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Posts posted by SS-18 ICBM

  1. Though the aforementioned reviewers would have us believe that Tolkien's books contain simple allegories of good vs. evil, Tolkien portrays wizards and witches and wizardry as both good and evil. There is white magic and black magic in Tolkien's fantasies. For example, a wizard named Gandalf is portrayed as a good person who convinces Bilbo Baggins in The Hobbit to take a journey to recover stolen treasure. The books depict the calling up of the dead to assist the living, which is plainly condemned in the Scriptures. Though not as overtly and sympathetically occultic as the Harry Potter series, Tolkien's fantasies are unscriptural and present a very dangerous message.


    In his last interview in 1971, Tolkien plainly stated that he did not intend The Lord of the Rings as a Christian allegory and that Christ is not depicted in his fantasy novels. When asked about the efforts of the trilogy's hero, Frodo, to struggle on and destroy the ring, Tolkien said, "But that seems I suppose more like an allegory of the human race. I've always been impressed that we're here surviving because of the indomitable courage of quite small people against impossible odds: jungles, volcanoes, wild beasts... they struggle on, almost blindly in a way" (Interview by Dennis Gerrolt; it was first broadcast in January 1971 on BBC Radio 4 program "Now Read On..."). That doesn't sound like the gospel to me. When Gerrolt asked Tolkien, "Is the book to be considered as an allegory?" the author replied, "No. I dislike allegory whenever I smell it."

    Thus, the author of The Lord of the Rings denied the very thing that some Christians today are claiming, that these fantasies are an allegory of Christ's victory over the devil.


    Tolkien's books created the vast and spiritually dangerous fantasy role-playing games that are so influential today. Dungeons and Dragons, which appeared in the early 1970s, was based on Tolkien's fantasy novels. One fantasy-game web site makes this interesting observation: "The whole fantasy adventure genre of books came into play when J.R. Tolkien wrote his The Lord of the Rings books. From his vivid imagination and creative thinking he created the fantasy adventure genre. Tolkien probably got his ideas from ancient religions. Peoples of different civilizations were writing epic's way before Tolkien was even born. They wrote epics about people with superior strength, about gods that punished people and, travels to the underworld. Tolkien is accredited to being the man who started it all but if traced back even further you'll see that he wasn't the one that created it, just the one that pushed it forth."

    This secular writer better understands what Tolkien's books are about than the aforementioned Christian publications. Tolkien certainly did get his ideas from pagan religions, and the message promoted in his fantasy books is strictly pagan.


    Tolkien has influenced many rock and rollers. The song "Misty Mountain Hop" by the demonic hard rock group, Led Zeppelin, was inspired by Tolkien's writings. Marc Bolan, of the rock group Tyannasaurus Rex, created a musical and visual style influenced by Tolkien. The heavy metal rock group Iluvatar named themselves after a fictional god from Tolkien's work The Silmarillion. Others could be mentioned. C.S. Lewis, who the church at large respects as a Christian apologist and author, bore the fruits of an infiltrator by promoting the doctrine of "white magic" (good magic) via fictional novels directed toward children. Because all magick that is not merely illusory tricks originates with Satan, Lewis' "white magic" lie is definitely worthy of scrutiny.

    All real magick originates with Satan and his devils. Any writer who represents himself as a Christian and yet conditions his readers to embrace the concept of helpful, "white magic" is knowingly furthering Satan's agenda. In the case of the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe and The Lord of the Rings, the authors' "good magic" paradigm shift has primed many people to believe that supernatural occurrences should be regarded as good--even if the source of the power is not from God--if the result is good.

    The truth: The source of all supernatural activity is either from God and his angels or Satan and his devils. In any literary work -- including fiction -- if God and his angels are not identified as the source of supernatural activity, then Satan and his devils are the source of the power, whether the author discloses this fact or not.


  2. OOOOOOO a serious question from Benny :o

    It wasn't 5 Benny it was 29 cases pleaded liability too WHY ? because they were 109 sub trusts in use and 80 got cleared but leaving 29 outstanding that were pleaded guilty too ! do the math Benny.

    It's only the players the commission will look into as players appear to have had a separate contract from the club contract Rangers showed the SFA in their accounts.

    Of the 80 cleared at the FTTT it is possible that all the players EBT's were cleared as there were 63 players sub trusts but highly unlikely.

    Most clever people that i have discussed this with have asked: Why would Murray International Holdings which was the parent company of old Rangers FC, set up a fund to give scores of football players 'interest free' loans while MIH was several hundred million pounds in debt and toiling to survive?! smile.gif

  3. Common sense tells me a Business found a tax efficient way of saving money that while morally questionable was also legal, so much so that HMRC spotted the loophole and closed it and then tried to claim some of this tax back retrospectively, they failed but ultimately it also cost Rangers dearly because even though it was legal it was also borderline and this played a big part in the liquidation, even though I believe that Rangers have done nothing wrong I also wish they had not went down this road in the 1st place, I imagine every Rangers fan wishes the same.

