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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. Boris is a fat sack of shit. He'll make a worse job of PM than he did of Foreign Secretary.
  2. Ripped Wizard got mightily pissed off when Sarah knocked him back.
  3. David Davis, Boris Johnson, Michael Gove, Andrea Leadsom, Liam Fox.
  4. It's also good if you trying to get a nap and you want to create a stimulation vacuum. Notable mention to Snooker.
  5. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-45650969 Meghan closes a car door and upsets people. Someone should have told her that being dour and joyless is quintessentially British.
  6. That's a disgrace. Before you leave hide a huge, stinkin' dug jobby somewhere in the house they'll always smell but can never find.
  7. Kate Hoey's is part of a group called Labour Leave who have manifesto goals of- Return all law-making powers to the UK Parliament, renewing our democracy. Ensure complete control over immigration policy and visas. Secure free trade in goods and services with Europe. Pursue global trade deals which protect our public services. Rebalance our economy, helping firms to achieve higher productivity, with rising wages and investing in the infrastructure to support export-led growth. Probably even more cherry picking than Checkers. It's safe to say Labour will do no better in the negotiations than May.
  8. Closing a Jobcentre and putting the workers on the dole is the most Tory thing I've ever heard.
  9. "Not ruling out". Labour are trying to look like they are not sitting on the Brexit fence by moving an millimeter to the side of it. It needs more than that. A lukewarm sentiment from a lukewarm party.
  10. I never knew Kathryn Hahn's maw was from Dundee.
  11. https://www.cnn.com/2018/09/23/politics/jim-knoblach-minnesota-ends-campaign/index.html Jim Knobblast ends his campaign early after getting called a nonce by his daughter. Trump is absolutely killing the Republican party. Not a single one of them will be left with any credibility at the end of this.
  12. Anyone who prefers hot chocolate made with water instead of milk is an absolute lunatic.
  13. Anyone that reads the Daily Mail should instantly be classified as Gammon and subsequently ignored.
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