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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. They don’t deserve a vote either. White women have far more reason to not vote for him than white men though.
  2. Doing unpaid time depends on the job. If it's some pointless office job that makes absolutely no difference to anything and you're working to look good then you're clearly a slag and you deserve the pitiful life you have chosen. If you manage various knickknacks and geegaws then you can't just f**k off home if there is like an ongoing system outage. You'll get heavy sacked for that.
  3. 59% of white woman voted for Ted Cruz. Can we end suffrage for woman plz?
  4. Why give her the legs of a 20 year old and not do anything with the face?
  5. Got my boaby already out in preparation of a ‘Ted Cruz loses’ w**k.
  6. A first time voter. I wonder what party she chose?
  7. Looking forward to these sick c***s going on the BBC to tell their heartfelt side of the story.
  8. Apparently it’s disrespectful not to wear a poppy so I’m going to wear one whilst telling people about the benefits of Sharia Law and later wiping my arse with the St George’s Cross flag.
  9. Nothing racist about that. There’s literally a thread on here about people who look like each other.
  10. I don’t know who came up with the idea for cream cheese rangoons but they are worse than Hitler.
  11. https://www.mirror.co.uk/sport/football/news/nemanja-matics-manchester-united-shirt-13527947 Shocking stuff. Matic clearly doesn't care about symbols of British nationalism.
  12. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-birmingham-46078099 Taxi driver sacked cause he didn’t want to transport poppies in his cab. About time this happened. There’s too much disrespect going on for paper flowers.
  13. The BBC allowing Banks a free platform to deny any wrongdoings and at the same time prejudice a potential investigation. Next up on the BBC, why Hitler had some good ideas.
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