    You are badly lacking in common sense. Common sense tells everyone who has common sense...

    Why Rangers must lose their titles. smile.gif

  4. Firstly, well done on finding a post where I've been wrong - can't have been too hard, it happens regularly. If you care to trawl through the posts in this sub-forum, you'll find posts by me on this subject admitting as much. Also, as with plenty of other posts, expressing surprise at the speed at which Charlie got the Horde onside.

    Do you honestly believe that rangers will come close to this year's ST total next season, especially if reconstruction goes ahead? Charlie's already talking about hiking the prices, and you'll be welcoming all the same old friends you made this year.

    You keep on laughing,Tedi. Young Bendarroch's at breaking point, and maybe your humour will help him through his troubles. wink.gif

    Most of the Tedi's who post on here have said on many occasions that they love watching their new club playing down there in the bottom tier! A 20%-30% rise in season ticket prices isn't likely to result in a drop in season ticket sales if they do indeed love their new club as much as they say that they do.

  5. The funniest post of the year award goes to.....

    If by any possible chance we should get to play you within the next 5 years the we'll fuckin destroy your mob.7-1 will be consigned to the history books,10-0 if not more.

    Calm down Rebel. wink.gif You're assuming that if the new club survive, and succeed in winning promotion up to the Premier League, that they will be no more of a match for Celtic than St Mirren have been recently, and that no Sevco friendly referee or linesman would be involved in decisions. The new club, knowing that they had no chance of winning playing fairly against a much more skillful and organised team, would play dirty football, that is certain.

  6. How The Media Controls Society *

    The video below explores the subject of predictive programming and how the mainstream media has been used to subtly manipulate our minds to guide us down a particular path.

    Why Nobody Trusts The Mainstream Media! *

    Do you have faith that your news provider is reporting the truth?

    Always covering every side of the story? Never biased?

    Is your mainstream media source run by individuals with absolutely no conflict of interest?

    Who owns the company, that owns the company, that owns the TV or radio station?

    Is there a group of people who dominate the supply of information? Do you think you will hear the truth about their ambitions and activities?

    If the channel boss tells his reporter to spin a story in a certain direction, which do you think the reporter values more; his income necessary to live, or the unvarnished truth?

    There is a Russian proverb:

    Где дéньги говоря́т, там прáвда молчи́т.

    "Where money talks, the truth is silent."

    * You'll need to watch both video's to appreciate the connection between some of the information contained within them and the behaviour of many of the Sevconian Orcs posting on this thread. dry.gif

  7. No,more a Hamilton man with great affection for Clydebank. Although Rangers through and through. Although he had a lot of time for Motherwell,a good man.

    The playing careers of he and the lisbon lions all came to an end before i was old enough to appreciate the skill of football, unfortunately for me. You oldies were very fortunate to have watched football before the world's shysters began taking over the biggest clubs. smile.gif

  8. Did Chico Green say that Sevco are making a loss this season?

    40,000 punters most weeks and they still make a loss! That is fucking abysmal! If they're getting 40,000 punters in most weeks and they can't assemble a squad within budget, to win the 3rd fucking Division, then they should just give up.

    Yes he did. But no need for concern, he is going to use those losses to finance the upgrading of Aye-Broke Stadium to 60,000 capacity before his new club succeed in winning promotion to the Scottish Premier League. laugh.gif Every day is a good news day in Orcland.

  9. I am of the view that the single biggest factor was Large John. I think that player-for-player we were Celtic's equal or superior in that era but Jock was a manager par excellence and deserves all the plaudits.

    This may not go down well with fellow-Bears but I think Jock should be regarded as the best manager of a Scottish team since Bill Struth.

    The view from behind the blue tinted bifocals that you have worn since the 1960's? dry.gif

  10. You'd think with all those "Scotland's greatest" type players Rangers had in those days that they'd be skelping Celtic and winning everything, wouldn't you? :lol:


    Willie Henderson played for Rangers 1960-1972 and would have been in his prime at Rangers in 1967 when Celtic won every competition that they entered. Henderson watched Celtic's Glory Years, i hope he appreciated it. laugh.gif

  11. Excellent is pushing it. It does however cover most of the relevant ground.

    Even the inaccuarte FTTT prediction is at least saved by its correct distancing from the Title Stripping issue.

    I get annoyed by the focus on any competitive advantage gained by Rangers though - it smacks of a Celtic agenda.

    The point isn't about an advantage unfailrly gained or sought at all. The point is about whether or not players were properly registered to compete.

    That's where question marks lie, and that's why teams have had Cup Tie results overturned before. That's the point.

    Which is why imo, the article makes good reading. smile.gif

  12. Simplified version !

    If Rangers have fielded improperly registered players in the Scottish Cup then the SFA can also pass on punishments for breaking the rules.

