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Everything posted by Cerberus

  1. You could have a thread of these just for Paisley.
  2. Modern Art is fraud. Look at this. What is happening here?
  3. Polystyrene. It’s a c**t to pick up the wee bits that break off.
  4. I'd be very surprised if polls showed anything other than Democrats heavily disliking Trump and his policies. Maybe Dems from places like Alabama like them. Also, the media trying to pass themselves off as a bastion of truth and righteousness in the face of Trump's attack is a bit of a joke . I trust the likes of CNN to be more balanced than Fox News but they still give a point of view rather than the unbiased truth. If you want the truth you need to turn off the TV and go look yourself.
  5. Scottish summers are shite. A total of 2 weeks of unpleasant 32C and 90% humidity mixed in with months of pishing rain.
  6. A bowl of coffee? What is happening here?
  7. Someone writing for the Telegraph called Ambrose Evans-Pritchard says that the weak Pound is splendid for exports. He's delighted to be setting Britain back years so his Tory buddies can make a few extra bob hawking their cheap gee-gaws.
  8. Which one did they cut maintenance grants for in favour of populist polices like free drugs for neds? That one will fall down first.
  9. Short term- Chase out the Jews Hard Brexit Bring in unworkable socialist policies. Long term- Run out of money.
  10. A guy at work is just back from having a perianal abscess fixed. Looks nasty. Don’t Google it if you’re at work.
  11. Some these names are utter gubbings. It looks like we'll need to go back to Levein's 4-6-0 formation.
  12. I'd happily condemn them both as a couple of roasters.
  13. You've got the right with May and Jeremy Hunt, further right with Bojo and JRM and then far right with Corbyn and the BBC.
  14. My boss has said that he is leaving at the end of the month. His removal departure from the job has been going on for a few weeks. His replacement was in last week so the new guy will be the 5th boss I've had for this job since Oct 2016. Churn rate is crazy in here so as long as I turn up for work and don't break anything I'll be the CEO in no time.
  15. How do you become qualified to be an MP? Is there a certification course you take? Russian bots must have trouble with that.
  16. Is he a winger? We had David Amoo and Declan McDaid in the Premiership so all I'm looking from AMM here is that he can trap the baw and run in a straight line.
  17. Deep Blue Sea 2. Pish. 2/10. 2 for the blonde bird. Batman Returns is now on. Danny Devito. 8/10
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