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Frank Quitely

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Everything posted by Frank Quitely

  1. I read this but I wasn't sure if I was looking at a Netflix plot line.
  2. Didn't we part our cheeks for ground rental by Rangers B ?
  3. The club and the police should be basing their outcome on no more and and no less than what actually happened. There should be no attempt to reflect any perceived 'public mood' or to placate keyboard warriors or to link this incident to the recent statement by the Board of Hibs FC, for example.
  4. Premature ? I'm surprised it took them so long.
  5. Be very careful there. Are you certain the comment was shouted or was it a comment made to people in the immediate company which was picked up by someone within earshot ? I wasn't there and I'm no lawyer but that may be something the police will consider.
  6. Four semi-literate posts in almost ten years on this site tells us just how committed you are to DFC. And where loyalty is concerned, it's absolutely fine except when it becomes blind loyalty - that's dangerous. Face facts pal.
  7. This alleged incident involves a Dumbarton fan ? Not good.
  8. The Function Hire advert got me thinking that maybe we could host next year's Willie Wonka Experience.
  9. Cheer up everybody it's newsletter day.
  10. Whilst all five goals were defensively poor, that winning goal is horrendous from our point of view.
  11. My take is that the board is petrified of having to replace him, and they are hoping that somehow it all comes right. I've been told that the team's target is a top four finish, and even if we bomb again in the playoffs they'll use that as a justification for keeping him. If we fail to make the top four it could get uncomfortable.
  12. Well, that could turn out to be quite a significant goal. And whilst an injury-time defeat is never welcome this one doesn't bother me quite as much as it normally would.
  13. Try cancelled and the Italians ran up the park and scored a try - penalty to take the lead.
  14. You wonder why Durnan wan't given minutes on grass parks in the last two games, and today he's back in today on astro
  15. Cheers, that's a different ballgame then.
  16. I never knew the guy but wasn't it the case under DFC rules that people joining the Board had/have to input a five figure 'loan' to the club ? If so, and if you impose such conditions, isn't it pretty obvious that anyone departing is going to call time on that 'loan' ? I'm sure I would. As for court action to 'kill us', that suggests more about the club's finances and their inability or reluctance to return Les Hope's money than him wanting it refunded.
  17. Two club ambassadors had their positions withdrawn after they entered the hospitality area after the Rangers Cup-tie.
  18. You forgot about the emptying of volunteers who have supported the club for decades on the say-so of one individual. No wonder the rest of Scottish football is regarding us as a basket case of a club.
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