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Posts posted by pandarilla

  1. I like that it's always there for the morning, and that some local guys are getting the money instead of a supermarket.
    Yeah but my milk is always in the fridge, and as much as i like to support local businesses, I didn't enjoy paying more for exactly the same product.

    To be fair, I probably had unrealistic expectations. Dairy products are fairly standard (unlike a bakery or a butchers) - but it just didn't do it for us.
  2. Last time I had a door to door person, they were asking if I wanted milk delivered in the morning, which (as this morning reminded me) is a great old skool novelty.
    Thing is, I've had folk say "you get your's delivered too? Is this some sort of hip and trendy thing that young folk are into?".  Well, no.  Somebody came to the door, asked if I wanted fresh milk delivered cold to the door every third morning, and I said "aye".   Also, if I'm part of something, then it's unlikely to be 'trendy'.
    I tried it a few months ago but there was literally nothing that they delivered that was in any way better than what we get at the shops. It just costs more.

    Got rid after a few weeks.
  3. It's strange that they've had so few left handers with that short right field.
    The line-up is fucking atrocious, and has been for a long time.

    So many bloated players on bloated wages. I'd love them to find a way to get Stanton and sanchez punted but it's never going to happen.

    This covid outbreak forced them to bring in youth, and the team played with so much more intensity and speed.

  4. What an absolute state to get yourself into. 
    On the off chance there are any sensible Ayr fans on here - have you got all the rockets in the league, or can we expect this standard of nonsense every fucking week down here?
    Oh, and in the interests of being the better person: 
    1. Capacity has been set at 3692 BY. THE. COUNCIL. (following application from the club, which means that admittance is ST holders only. Makes what is a bit of a test event that wee bit easier to manage, I expect). There's plenty of home fans who won't be getting to see the game either. 
    2. While we would like to have as many in the ground as possible, including getting your mob in to witness a skelping, imho we'd have to be having a capacity of at least 6000 before I'd countenance denying home fans tickets for the sake of letting away fans in. I know it's a massive match for the minnows, but console yourself with this thought: you've still got at least three "cup finals" this season, at least one of which will be in a modern stadium. 
    Away fans have been disallowed for a while - ffs, even home fans have been banned for a while. It would be naive in the extreme to expect special treatment for this fixture, at this point, in this climate.
    ..and our downward spiral, so far, has reached the highest level Ayr have reached for over forty years. I'd be waiting a wee while longer before crowing. 
    You really want to bring trophies into the conversation, Colin?
    Clearly not to your lot. We have higher ambitions. 
    The condescension is strong with this one. You're taking your relegation well, I see.

    I think it's because a decent sized chunk of our supporters on here are either blinkered fanboys, shite trolls or overly sincere folk who can't take a joke. Plenty of other clubs in this division where that probably applies too, right enough.
    Very true.

    There are some fannies in every team's support but that doesn't mean it's an even distribution on here.

    All good fun though (mostly).
  5. IF O'Conner happens can see us going with this:
               Baird Fjortoft McGinty 
    Houston Murdoch Muirhead Reading 
          O'Connor Adeloye Maxwell
    Subs: Albinson, McCallister, Ecrepont, Miller, Chalmers, Salkeld, McKenzie, Moffat
    1 or 2 on top of that from Burnley and Michael Hewitt leaves us with a pretty good depth IMO, would have like a 21/22 man squad. 
    If that materialised i could see Hewitt and Ecrepont going out on loan, would make sense, with option to recall if we get fucked with injuries ofc
    From what has been said on here hewitt has impressed in the league cup so far, so I think it would be foolish to send him out on loan.

    I'd much prefer to give the lad a chance to see what he can do. We're limited with options as it is.
  6. This is brilliant.
    There are countless individuals that earn more than even the best paid politicians.
    I wonder what is distinctive about the young, black, gifted female and diversity fostering Sarpong that raises such ire amongst the likes of Mackenzie?
    Ah Kelvin MacKenzie. Truly the c**t's c**t.
    Sarpong's voice really grates on me and I've got to admit, that's a bizarre and very cushy number she's got at the bbc. But by f**k if kelvin mackenzie is going after her then I'll defend her to the ends of the earth.

