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Everything posted by Shades75

  1. I agree. Acceptance and the "who gives a f**k - we're winning" brigade are probably best, IMO, keeping their opinions to themselves though. They're doing no-one, except the (the) Rangers any good. To put it another way; I genuinely believe that those who don't care very much would care very much if they were not having some success. Which is the very point in question. When is cheating ok? There are all kinds of answers for that question it seems, some I hadn't considered.
  2. Fans should pressure their own clubs into making a stand, but Aberdeen fans shouldn't?
  3. Too much paragraphs, big words and punctuation? I'll dumb it down a little in future.
  4. I think Aberdeen fans led the way in the early days. I think that a lot of them still are. I'm just a little dismayed that, for some, now that goals and glory are being delivered, Milne can do and say what he likes.
  5. Which is tacitly approving the chairman of your own club's position, and his statement that as "Chairman of Aberdeen football club" he sees cheating that has went on should be overlooked. Because, strangely, it is "in the past". If I was an Aberdeen fan I'd distance myself from that position as clearly as possible and express disgust in any way that I could. When my chairman comes out and does similar, and I expect him to, then I'll do just that. However much of an obstacle I am to expressing his view, which is minuscule, it is still correct to do so. If all fans do the opposite, you know - "meh", then it's a free pass for all chairman of all clubs, for the SPFL, the SFA and anyone else with an interest to sweep this sorry episode under the carpet. As an aside, "We're alright jack", doesn't seem to me to sit very well with the aims and ideals of those on the left of the political spectrum. Shouldn't you care "a hell of a lot more" about the environment in which your team resides, making that fair and meaningful, at least as much as the wellbeing of your team itself?
  6. I'm quite surprised at the tacit approval of Stewart Milne's position here. Stewart Milne is looking out for Stewart Milne and throwing the sporting rulebook out of the window in the interests of self-preservation and profit... ...these are some of the same motivations that influenced Rangers to cheat then die. I thought we were, mostly, against that and believed that cheats must be punished. It seems that the Dons are quite happy and willing to forgive and forget now that they've got a bit of cash, are building a new stadium and a good team. Money and success certainly does shorten memories it seems.
  7. Just watched Barnier and Davis's press conference. It seems inevitable to me that some aspects of this divorce will end up in court. I don't think there's anyway that this will be resolved by March 2019 either.
  8. That kind of embarrassment of being a human being and self-loathing was once original. Supras did it best and oaksoft a little better than you.
  9. Is it only me that sees the fleg in this guy's avatar? I need a lie down.
  10. I asked you for a link to the article. That such a benign request elicits such a fury laden and angry retort is a worry. That's not normal, proportionate or acceptable in all but the most gutterall of environments. From that kind of response, one must assume that polite company is not one in which you can exist. Therefore, one must assume that you are not used to intelligent conversation and respectable exchanges of views. From those premises, we must all reach our own conclusions as to how you live, work and manage relationships. I'll reach mine and change them as and when there is evidence to the contrary. Let's also just remember that, when you whine about being attacked, bullied, abused, mis-represented, singled out, dis-respected or maligned.... ...that you are a frequent liar, too. take this as my last post to you on this subject here. As a gratuity, you can have the last word. See if you can write something, suitably insulting of course, that doesn't add to your growing list of prejudices and social faux pas. I, for one, am not sure that you are capable.
  11. A timely reminder that when Mcspreader claims to only return abuse when he receives it, and that he is often the victim of persecution, he is talking out of the hole in his arse. I suppose I should be grateful that he managed to reign his ire in enough to stop short of calling me a poof.
  12. What apology? Could you provide a link to this article please? I can't find it.
  13. Can you show us where you learned that there were over 95 actual UK negotiators please? I'd like to scrutinise the remit and responsibilities of those members. Could you also show us where "us lot" displayed our belief that Davis was doing it all by himself please? Thanks in advance.
  14. I was once parked in a disabled space, illegally! Luckily, I wasn't burned alive. I suppose I must accept that that would've been no more than I deserved.
  15. Now I like that, most of it, his tone is stunning..... ...but he's been filling out his shows for the last 30 years with the same 12-bar middle order crap. Here's Stevie Ray doing the same thing,.....but better...... https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=stevie+ray+vaghany&view=detail&mid=8A8BE34F815BA7C3FE888A8BE34F815BA7C3FE88&FORM=VRRTAP&PC=APPL
  16. Who are you bagging off with? Watching a little of that TRANSM(I)T thing on the telly box, tonight. It seems to me that if that biffy clyro had learned how to play their instruments a little better, written some more engaging music and spent less time getting tattoos and playing the rock stereotype..... ....they might've been a little less shite and requiring of battering their expensive instruments. youngsters eh?, what are they like....
  17. Yeh, I recognised that I was that far under a "whoosh" halfway through my post that I thought I better run with it.... ...that and the prospect of rewriting a lot of, highland park infused, shite was too much for me... ...did I get away with it?
  18. It's really not. Mcspreader is an imbecile and that must be confirmed, over and again, however tedious. If not, this forum becomes a joke and a corner of the internet overrun by the unthinking, yet relentless, pervasion of snivelling serfdom. I take my hat off to those that don't allow Mcspreader, et al (Oaksoft is seemingly currently using his PHD (in something useful...(fnarr, fnarr) and LoonDave tries a joke every Tuesday at 10:30pm (ish))....So, you know, progress and that. Hopefully they'll all f**k off at some point. Snooky can stay. He's worth 10 Mcspreaders.
  19. I think there are these people on every side of every question on every subject in every land. They are, ultimately, not that important and time is wasted engaging with them. They won't listen, change or even consider the opposite view. They see any question or accusation to their team or chosen hero as a personal insult and an assault to their "values"....(guffaw, guffaw....chortle...etc.....). The people with a brain who are secure enough within themselves to consider challenging their own views, and more importantly the reasons why they have them, are far more important and valuable. I've actually been a teensy bit heartened that the USA has not become, so far at least, the ultimate Trump apologist of behemoth proportions. Some quarters are actually questioning their own version of democracy and ideaology and, optimistically, maybe something good can come of that.
  20. Yes. I haven't slept since and I'm currently seeing a therapist to help me deal with my emotional instability. Are you seeking help yourself incidentally? I think it would help.
  21. Mundell is voted in by the same kind of idiot that voted Douglas Ross in and Angus Robertson out. Such a disheartening state of affairs that these people are able to influence the society that we live in. Some people really do need to give themselves a fucking shake.
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