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Frank Quitely

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Everything posted by Frank Quitely

  1. That was long on reassuring words and very short on match analysis. And there was nothing freak about the winning goal, it was a series of defensive errors.
  2. All of the above. I'd also add honesty, notwithstanding the opprobrium that has been heaped on Kate Forbes for expressing it.
  3. She gave them red meat or she gave them it straight, take your pick. In politics there is such a thing as collective responsibility and I'm pretty sure Kate Forbes is aware that her winning the leadership wouldn't be a mandate for her to legislate hellfire and damnation across the Scottish nation. There's a grown-up debate needed here about where Scotland should be headed and that includes a whole raft of boring but very important issues outside of the current feeding frenzy. If Kate Forbes or anyone else with strong religious convictions were to deliver improvements in education, drug deaths, homelessness and ambulance waiting times then even the nation's youth might be impressed. I have no absolutely truck with religion but I've equally no time for those who insist on absolute purity of their own beliefs in anyone wishing to run for high public office. Tolerance works both ways.
  4. I'll make two comments here. Jim Fairlie's comments are measured and I hope they are actually considered ahead of any rush to condemnation and hysteria. Secondly, and perhaps more importantly, when the right-wing press appears to dismiss Forbes' leadership bid it's not done primarily to highlight reactions from a religiously intolerant membership, but rather it's an indication of how much they are intent on preventing her standing as they consider her a political threat.
  5. Please give us evidence of this 'divided mess' and what exactly it entails. I'll wait.
  6. I think it was more philosophical than personal. I wish him well, he gave it a go.
  7. He's not leaving over money issues, and in fact he invested a fair amount of his own in his time at the club. The departure concerns a difference in opinions which it seems can't be resolved.
  8. So apart from flaky Pixie Lott, a website from Hell and a pitch like soggy pakora everything's tickety-boo ?
  9. I did a week check on the top goalscorers of some League Two teams... Tommy Goss, Annan = 19 Dale Carrick, Stirling = 14 Matty Yates, Stenny = 11 Ben Armour, Forfar = 6 Declan Byrne, Sons = 5 Make of that what you will.
  10. It looks like he played at the Rock last night with Rangers B winning 2-1 thanks to an injury-time winner.
  11. IMO Ryan Blair has been our most influential midfielder and he has become the effective fulcrum for the team. He has also shown a great degree of consistency, something which I think is often overlooked, and which is ahead of the others you mention. Re Joe McKee, he is still a very useful player but he is not now the guy we had first time around, and I'm struggling to recall a notable dead ball this season. Gray has a brilliant engine as you say but his energy sometimes needs harnessed. Wilson has taken his chance well and currently deserves his place. As for Ally Love, just concentrating solely on playing football minus the histrionics and we'll all benefit.
  12. I reckon neither of us has a pot to piss in, and FWIW I hear that Duffy and Grant weren't exactly getting on. Duffy knows McGeever. McGeever needs game time. Dumbarton need defensive cover. Sorted.
  13. I'm sure there's more to come out on this, never mind the timing, it's such a curious decision for a club at our level.
  14. Wow, that's either a mad or a brave decision, or both. I hope it comes off.
  15. When you say 'we' I take it you mean supporters, as I wouldn't trust desperate club owners and Boards of Directors to make the right call on this. And especially ours.
  16. Does anyone know what happens with hospitality in situations like this?
  17. Well that sounds like a right hard fought result if the BBC stats are anything to go by. A great away win though so well done guys
  18. Thanks, if it's hard enough to risk anyone's safety then I'm sure the ref will cancel it.
  19. If only that had applied to the banking industry in 2008, and probably in future too following Jeremy Hunt's idiotic announcement last week of a relaxation in the rules.
  20. I've been skeptical of the tactics this season, but that was some result today so very well done to Faz and the team. Long may it continue.
  21. There can no longer be any doubt as to which voting bloc Starmer is targeting, and it certainly isn't former Labour voters resident in Scotland.
  22. The refereeing was bizarre - there were at least two occasions in the first half when Gray was pushed in the back right in front of the ref and no foul was given. I read that the introduction of VAR has sucked refs away from the lower divisions, maybe we're fast-tracking some inexperienced guys.
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