    The word c**t doesn't do him justice.
  7. I think if you're a self indulgent drug addicted moronic westerner that ends up in a Peruvian hell hole of a jail and you don't change as a person then you'd be an absolute freak of nature. Sure she learned some Spanish but it's not like she chibbed anyone or chucked the chicken foot at anyone or did anything cool. 
    I think what you're looking for was never going to be in this documentary.
  8. You owe me over an hour of my life back. 
    I was waiting for a twist or a turn or something mad but no basically she felt remorse in prison and kept her head down and got out, I'd like to see a full redemption arc where she hunts down the Ibiza folk that put her up to it and gets them sent to Peruvian jails. 
    She became a completely different person in prison. Rock bottom, and she found a level of determination and grit to actually come out in pretty strong fashion. That certainly wasn't the type of daft wee lassie that was whoring herself around ibiza.
  9. This gets me every time it's brought up. WTF was wrong with driving his wife to the supermarket and staying in the car while she did the shopping? It's the kind of nit picking pseudo moralising shite Starmer would come up with, avoiding speaking about anything meaningful.
    P.S. Not in reference to the post above which appeared while I was posting this.
    It's also a symptom of twitter /social media message board discussions, which are in no way natural.

    Tiny details or faults are jumped on by all and sundry - and a pile on ensues. It's then brought up repeatedly to belittle the poster (or celebrity /writer/politician etc.) for the rest of time.

    It's all very unedifying.

  10. I wonder if a good run in the doubles might hasten his move to that format. He can't have enjoyed being spanked by young, in-form players that he would previously have beaten 19 times out of 20 and he knows all about Bob Bryan. He's extremely unlikely to compete for major singles titles again, but he could win doubles slams.
    I've jinxed him now, haven't I.
    This seems a great shout.

    Keeps him playing, keeps his profile high (he'd be a big draw in all the slams), and hopefully collects some more silverware.

    He'll need it if he wants to challenge Jim Clarke as scotland's greatest sportsman...
  11. I was at Bruar yesterday and people really are unbelievably rude to staff in shops and restaurants. Of course, more queuing is a pain but the way some of the staff are spoken to is a disgrace.
    Anyway, the YouTube prank videos make me feel very old, I watch them and I can’t even understand why anyone thinks they are funny. Even comedy I don’t like I can usually see why other people might find it funny, this I just don’t see the humour. Brutally attacking people seems a logical end point of all this, the whole thing is about making others uncomfortable for amusement, what’s more uncomfortable than being knocked unconscious?
    I wasn't a massive fan but i could clearly see the joke in the dom jolly stuff, which i guess these guys would use in their defence.

    This stuff just seems unfunny at it's very core. Just fucking nit-wittery.
    Moving things in shops is an under rated pass time.
    Particularly the spices and herbs that have the big letters on the front, as you been make some brilliant words to amuse other shoppers.
  12. Started watching this. I'm not going to make it past the first episode. Partly because I don't know how they stretched this out over nearly three hours television, partly because I don't like the way it's shot and partly because this woman is loathsome. The Peruvians should still have her in a cell somewhere.
    They really do pad it out, but the lassie redeems herself in quite a big way. It was a turn I wasn't expecting.
  13. I agree adeloye who currently can’t last 90 minutes, Moffat who can’t hit a barn door and Mckenzie who has potential but has only scored 2 league goals for us as our only forwards isn’t going to cut it. 
    we need a few wide players a cm and a centre forward minimum. That would be on top of the lad on loan from rangers 
    Eta Moffat offers more than goals but I wouldn’t classify him as a striker anymore 
    Moffat can't be a regular starter imo.

    He's past that, and despite having huge talent on the ball, he just can't do enough these days. He's someone we'll need off the bench if we need a goal (and therefore can surround him with other attacking players).

    I'd love the old b*****d to prove me wrong but I think he'll have more of an effect on the dressing room this season.

  14. Think you might be mistaken there.  Hopkin has very little credit in the bank with most of the fans;  so a pasting from Kilmarnock on the first day of the season could be tough for him  to bounce back from.  
    Yes it would bring some pressure from the fans, and rightly so - but he certainly wouldn't be sacked.

    If he can get results after that then he'll recover. The next derby will come soon enough.
    We’re kidding ourselves if we believe this.  Smith was decent enough for us in a rotten team and contributed a decent number of goals and assists.  Don’t think it’s a coincidence that we completely disintegrated after he left.  He’s an outstanding signing at our level.  Feels like one well ground out result against Accies has gone to our heads a wee bit. We are chronically short of quality up front.
    If I remember correctly a lot of folk in here thought we made some excellent signings 'for this level' last summer. Baird was described as just that. The same applies to Chalmers.
  15. I reckon part of this anxiety is because Killie signed a load of players and did so early on, where as we, along with others, are still padding our teams/squads out. Were we not opening at Rugby Park in 10 days I'm not sure the panic among fans would be as much, could be wrong mind.
    Killie got rid of a lot of players, though. They had very little choice.

    Granted, many on here wouldn't liked hopkin to do likewise but he's decided to keep a fair number of players on. And if the league cup is anything to go by, he's doing ok.
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