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Mad Capsule

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Posts posted by Mad Capsule

  1. Not my rage, but someone elses.

    I was St Johnstone, playing some guy who had the "ned-diest" voice I've ever heard. He was Rangers obviously, and has left his headset on and not realized it.

    Beat him 2-1. Favorite quotes include -

    "Is this game fookin' stoopid man?"

    "I didn't mean to pass to him, for fucks sake."

    "Ian Black, your fucking shit, you f<censored>n cunt".

  2. Without the proper breakdowns all we can do is guess, i guess ;)

    I do wish we would reveal how much we are getting for naming rights, shirt deal and kits, Charlie seems shy on these things and it is concerning.

    The reason for being shy is from a business perspective. If he was to come out and say "We want 8 million to rename Ibrox", he would get bids of nowhere near that. By keeping everyone guessing, and his cards to his chest, he's doing a very good job of getting everyone guess. He could be looking for 15 million or 15,000.

    However, I am pretty sure I am correct about how the cash is accrued for the business as per my previous post. The reason the loss at 7 months is such a shocking figure is that all football clubs main selling product is at the start of the season. As TV money in Scotland is tiny, the biggest product to sell is the season ticket money.

    For this reason, each club in Scotland will end their first month with a massive profit, and this will slowly side down and down as the months go on. The challenge is to try and not let the money slip into the red before the end of the season. Players can be sold off to help, but season ticket money was massively important to Rangers this season, hence the massive appeal to get everyone on board.

  3. These are interim accounts they do no include all the details you need to give an accurate picture.

    We have a deferred income of £8.1M, what is this? sponsorship money? tv money, prize money? match day income? ST money not yet released?

    I believe that these acccounts are slightly better than expected, I also believe that all things staying the same then we could turn a small profit next year, however we will not, we will spend some money improving the playing squad, these will go down as exceptional items, we will upgrade parts of the stadium and these are things out current income does not cover so we will make a loss this year and next year, totally expected and totally manageable as we have £20M sitting in the bank.

    We have 2 years to build a squad capable of competing in the top division, this will cost money I reckon around £10M, Celtic`s current squad cost around £8M.

    Thanks for the reply Tedi. I don't know the ins and outs of football finance, but I'll give this another shot.

    When season ticket money will come in, it will be used as cash in the bank. What I expect deferred income to be is money that will be accrued throughout the rest of the football season from people who pay at the gate and not season ticket money of people who have paid for this season in full already..

    My experience on this is based on my own work experience. I currently work for a company who competes from projects. Deferred income is money that is almost all but guaranteed to come in, but they don't have access to. So, this will be gate money and the people who are paying for season tickets in payments, along with TV money. This DOES NOT include sponsorship money, as this is not guaranteed, even thought we all know Rangers will get a shirt and kit sponsor. Sorry if my post is a bit rambling, does this make sense?

  4. 1.You seem like a good poster.

    I would but i'm too busy to engage in a proper debate, back to work in 5 minutes lol. I'm not going to spend my day arguing finances, 2. especially when the majority of people on here don't have a clue about football finances. I'm just fed up of seeing that line repeated over and over, it's only in Scotland that this is being portrayed as negative, in England there was reference to how well Rangers had done financially something about near 9M before tax, now i'm not even trying to argue this i'm just saying that 3. Rangers aren't poor financially at the minute it's just a lot of negative publicity and wishful thinking.

    Sorry i can't have a proper debate with you at the time being but at least i'm being honest and saying this subject bores the life out of me and when i have limited opportunities to check the net at work i can't be bothered to argue finance. 4. I only really pop up when i see something that irks me, happy to talk about football though.

    1. Cheers mate, I do try! ^_^

    2. I agree, no-one seems to know the ins and outs exactly. But leading onto your point about a 7 million lose not being massive and only being reported in Scotland. The reason for this is that this loss is massive compared to other Scottish clubs. Yes, the majority of might be diddies, but 7 million is loads when you consider the peanuts for TV money that all Scottish clubs get in comparison to the rest of Europe - England being a good example.

    3. I have to agree with this, but it looks like a slippery slope. We'll see at year end.

    4. You are standing up for your club and fighting for them. You are obviously very passionate about Rangers and I respect that.

    Hope you enjoy work mate and I look forward to carrying on this discussion with you later.

  5. Mate the only reason they got so close to celtic since the turn of the century was dodgy tax schemes and overspending/borrowing, they dont have the global fanbase they claim and will soon realise theyre no bigger than aberdeen etc

    I'm not talking about them in comparison to Celtic. I'm talking about the revenues of a company.

