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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. Na I meant it's to keep the heat off. But keep your voice down. The mods have spies everywhere.
  2. Sounds about right IMO, because I can't remember anyone smoking in a restaurant beyond around that time. I take it this wasn't through legislation and was just establishments saying they would no longer permit smoking in their premises? Shit I better toe the line now.
  3. Yeah, you are correct. This was back in the days of signing Junior players who were nowhere near good enough. Although Dunn was signed to replace Conway and actually looked a good signing on paper.
  4. I am sure Dunn also had some sort of problem with his health which hampered his performances.
  5. Think they told him he was shite and if he wasn't left-footed he would be working in McDonalds.
  6. I'm not being funny but if I did a shift then wrote the names of people who weren't there anymore on a handover report, I would get my balls booted big style. Whoever wrote that list should get the same treatment.
  7. Yeah that sounds like Bangala. He has been pretty poor for us as well. I was hoping some game time would help him but maybe he just isn't good enough.
  8. Was it Monster and Ayrgirl who made David Dunn cry at a POTY night?
  9. I only have vague memories of people smoking in places like restaurants. I know smoking used to be a lot more common than it is now, but trying to eat in a restaurant while cigarette smoke was wafting about must have been bogging. When did smoking in restaurants get stopped? I am sure it was way before the 2006 smoking ban.
  10. Did he not have an absolute heids-gone because Lachlan wouldn't sell the club to him?
  11. Tonight Nick McAllister can become Ayr United's all time leading goalscorer. All he needs to do is score 213 goals.
  12. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-64753583 Stay safe everyone. Looks like a bad one.
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