    Also players are registered with the SFA aren't they to which they broke the SFA's rules there if they were improperly registered.

    It may be the SPL commission but it's the SFA who have red faces for not noticing if players were improperly registered isn't it ?.

    It's the SFA's job to make sure member clubs properly register players.

    The SPL need to have the backing of the SFA when handing out punishments to SFA members as all clubs are.

    God you are one confused individual. I know that you made a fair few decent posts on this thread but this isn't one of them.

    The SPL panel will report on SPL matters. That is all.

    Is that why you erased the vast majority of his post?


    An excellent read! smile.gif

  13. This old newspaper article from July 2012 about the ongoings of old and new club may help:

    Rangers closing in on place in SFA, but newco could yet be stripped of titles


    PUBLISHED: 00:06, 26 July 2012 | UPDATED: 00:06, 26 July 2012

    Talks are ongoing between the Scottish Premier League and Rangers newco as Charles Green's club continues its bid for membership of the Scottish Football Association.

    Sportsmail understands that progress has been made and a broad agreement has been reached but the fundamental issue of the Govan club being possibly stripped of titles remains unresolved.

    Ally McCoist's side are due to start their season against Brechin in the Ramsdens Cup on Sunday.

    But before that happens, agreement between five parties - old Rangers, new Rangers, the SFA, SPL and Scottish Football League - is required for the re-launched club to inherit old Rangers' SFA membership.

    The SFL clubs voted to place Rangers in Division Three after Green's attempts to replace the old club in the SPL and First Division were unsuccessful.

    The main sticking point to SFA membership is the issue of dual contracts which Rangers are alleged to have used between 2001 and 2010.

    The SPL is looking for an independent commission to rule on whether the previous club's administrators breached regulations with alleged undisclosed payments through Employee Benefit Trusts (EBTs), which could result in the club being stripped of the trophies won during that period.

    Rangers will accept a 12-month transfer ban, starting from September 1, imposed by the SFA for bringing the game into disrepute, mainly over the club's failure to pay more than £13million in taxes last season.

    However, it appears obvious that either the SPL or Rangers will have to back down on the issue in order to get the situation resolved.


  14. Rangers will still be called Rangers and will still play at Ibrox, still train at Murray park, still have the same players as they will be bought over by the new parent company and will still have the same fans, andyes they will still be formed in 1872 not 2012.

    The only thing it wont have is debt and the jjb,ticketus and catering deals.

    That is the sort of pish that Tedi and his amigo's would have believed back then. The past 12 months of laughing at them has been comedy gold. This will go on for many years to come! laugh.gif

  15. Motherwell or Inverness Norm, i've not really been keeping much of an eye on the SPL but those two seem to have been getting the headlines.

    Sorry but Celtic just don't deserve it.

    Dennis this thread isn't about Celtic, it is about your dead club and the tribute club that has replaced it, you know, the old one that died last year and the new one under the control of your idol Chucky Green & Associates. It would be best for you and your m8s to get used to these facts, have a good cry regularly and get used to The Truth. laugh.gif

  16. You know what, I might have moved on from this same/old/new/company/club yawnfest if there had been anything other than the stereotypical, cliche'd, fundamentalist orc reaction to THE RANGERS CRISIS. Excuse me THE THE RANGERS CRISIS.

    You didn't pay your bills. You didn't play by the rules. You appealed a footballing judgment in a civil court. Lives, businesses, and property were put at risk by the actions a senior member of staff. Lives, businesses, and property were threatened by members of your support.

    At no stage in the process of this uber-shambles has the footballing entity residing at ibrox covered itself in anything but shame. And you heap on more shame each and every time you deflect, tantrum, stall, appeal and refuse to take your medicine.

    In fact you've started to puff your chests out, un-circle the wagons and throw your weight around a bit again haven't you? If it wasn't for the fact the grand high wizard of ibrox looks and sounds like Claude Greengrass from Heartbeat and your opposition fitted your ma's bathroom last week, you would deny any of it it ever happened.

    So we have to remind you. Everyday. Every single day that the oh-so mighty uber-loyal 500million strong super-rain-gerrrrrs died.

    And not just died, but drowned in a huge bucket of its own greed and arrogance while all 500 million of you watched on and couldn't scrape up the less than 50p each required to save your club.

    If it wasn't for an entirely compliant and weak governing body and a press that were so deep in the pocket of ibrox they could lick ally's balls, we wouldn't be having this conversation.

    If, in many years to come I'm in hospital getting ready to check out for the last time and there's some equally old and coffin dodging blue-nose in the bed opposite. I will still, once a day, everyday, point snigger and laugh "you're club died". GIRFUY

    Reading those final words was harsh but i haven't walked a mile in your shoes fella. Personally i don't take it that seriously. laugh.gif

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