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Frank Quitely

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Everything posted by Frank Quitely

  1. Well, blow me if it isn't her birthday this very day - Happy Birthday Susan !
  2. Aye East Fife, I was walking thro East End Park when the news broke - I remember being massively disappointed. I went home and looked out my pictures of Susan Penhaligon from under the mattress to cheer myself up.
  3. Playing surface aside - it was always hellish - the rot set in for Boghead when a combo of ridiculous Strathclyde Region rules and Neil Rankine's financial dereliction let the place virtually go to waste. It wasn't always so however, and the younger element who post here and only recall a dump, can sadly have no recollection of the spectacle and atmosphere of the early 1970's in particular. And there can be few senior ground anywhere which could boast mature trees within the perimeter fence. Get yourself a copy of the 1986 edition of 'The Football Grounds Of Great Britain' by Simon Inglis and check out his comments As for the Strathclyde Homes Bet Butler Community Wind Tunnel, well it's symbolic and functional and utterly uninspiring.
  4. I wonder if anyone will now refer to the 'Pearl Harbor Final'.
  5. Anyone else heard the Kieran Brannan rumour ?
  6. I'll wait until Viking Ton, the David Starkey of P & B, delivers his verdict.
  7. Well, he's certainly talking a good game.....
  8. Now then......... Waspy, on 10 Jun 2015 - 09:47, said:
  9. If it is this lad, he's not getting a huge endorsement from a Queens poster on the Division Two forum
  10. I think it's probably as simple as trying to get three or four part-timers in the building at the same time, and getting the forms processed. I imagine SA would be setting some sort of deadline with the 'existing' guys who were offered deals - if they wish to remain then fine, but if not then let's all move on, literally.
  11. Based on the figures I was told the answer was a resounding No. Putting aside Planning considerations, it is not simply a case of flinging up a stand on the Friday afternoon and taking it down again on the Sunday - the hire is more long term than that and as such it is totally uneconomic for basically two games. So let's kill this one stone deid as it's a total non-runner.
  12. The fish counter wummin has intimated a strong possibility that Steve Farrell and a physio may also feature in the press announcement.
  13. Get in there Big Man, I knew you were on the case !
  14. Isn't this an astonishing time for the Dumbarton Terrace to have gone to ground ?
  15. I was trimming my azaleas in the front garden yesterday afternoon when a guy in a hoodie jogged past and shouted 'Kirk Broadfoot, player-manager' before running up a nearby lane. I've not had such an odd visitor since Jackie Baillie called by campaigning the other week.
  16. I think we all need to take a reality check right now. As of last Friday, Dumbarton FC has no Manager, Assistant Manager, physio, backroom and above all playing staff so the Board really has it's work cut out in the days ahead. And I mean days, as with pre-season training scheduled to re-start on 20th June, we can't afford weeks to deliberate over an appointment. I'm sure however they are already on the case but whoever gets the gig has a bloody hard act to mould a team in short order to compete and hopefully survive in a tough division. In that regard speculation at this stage about us finishing above Alloa, Morton, etc., is complete pish when we don't currently have a signed player to our name. I'd expect an announcement towards the end of this week and all we can do is ignore rumour and bookmakers, support the club by continuing to buy season tickets and get right behind the new people from the off.
  17. The King Is Dead, Long Live The King....good luck and best wishes to Ian Murray, it's been a mutually-beneficial period here for both himself and the club. Life goes on however, and I'm actually glad things haven't dragged out and we have a clear direction in which to move forward. We're not left with very much of a playing staff but it's to the Board and Murray's joint credit that the stock of the club is at it's highest for decades. As such we should be an interesting proposition for an ambitious manager to test himself in a very competitive division next season, and it's good to see that a Board meeting has been convened for tomorrow. Meantime, let's get the season tickets shifted and put some cash in the till
  18. Yes, exactly. I don't want DFC to turn full circle back to where we all were when we embarked on this journey, and as I fear the growing risk of that happening that's why I suggested a fresh challenge for IM may now be best for both parties.
  19. It might make no sense, but it might also just be accurate. Ian Murray had a wonderful first couple of seasons and deserved all the plaudits he received. He is though ambitious and for the second close season running the chatter is about his possible move to another club rather than the prospects for DFC. Bear in mind that he is on a reportedly (second) good package here for a less than a full week. My main area of interest and concern is Dumbarton FC, hence my original opinion. I fear that a disinterested Manager may well risk turning the club around 360° and I saw worrying signs of that towards the end of the season just finished. Just my view.
  20. All of which merits a move to a bigger club, something which is probably now best for both parties.
  21. I agree, but my worry is that how things would play out if Ian Murray doesn't get the job. Would we have a Manager who is really then on borrowed time, and trying to rebuild a squad ahead of the season - how would this feed into trying to retain and attract players ? Would we be entering the season always looking over our shoulders ? I feel there's a lot here for the DFC Board to consider and possibly act on, as for the second season running the Manager is linked with another club. And it would be interesting to know if the overtures have been from him - no problem with ambition if that is the case but we have to protect our interests too.
  22. I don't think they do, and as BBPF says the comments have been pretty measured and praiseworthy. The fact remains though that maybe this a critical juncture in the affairs of both DFC and Ian Murray, and if he does leave for St Mirren or whoever it will be with the best wishes of us all for a job well done. It may well also be in the best interests of both parties, and that fact has also got to be recognised. As for the woeful years, had it not been for the play-offs they may well have continued and there would have been no IM or Championship football here - life is full of wee things like that, and it will go on for DFC come what may.
  23. Aye it was indeed. But the plain fact is that, nice lad though he is, Mitch never imposed himself at all this season and was largely peripheral to things. And that had little to do with formations or tactics, he is simply a player who flits in and out of games, does not track back or offer any physical presence - his first two tackles last Saturday saw two Raith guys simply melt thro him. Good luck to the lad, he scored some crackers last term but believe me, his departure is in the interest of both parties.
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