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Posts posted by DiegoDiego

  1. 1 hour ago, Aufc said:

    Again, you are putting words in Airdrie fans mouths. I dont think MOST Airdrie feel we should have been operating at championship level. We have earned the right to be in the league and earned the right to be in 4th. 

    Regarding your second point, most airdrie fans would have predicted that they would finish somewhere between 8th-10th this season. Genuinely dont think there is anything wrong with a) laughing at Arbroath fans who predicted they would not be challenging at the bottom and B) having a laugh at the posts predicting Airdrie would struggle. Not in a "told you so" way but in a "fucking hell i cant believe we are 4th" way. 

    As i said in my previous comment, the only people wanking themselves over Airdrie are external people purely because of some of the goals we have scored, our general style of play and also because Rhys MCCabe is a fairly young manager who is showing a lot of promise. This is fairly normal. 

    Sounds like Partick fans are worried.... If we make the play offs then you will probably hammer us so its not really a big deal. 

    Not sure I'm putting words in their mouths as I purposefully used the exact same phrasing an Airdrie fan used.

    I think that's one of the strange things though. Most Airdrie fans would have predicted 8th-10th, but then they're calling out fans of other clubs who thought the exact same.

    Some Partick fans are probably worried about facing Airdrie in the playoffs, if that does happen, but I think most realise that if we didn't go up last year when we had a great team in spectacular form, then we're unlikely to reach the final this time round. So other than a few weeks of gloating for whoever prevails, I don't think we'll care that much. It's been an incredibly meh season.

  2. One quarter of transplant-quality, donated kidneys in the USA are thrown in the bin.

    17% of donor organs in the USA are first offered to patients who are already deceased.

    The contractor used to deliver organs in the USA is fifteen times more likely to lose or damage one in transit than an airline is to do the same to a suitcase.

  3. 3 hours ago, Shooter McGavin said:

    Aye, how dare we be happy after 10 years in L1 that we have finally made it back to the level we all felt we should have been operating at. 

    Definitely unreasonable behaviour. 

    Stirling are a group of fans who are happy after 10 years in L2 that they have finally made it back to the level they all felt they should have been operating at. Fine bunch of folk.

    Airdrie are a group of fans who are happy after 10 years in L1 that they have finally made it back to the level they all felt they should have been operating at, but also feel the need to run around the internet shouting about how wonderful they are and dredging up old posts for a few "told you so" put downs of slight criticism and the crime of failing to correctly predict an inherently unpredictable sport.

  4. I guess this is the opposite of imposer syndrome, but I really am not comfortable with praise. When people give me heartfelt compliments at my job I feel I don't deserve them because I'm just doing the job I'm asked to do, treating people as I would wish to be treated, and that's not something which should be singled out for recognition. It got to the point where I quit my last job because I was getting so many good reviews or kudos from head office simply for being myself. It just felt wrong.

    There's no way of writing that without it coming across as bragging, but if you saw my paycheque then you'd know I've little to show off about.

  5. 2 hours ago, GTG_03 said:

    The constant mentioning/championing of england/the premier league during champions league games between teams not from england. 

    Yet at the same time, you know if commentators didn't say Musonda plays for Ayr/Baccus plays for Booooo!/Whomever, during major tournaments that many fans of those clubs would be livid.

  6. There have been studies done on this. From my recollection:

    There is a statistically significant home advantage across all sports.
    Travel distance is irrelevant (based on US baseball comparing eras when clubs went hundreds of miles in uncomfortable transport compared to modern private jets and hotel the night before).
    Clubs with running tracks have much less home advantage than ones without (German data, I think) indicating that it's crowd intimidation influencing refs that is the major cause of home advantage.

  7. 3 hours ago, GordonD said:

    Don't see how they could make that one fly. If you've been paying your National Insurance as well as into a private scheme then how can they refuse to give it back to you?

    I wouldn't rule it out. It wasn't that long ago the Greek government was helping themselves to money from citizens' bank accounts and refusing to pay public sector workers.

  8. 6 hours ago, jimbaxters said:

    How do you know if it's AI generated?

    It's very obvious. The same sentences come up in them all, they're all the same length, they all use jargon which isn't really appropriate for the job for which they're applying. After working in a bank for a few months I could spot a fake note from two metres away, or with a blindfold on. It's a bit like that.


