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Everything posted by Fullerene

  1. I read this wrong the first time round. I thought "why would anyone want to put land mines on the moon?" I got it wrong. Sorry.
  2. I'm confused. They said we need to fight this virus and gloves will help. I've got the best pair of boxing gloves I could find. Have I got it wrong?
  3. The prime minister is not the Head of State so probably no day off at all.
  4. I quite enjoyed it. The introduction of Devito and Glover was one thing. However it was Johnson doing the talk and mannerisms of Devito that was good fun. Similarly Hart pretending to be Glover. Also a re-appearance by the son of Tom Hanks. Never have spotted the similarity!
  5. No. Not everyone. Though at 97.25% it is pretty close to everyone.
  6. You are ignoring one major factor - Events! Nobody knows entirely what will happen in the next 5 years. The Tories will have to make a success of Brexit. They won't be able to blame Starmer. He was never in favour of it. Also they have to make a success of getting out of this current health crisis with a solution that fits their ideology better than a solution that the Labour Party might have suggested. For example, the whole notion of big government to the rescue is anaethema to many of them.
  7. Corbyn may have polled well and been very popular with the people who attended his rallies but there was a lot of ABC voters out there (anyone-but-Corbyn). They might even have thought his heart was in the right place but he would still have been a disastrous Prime Minister. His high point was getting a close second place in 2017 when the Tories were falling over themselves to lose the election - dementia tax and all that. Yes. Opposing Brexit was a mess. They should have been doing that more vigorously at the EU referendum in 2016 but good old Captain Dither couldn't convince anyone whether he was personally in favour of the EU or not. Time and again he seem to suggest he was happy to be Leader of the Opposition and could change government policy from that position. No need to become the government. Win the argument without clearing that final hurdle. Bollocks.
  8. "Daddy. Are we nearly there?" "Just a bit further." Repeat.
  9. Don't get me wrong. I am in no doubt that climate change is a serious issue and we must do something about it. We definitely see melting glaciers. We definitely see tropical jungles getting smaller. We see more extreme weather in places. There is no question this is due to human activity. All of that has been measured. It has all been observed. You then have to predict what will happen if nothing is done about it. I think that what Kincardine is on about. Predictions can go wrong and that creates scepticism.
  10. April 15. The end for Abraham Lincoln, the Titanic and Joey Ramone. Was going to organise some sort of commemoration. Don't think I'll bother now.
  11. In billions of years yes but I was thinking more short term than that.
  12. In all fairness I see where you are coming from regarding predictions. Take climate change as an example. Scientist A has an article printed in one magazine saying Climate Change will be a disaster. The world will get hotter. Europe south of Paris will turn to desert and it will be a nightmare. Meanwhile Scientist B has an article printed in another magazine saying Climate Change will be a disaster. The world will actually get colder. Europe north of Paris will have severe winters and it will be a nightmare. Net result. The two articles cancel out and nobody worries about Climate Change. A better approach is to say Climate Change is a serious matter. We can't entirely predict how it will might make things worse but that is all the more reason to deal with while we still can. If we wait until we know everything it might be too late. Is that about it?
  13. Big Hand Sanitizer and Little Hand Sanitizer? Is he cleaning his watch?
  14. Middle of Thames? Were you salmon fishing? If so why did you need to log into anything at the time? Not even going to ask about Belmarsh.
  15. I thought the whole point of Brexit was that Global Britain was going to show the world how things are done. All that from someone who is stuck in bed with a thermometer in his mouth who has told he can't go out until he is better.
  16. Upon further interrogation the arrested man revealed his name to be Dr Emmett Brown who was travelling with his wife Clara and sons Jules and Verne. He appeared incoherent and his latest remarks were "I don't get it. Are we still in the year 2020? I think the virus stopped me getting up to 88". The investigation continues.
  17. If this had happened two centuries ago they would have been the busiest place in town. The barber was where you went for bloodletting. Hence the red and white pole outside the shop.
  18. Those who get more than mild syptoms are no longer prominent
  19. Being able to travel further than the supermarket. It would be nice to go for a walk in the countryside without it being frowned upon.
  20. I guess this is only for those who still watch DVDs. I recall the theme tune being part of a pub quiz and decided to investigate further. It stars the late Robert Urich as a private detective and is set in Boston. This is a refreshing change to Los Angeles or New York. His co-star is Avery Brooks who later went on to play Benjamin Sisko in Deep Space Nine. There were three seasons plus four TV movies before it was cancelled. Apparently filming in Boston was expensive. It was made in the 80s, so the episodes are self contained. I have enjoyed watching it.
  21. Great Britain is a much bigger island. Nobody would base themselves in Margate to tour Britain. Faulty comparison.
  22. The Coronavirus is adverse to the colour blue and much prefers burgundy. You see it was all part of the plan all along.
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