? FFS.
  7. Can I just say that in all my time on here that's the best post you ever made. Although I can't see you making it into pseuds corner with it.
  8. Do you think Liewell will ask awkward questions about the latest IRA festival over at darkhead last weekend? How does it feel, Dhense, to sit amongst these terrorist loving scum - the ones who you claim are cool with your career of trying to kill them? I have this feeling they really would not be cool with you. Ever. Just a hunch. Liewell must be busy these days with your hooligans facing the jail or player getting lifted for, ahem, alleged 'public indecency offences'. All welcome at darkhead
  9. You should write to CAB about it...or ASA, UEFA, SFA, Lord Nimmo Smith, Churchill, Cromwell, Wallace. Surely someone can help you in your hour of needy desperation?
  10. It'll save you the bother of trying to post something of worth yourself. At least you're consistent.
  11. Is that your own fake account you refer to? Or the one on Rangersmedia you fake on? Or one of your mates from P&B with the fake accounts so openly boasted about on here? The boasts that really only ever say one thing - that said faker is a sad b*****d. And this board is then peppered with other eejits faking their 'shock' at the content of these boards. You're part of a circle jerk of saddest b*****ds. Fhannies one and all.
  12. No, I mocked it. It was puerile. And despite your stricken and continued attempts at digression - we arrived here because you decided that another salvo of P&B amateur psychology nonsense was the appropriate response to discussions on the very great LNS ruling; that no titles could be stripped. Because no sporting advantage was gained. And why is it upsetting you at all we ask - because they could not then be handed on a plate to 'RA sulk of course. That, after all, was the plan - hence Liewell's publicly declared disappointment on behalf of rasulk. Bless...
  13. Really? So what? You just ripped into me for inventions on Abhergreen when the information regarding their foundation, their merger and shutting the doors was provided by dholly fans. I'm amazed I had to repeat that for you. A tawdry low for you, MT. I expect that kind of moronic input from, say, the Fhud. Perhaps Bennett was correct after all...
  14. I think your choice of mere as a pejorative isn't up to scratch. I am, however, absolutely correct to present the outcome as a triumph - and a triumph of justice at that.
  15. I think attending 1/3rd of the tutorials probably makes your assessment as valid as, say, fat McKenzie's work on the title stripping case. And I say that as a huge fan of the amateur psychology on P&B.
  16. PS - given that the information is published by the Abhergreen supporters I look forward to it being 'ably dismantled almost immediately'. But not by me - I loved the honesty.
  17. And the aniticipated willingness to rewrite the history of dholly is as unsurprising as it has been expected. I didn't claim they became a new club after a merger - no more than the 'suggestion' they were born before said merger. All of that information comes from a site dedicated to Abhergreens history run by dholly fans - and as they put it - working closely with Aberdeen Football Club. There's no 'suggestion' about it - these are the facts as published by dholly fans themselves
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