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Posts posted by realmadrid

  1. You must have been on the wrong page bud. The DAFC Facebook is updated fairly regularly and especially so lately.


    I know facebook will not be the biggest priority of the club just now but thats not even a proper business facebook page and could be closed at any time if its a personal page who is actually a business.

    When you google Dunfermline Athletic facebook you get https://www.facebook.com/DunfermlineAthletic.FC which is a proper facebook page with all the Insights and stats that you don't get with the page above.

    Facebook can help if someone at the club has lost the password and migrate everything to the correct site.

  2. Having been at the game today it was great to hear of all the funds raised so far, the plans going forward and to see a crowd close on 5,000 turn up.

    The Cowdenbeath offer for Pars fans on Tuesday is clever and could wipe the debt owed to Cowdenbeath in one go and also raise funds for Pars United.

    I went to have a look at details for todays game this morning on Facebook and was very surprised to see the last post by Dunfermline Athletic was on Christmas eve! Can a fan not help run this page?

  3. I really should have been going to more Elite games than I have before this month.

    Due to Saints crap schedule I will end up at more Ice Hockey games than football games in March.

    The teams are showing a bit of initiative that football clubs just fail to show just now.

    I run the St Johnstone facebook page for the club and have got to know Ross who produces Saints TV and who also does the same thing for Fife Flyers. Through Ross I was able to take the boys from my BB company to the Fife game on the 2nd of March. We posted a thank you for our free tickets on our BB facebook page and within 12 hours we had an offer of tickets from the Dundee Stars. Whould this happen in football?

    I ended up back at the fife Ice Arena last Saturday night and its going to be strange going to a game that Fife are not playing in.

    I doubt any fight will be as good as last Saturdays

    Now if this had happened on the football pitch you can imagine the press reaction.

  4. "From what i've seen, the MLS is a higher standard than the Scotch Premier League..."

    He's obviously a kunt of the highest magnitude. I also live in the US and can tell you the MLS is utter amateur guff. Most of them cant dribble for shit and haven't a clue what to do when they get inside the box and sky the ball over the bar. Its painful viewing.

    The best game I was at last season was Vancouver Whitecaps against Columbus crew, the standard was way better than most SPL games I attended last year and I would doubt if any of our team would get a game in the MLS.

    Yes the Whitecaps games were a joke a few years ago but not now.

  5. The only tangible benefit I can see to Scottish society from Rangers FC, is that for the past century it has acted as a big arsehole magnet drawing the worst idiots away from every other club. My only worry now is, where are all these arseholes going to go.

    Expect extra sales of Manchester (United and City), Chelsea, Arsenal, Barcelona and Real Madrid :blink: shirts. You wont get many ex Rangers fans as described above going to support their local teams. The decent fans would but the idiots will have spent years slagging their local team so would never support it.

    In time the next generation of idiots would not be bigots as without something every 2 weeks it would only be on days like today that they would have a cause to fight for. The green side would also had a reduction in idiots over time and it could be all about football in Scotland again.

    But its not going to happen because the SPL/SFA/SFL wont let it happen. They like it the way it is.

  6. There may be individuals who are inclined towards sectarianism but, gladly, it is not an issue I have ever encountered in Dundee or its surroundings. In fact I was well into my 30's when I experienced an Orange walk for the first time. My wife and I were through in Glasgow for the day and saw one. After a couple of minutes witnessing the triumphalism and obvious bigotry we walked away from the thing disgusted. I pity people brought up in and around communities where this type of behaviour is common practice.

    I fully agree , I was more having a go at the old Dundee board who fell for the joker that was Melville and the bigot that is McLean.

  7. Scottish football has needed to change for over a decade now. Our national league is run in the west of Scotland for the West of Scotland. The SPL was created to line the pockets of the Old Firm and leave everybody else in relative poverty. Look at our game, compare it to the rest of Europe, it is without doubt the least competitive and worst league in the whole of Europe. Change must happen and it will. With Rangers gone,

    Well the west of Scotland teams are not making a good job of getting into and holding onto the spaces in this west of Scotland league you talk about.

    When if ever have there only been 1/3 of the league from what would be considered the South/West section in a Ramsdens cup draw?

    One slip up by Celtic in one of the cups could see a second season with an all North/East coast final.

    As Cosgrove pointed out last week, the press however are all mainly from the west and this may need to reflectto relfect some of the change in the game.

  8. We are not a laughing stock. Nobody outside Scotland cares.

    As i stated last night if you look around a lot of football fans outside of Scotland do care.


    When was the last time a statement by Clyde FC was being discussed by fans of Man U, Man City and Aston Villa.

