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As We Rise Again

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Everything posted by As We Rise Again

  1. Talking about wasting your life posting on an internet forum, how childish is it to call someone a "Fatty" on the internet. Get a grip of yourself.
  2. I got in trouble ages ago for using that word and the mods were telling me it's sectarian.
  3. What's that got to do with anything? To be fair Daly is slow, he's poor technically and the wrong side of 30 and would get nothing for selling him on, It's short term thinking when we should be looking at long term. It wont be true anyway.
  4. I think we're betting off looking at defenders than another striker, we've got enough of them as it is.
  5. Also, We had negative goodwill, revaluation, and share issue in the year all are separate.
  6. From elsewhere, where it's explained better. Operating loss is mainly because: our broadcasting rights were stolen, sponsorship income was paltry because of the uncertainty/league, season ticket prices were reduced, and we had several one-off costs like football debts. None of these are recurring. I'll try and simplify the negative goodwill. Sometimes you need to pay over the odds for a business that you really want. It's worth £100k but you pay £130k. However sometimes you manage to buy a business for less than it's worth because of circumstances, such as the owner needs to sell. You might buy a business for £80k but it is worth £100k (the "fair value" of its assets). This is what has happened here. That £20k you underpaid is a profit in a sense and you recognise that profit in the accounts. CG got the brand "Rangers" (and players etc) valued and the "fair value" was some £20m higher than he paid. Don't confuse this with the revaluation of the properties that also took place. The properties were valued at £34m more than was paid and their values have been uplifted to reflect this. If they were sold at that amount, there would be £8m tax to pay, and that "deferred tax" liability has also been provided, hence a net increase in the balance sheet of £26m (the "revaluation reserve").
  7. Of course you don't as I've said you only see what you want to see, you only take the negative out of things.
  8. That money doesn't last for ever though, especially when you post losses that money goes towards the debt.
  9. They wont be back to Rangers next season so we'll have them off the books also which is a good thing IMO.
  10. You could possibly be right on that one, Charles said he wants the wage bill down from £7m to £5m next season.
  11. What gets better? That Rangers are getting money for simply changing the name of their stadium for a few years? Oh it's terrible isn't it..... There's a lot of big teams who have renamed their stadiums and there will be a lot of other teams doing the same we're just moving with the times.
  12. Are you actually saying Umbro are bigger than Puma? Umbro is tacky end of story.
  13. Nice deflection there. So was the Riots in Manchester caused by sectarianism? Lets face facts here Abergreen has probably the worst hooligan past out of any teams in Scotland, dress it up as you please but this is facts.
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