    12 hours ago, Bairnardo said:

    Bin the first ten. 7 of them are lazy, 3 of them are thick since they never used AI, twenty applicants recognised that A: Cover letters are bullshit, but also B: for some reason folk insist on having them, and so carried out the task in an efficient way.

    The value of a cover letter probably varies a lot dependant on the job. 

    I wouldn't say they carried out the task in an efficient way, because AI failed pretty badly at the task in hand. It essentially re-wrote the job description and added a bunch of phrases from the "management speak" thread. Cover letters are a good way of seeing how much a person is actually interested in that job as opposed to any job. It's an opportunity to put forward another side of yourself which might not come through on a CV. One person's cover letter basically said "I don't really have any experience, but I think I'd quite like it and I'm willing to learn and work hard." that honesty is much better than someone who's just got AI to put together a cover letter which says absolutely nothing about the person. 

    If only 10% of applicants get an interview, having a cover letter you obviously put no effort into which doesn't actually give the recruiter any more information about you, and is quasi-identical to a whole heap of other letters isn't going to help you end up in the "interview" pile.

  9. On 21/03/2024 at 15:36, RawB93 said:

    That boy that played for Partick.

    His honesty was quite interesting, but saying he enjoyed his team mates getting injured surely didn't do him any favours.

    Surprised nobody's mentioned Andy Schurrle. Get an assist on the winning goal in the World Cup final, retire at twenty-nine. Apparently he "no longer wanted to face the loneliness and endless competition inherent in top-flight football".

  10. Thought Thistle had a very strong 15-45m and there's always the worry that a one goal lead wouldn't be enough. The home team were better in the second, especially after their goal when there only looked like one team likely to score. 

    The ref just looked out of his depth and when it seems like he's guessing then it encourages both sides to be a little heavy in the tackle.

    My first trip to Dunfermline as a city, and despite Fife's reputation as the Ayrshire of the east, it's a nice day out. Currently enjoying a pack of dry roasted the barmaid gave me for free as they're a month out of date. 

    Kinda goes without saying, but rather you made the playoffs than Airdrie. 

  11. 3 hours ago, Jacky1990 said:

    Some of my best moments in supporting Thistle and Scotland involve me going mental celebrating with strangers I had never met and will likely never meet again. But they are not really strangers, because we are part of the same fanbase, part of the same tribe if you like. My opinion is that experience would be diluted if surrounded by fans of another club who didnt have the same goal as me.

    Spot on, but especially that part.

    I wouldn't want mixed seating at all. Think back to the best and worst moments supporting your club and imagine what they would have been like with mixed seating. The only time I've ever left a match early was actually an ice hockey away game. We were sat intermingled with opposing fans cheering while our season came crashing down. Horrid. At least at Dingwall last season the whole stand suffered together. I'm a lover not a fighter, but if there were County fans around me that day then it wouldn't have been somewhere I would have wanted to be in the slightest.

    Players get yellow cards for celebrating metres away from opposing fans. Imagine that but in the seat next to you.

    There'd also be a big effect on atmosphere. Even within a club's own support we self-segregate into sections with the "ultras", those who like a song, and those who want to sup their Bovril with a rug keeping them warm. Why on Earth would you want to sprinkle Dunfermline or Ayr fans in amongst all that? I really don't see the benefit.

  12. On 01/04/2024 at 15:20, philpy said:

    Idiots that walk right in the middle of a supermarket car park, completely unaware of the fact there is a car behind them. Get on a path you fucking morons!!

    I don't know the layout of the particular car park you're on about, but many are designed without a real thought for pedestrian movement, including drivers trying to get to their car. There's no way in this example to get to/from your car without walking on the road.


  13. 5 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Is it right than nobodies been relegated from their top flight for 4 seasons? Sure I read they just promote 2 teams every year and the leagues now massive.

    They did go through a phase of that, expanding to 28 teams, with 15 of the current lot from greater BA. They've got rid of the apertura/clausura format and just gone for one big royal rumble. The bottom of the table gets relegated automatically, as does the three-season average for relegation.

    I did hear that they opted for the three-season average to determine relegation after seeing the disastrous effect Hamilton Academicals had on the Premiership.

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