  9. cheers for that,Real, I didn't realise that scottish football made news down south these days,was surprised when I seen a Pompey fan talking about the problems Dundee have hadbiggrin.gif

    That forum has opened my eyes to a lot of things and its great in that its a bit specialist so you only get 1 or 2 fans from each team, there are Celtic, Rangers, Dundee United and Kilmarnock fans on there as well as a good mix of English sides. The who's the biggest club in Sheffield debate was almost like an old firm debate!

    Football fans are interested in all leagues and if you look at that topic yes Dundee's past gets a mention (not just from me) but even Dutch fans are looking in to see whats going on.

  10. Do the SFA and SPL think that we like in a bubble in which no one from the outside is looking in and seeing how much of a mess they are making of this.

    The following quotes are from the football stadium forum on Rangers admin topic http://footballgroundguide.ipbhost.com/index.php?showtopic=23738&st=420.

    When was the last time a statement for the Clyde board was being discussed by fans of Man City?

    Man United fans view Posted Today, 03:13 PM

    "I see that two former players have now signed for other clubs and that the SFA are predictably threatening to withhold international clearance ( http://www.bbc.co.uk...otball/18658805). This again goes to demonstrate to the outside observer what a pro Old Firm bias exists within the Scottish footballing establishment, and how unhealthy it is for Scottish football. TUPE law is absolutely clear that an employee is free to sever ties in situations such as this, and it is so inevitable that any legal case will go the way that every major case of the form football authority v player has gone in the last 50 odd years that you really wonder why they bother."

    Man City fans view, Posted Today, 04:47 PM

    "The pro Old Firm bias mentioned by Cicero is as clear as daylight, and if TUPE regulations are also as clear as he states then the SFA risk being seen as unfit to run the game in Scotland. Do UEFA or FIFA have the power to disband the SFA (or at least intervene in disputes) if they too see them as incompetent? I know UEFA and FIFA normally chase the money, but they don't always approve of others doing likewise.

    The comments from Clyde FC could well be echoed by many other SFL clubs (and almost certainly will be by supporters of SFL clubs) and this will leave the SFA as a lame duck association.

    If the SPL vote to keep Newco out, and the SFL clubs want them to start at the bottom (or even expel them - is that an option) and if the SFA are forced to withdraw their threat of withholding international clearance then the SFA will have ballsed up at every step on the way and also demonstrated they are totally unaware of the feelings of their member clubs."

    Aston Villa fans view, Posted Today, 05:42 PM

    "It is just farcical, isn't it?

    The old boys network is unravelling before their eyes - and they panic. Instead of looking after the game they are desperately trying to look after a band of cheats and fraudsters ( i refer to the ownership, not the playing staff and supporters).

    Every few days a new dimension emerges. A familiarr pattern is likely here. The players who are capable of playing top flight European class football will leave - why should they scut around in lower divisions with no prospect of Euro football for three seasons? Whilst the old soaks who cant get a job elsewhere will remain.

    It is arguable that it would be healthier for Rangers to simply say "Its a fourth tier start, these are the wages, join our new adventure," accepting that many will leave."

  11. You had a pop about history and bigotry a while back, and you avoided the reply when I asked about your fascist gloryfying name :)

    Sorry I must have missed your psot. I had thought I have read them all.

    Yes Real Madrid did have isses but have worked hard to clean the club up, Celtic have tried but got the Green Brigade.

    I probably go to as many Real Madrid games as some of the nuggets I see wandering about Perth in their hoops or Servco tops 365 days a year.

  12. Not so ! I did like the OF games but also looked forward to the other 10 clubs and it is humbling that your team got beat off the wee clubs.

    Last year at the end Dundee Utd put a run in that was championship winning form.That comes after the gers going into admin in my mind.If only they started the season better.

    Of all the posts on P&B to make the game better ! all I've read is cripple the OF and not how do your clubs get bums into the stadiums.It's more like how much can we take of the OF and not how do your club market better to get fans paying to help compete on their own accord.

    The problem is the press as so fixated with the old firm that when the clubs try to do anything it gets lost or pushed into a small corner of the paper as they cannot be seen to do anything that upsets the status quo.

    Now this is a test for any Celtic fan reading this, How much will it cost you to bring a adult and 2 children to McDiarmid Park next season? St Johnstone announced their fan push 2 weeks ago but its not been covered in the national press at all.

    The clubs need to do more, thanks the the high percentage of nuggets who follow the old firm it should be easy to run a negative campaign against them and promote local family friendly football. it's maybe something that some of the teams should get together and work together on.

  13. Captain S - like it or not, Celtic are going to be playing football in the top flight of Scottish football long after you and I have kicked the bucket.

    Advise that you do your GP a favour and get used to it, and bring your blood pressure down a bit.

    I can guarantee they wont be.

    They will be playing at the 3rd of 4th level of a European league, still singing songs about the IRA and all that irish crap that the fans lap up.

    The rest of us will be enjoying bigot free Scottish football, for real fans who support their local teams.

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