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Richey Edwards

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Everything posted by Richey Edwards

  1. Yes. If it's any consolation, I thought he was the racist c**t who used to play for East Fife.
  2. Injury time was devised in the early 20th century to help reduce fossil fuel consumption. There is no real need for it these days.
  3. Do you think it's me pretending to be the hamster? Because it isn't.
  4. Today marks six years since I stopped drinking alcohol. I have never regretted a single moment of this.
  5. Mind people were seriously clamouring for him to get the Ayr job? LMAO.
  6. Depends how you define "made up opposition fan opinion". My definition of "made up opposition fan opinion" might differ from yours.
  7. Me and my now ex-girlfriend live in different areas. I "illegally" drove to her house loads of times during the pandemic (I know, a real Romeo & Juliet story) and never once saw anyone even remotely attempting to enforce travel restrictions. Surely they would have better things to do than guard county lines?
  8. I'll go down to Somerset Park and Stone Cold Stunner c***s if we ever sell Dipo.
  9. He changed their badge as well, and wanted to change their name too (to Cardiff Red Dragon or something like that) but was dissuaded from that.
  10. The Jewsons logo looks out of place on our home top. The away top is a lot better.
  11. Was there not also a high profile wrongful conviction here as well? IIRC it turned out that the man who was convicted was actually innocent. Unfortunately he'd already been executed.
  12. Fond memories of playing Phasmophobia online and shouting like f**k at 3AM.
  13. Having long hair Putting on about four stone Getting money for doing absolutely f**k all because my then-work was closed VERY wrongly assuming that the threat of a global pandemic would make everyone "screw the nut" and behave sensibly. LMAO.
  14. I am not for one minute seriously advocating for the death penalty. I just sometimes am so disgusted by crimes that I wonder if it would be such a bad thing if people like this were to be executed. You're right though.
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