    I didn't even mention Celtic in my post. I have no idea why you bought them up. I'm trying talk about turnover of a company, not the football playing which goes on, and which team is better than the others.

  6. I agree about the cups, not delving into the financial implications of them but i was convinced we'd at least put in an effort. What McCoist has said about the cups not being relevant is utter horseshit, he just failed to do well in them, or failed to motivate a team to turn up at all, it's spot on with regards to the "SPL quality" players, if we signed them with the intention of a cup run then Ally needs a kick up the arse and if we signed them for SFL, why are we spunking money on SPL duds when we could walk the league with "lesser" players. Sorry for the rant lol.

    Not a rant at all. Putting in more than one sentence in a reply doesn't constitute a rant, but a well put together and thought out argument and opinion.

    At least we can all agree with your points in here. Maybe have a go at answer my earlier ones?

  7. It's not bad, it was expected and it's not even a problem. Only in Scottish media is it even a talking point.

    I don't think so. When companies start up, they accumulate customers via word of mouth.

    As Rangers is already an established brand, and everyone knows about them, they have that already. There is also the point that football fans are a different audience to market to than any other industry - it's much easier to make someone change what brand of fizzy drink they buy than which team they support and spend money on.

    What really concerns me is that this company which has no debts has made a loss already. Next season, they will have to make enough money to break even alongside the 7 million they have lost this season, or the debts will gain interest, which will in turn add up.

    Maybe you aren't concerned, as it's only the companies first year, but I was wondering if you have any idea where 7 million extra will come from. Perhaps if you have any ideas other than season tickets sales and sponsorships?

  8. Thought i'd add a post here that maybe Rangers fans can help me out with.

    As reported a 7 million loss is pretty bad. What I concerned about is how season ticket money has come in. As we know, this is plonked on the start of the year and then has to sustain its-self until the next round.

    As there was a "world record" sum on season tickets purchased this year, there won't be as many people paying at the gate. Gate money will be small as the majority of people going have already paid the company the privilege to see the game.

    Some clubs do a deal where you pay for your season ticket perhaps quarterly or something, so Rangers might get some money based on this, but I doubt in. Does anyone know if Rangers offer this type of deal?

    In order to break even this year, Rangers will need a cash injection. I see this through the new sponsorship deals (which I reckon will be over 7 million if you include the stadium) and selling players off. However, no clubs will come in for any of the third division players, so this looks unlikely.

    Green sounds like he didn't expect the overheads to be this much. Hence why the share issue, the stadium renaming and the need to cut the wage bill.

    I'm not financial expert, but I see how our companies finances work. It is essential to get as much money in as early as possible at the start of the financial year - hence the big season ticket drive at the start of the season - but now he is struggling to make ends meet.

    The reason for this is obvious, it's Sally's inability to proceed in the cups. Had they won the Ramsden cup, they would have sold out Hampden as well as winning money. Had they not gone out earlier in both competitions, there would have been more gate money.

    Again, I don't know much, but I'm just throwing my piece in, if anyone wishes to comment back.

  9. No one has ever disputed there is a new company,the whole argument has always been about club continuity and recognition of that continuity by football authorities and going by the summation of the SPL Commission the club continuity is recognised as the same club from 1872. As for the fine,personally speaking i'd accept that being looked upon as a football debt to be paid by the club,no problem whatsoever.

    I still don't understand this. It's basically deflection.

    If we are supporting companies instead of clubs, I think I'll switch my allegiance to Microsoft then.

    We've made 8 versions of Windows. How many have SevCo made? None! GIRUY!

  10. This may already have been answered but isnt the fine to the oldco a bit redundant since it is soon to be liquidated? Or does the newco pay this fine as part of the "settle all football debts" agreement?

    Also, since The Rangers have a decision that they seem happy with does that mean that they want to join the SPL again despite Green's ramblings about never playing in the SPL under his regime?

    I think I'll give answering this a shot whilst everyone bickers away.

    I don't know what will happen, but it will be interesting. If OldCo owe £250,000 on top of the however many millions are owed, I reckon Gren will claim those are old debts, which he doesn't own. Rangers have been relaunched as a new company (no matter how many times their fans will deny it) and this means that they have no history, no debts and no £250,000 fine to pay for using an EBT payment scheme.

    Their fans want it both, but they can't have it that way.

  11. Whatever you opinion of the verdict, I think we can all agree now that the SFA and SPL are not fit for purpose.

    Even The Rangers fans must admit this has been a colossal waste of time and money. I also bet it's cost more than the £250,000 Rangers are being fined to reach this verdict.

    Maybe we should all march on Hampden, every single one of us, together, and force this board out.

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