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Everything posted by Raithie

  1. According to the clubs recent email we're getting 3 new strips, is one of them the Club 1883 top or we getting a 3rd kit on top of home and away kit?
  2. If Wiki is to be believed Fordyce has played over 30 games in each of the last 3 seasons.
  3. I'm looking at Rovers YouTube channel and cant' see vid, has it been pulled?
  4. Ross Callachan, Dylan Tait, Kieron Bowie, David Bates.
  5. With this signing I can't see us getting Hanlon as well. We'll re-sign Corr for cover and Dick for the cover of the cover and Brown would be there for the cover of the cover of the cover if worst came to worst.
  6. Wait, so was Fordyce in Murray's plans if we went up? This probably spells the end for Watson I'd imagine.
  7. I've always wondered when the club say they've been speaking to the group(s) about a singing section who exactly they've been speaking with. There's no cohesive organised identifiable group or person that seems to be involved. It seems just a free for all.
  8. The general stewarding has been quite laxed the last wee while I've seen. I think they just don't want the hassle. Christ on Sunday a young boy managed to get onto the pitch, run towards the County stand on the right hand side, pick up a flare, slip on his arse, stand back up, launch it into the stand then goad folk for a scrap before the police intervened. Stewards just stood there as he jumped the wall. But aye good luck getting a steward to move on someone in your seat at an away game when there's upwards of 50 or more folk bunched together singing and tanked up.
  9. If we had won the league then yes I'd agree but did we really unexpectedly over achieve over the course of the season? as an outsider what was your thoughts on where we'd finish this season? I get we landed on our feet with the new owners and decent signings but the owners were clear the aim this season was the playoffs (granted targets may have changed when we realised we were in a title fight) and ultimately we ended up where I think most would have predicted as the season went on especially with a team like Dundee Utd in the league. I was quietly confident when the season started and with the squad we had put together and looking at other teams squads that getting 2nd wouldn't have been out of reach.
  10. My thoughts as well. He'll end up like Gullan in that Murray might want him to stay but can't guarantee him game time next season and he'll probably want to chance his luck elsewhere. If he stays fair enough but I wouldn't have him as a starting centre back. If he goes well I don't think it'll be something we'll regret.
  11. We were in a fortunate position of knowing what league we'd be in this season allowing us to get our business done swiftly. I'm sure Murray has previously said they've got targets they are looking at and I'm sure Murray can see where any frailties lie and work will start on trying to improve the squad. I really do think though, if we have any ambition of winning the league, that we need players that can a) win us the league first and foremost and b) look capable of making the step up if the time comes. Whilst we've looked good this season, and as fans maybe gotten a bit ahead of ourselves at times, ultimately we've played Hibs, Livi and County at stages of the campaign and lost them all and managed a really good draw over 90 minutes against Killie . If we had done the business yesterday there's a good chunk of the squad that would have toiled. I know we wouldn't have went up and just ran with this seasons squad but you'd imagine trying to find a squad capable of competing at that level would have been a bit of a headache.
  12. Going by Murray's post match interview it sounds like it'll be a push for the title next season, I'm sure a few other teams will see this as a good opportunity without any big ex Prem club in the league. Could be a good tussle between a few teams. I dread to think how we'd have faired in the Prem had we done the business yesterday, clearly there would need to have been a big change in personnel all over the pitch however it would have been nice to have gotten there. Hopefully the prize money from finishing 2nd, increase in gates, the projection of decent away supports from Dunfermline and Falkirk as well as the 1,000,000% increase in catering helps give Murray a decent wedge to put a good team out next season.
  13. Not quite sure what was up with us last night. We looked nervous and possibly a bit surprised how quickly County came out the traps from kick off. There was a definite gulf in quality between the two teams for large spells of the game and Ross County are either a fair bit better than their league position suggests or us being pretty poor made them look better than they actually are. It's in stark contrast to last season when we played Motherwell in the cup who I'd imagine are a better team than County and we matched them with ultimately a poorer team than we have just now. First half was a snore fest and we looked every bit a team not used to playing a team a good bit better than the bulk of the Championship teams we've been playing this season. I'd say Ross County even looked miles better than Dundee United. Also I have no idea why Vaughan took that free kick, was in prime Connolly territory. The long ball time and time again was not working and from the small passages of play where we got the ball down and tried to play some football resulted in...guess what? Our goal. Do that on Sunday and you never know. Also it's so infuriating when a high ball comes to one of our players who has acres of space and time to bring it down and try and find a pass but instead chooses to just head it invariably back to the opposition. On the plus side the team have had a chance to see what County are all about and in some sense know what to expect. Hopefully Murray and the players can see where the issues were last night so that we have a good go against them on Sunday, we've no option I suppose. Great crowd in Starks albeit flat as a pancake, think the occasion got to both the players and fans at some stages. We absolutely needed that goal though, going up to Dingwall 2 down would have game over I'd say but we're hanging on in there. Final thing, VAR is absolutely brutal. First experience of it and when we scored to hearing 'VAR check for possible offside' just takes all the enjoyment out it.
  14. It won't be problematic, if we go up and have to revert to grass the club have plans in place for that. I'm more worried about our openness on this topic ahead of these next two games and with what's at stake. Throw in VAR we may have an impossible task ahead of us. Yes I've got my tinfoil hat on at the moment. I don't doubt the erse cheeks have had a say and prompted the beaks to get things moving but such is the way of Scottish football unfortunately.
  15. At 50 year old you'll probably be at a loose end, you should come along tonight as well.
  16. We'll see what happens, we might not have to worry about it too much after Sunday. Out of curiosity but if come 2026 a team with a plastic pitch wins the Championship are they given a 2 year grace period to revert back to grass or are the beaks expecting an immediate removal of pitch before the next season starts?
  17. Unless I've been living under a rock has the plastic pitch debacle only really been a 'thing' after Kilmarnock beat both halves of the erse cheeks earlier in the season and they both kicked up a fuss? Prior to our plastic pitch going down I can't say I'd ever went into an away game up in arms about the opposition having a plastic pitch Anyway if we go up there are plans in place to revert back to grass if that's what has to happen. Knowing our luck we'll go up, revert to grass, get relegated and be financially fucked for years.
  18. North Stand now open for Rovers fans on Thursday.
  19. Anyone else looking at tickets and finding away end greyed out?
  20. Dylan Corr and Euan Murray up against the likes of Dhanda and Simon Murray does give me the fear a bit. Wonder if we'll plump for Scott Brown at centre back instead? If there's one thing about our team predicting our line up is nigh on impossible. We've certainly got players that could give County a fright however we rode our luck at times against Thistle and I think we'll need to up the gears, if that's possible, going into these games.
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