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Posts posted by Bazil85

  1. On 04/04/2022 at 16:52, Burnieman said:

    That's an issue for the SPFL to deal with.  The Colt issue really isn't much of a topic of widespread discussion between fans that I can see. Most really don't understand it or care.

    Meanwhile, we just need the LL to do the right thing tonight, and if ANY B team wants to play in the Pyramid in future then they join at the bottom like everyone else.  It then perhaps needs agreement between the leagues as to how far they're allowed to progress.

    If the Scottish sports media had more coverage to it, more fans would engage. 

    One of the biggest issues in this country is the near complete media bias to the needs of the bigot brothers. If something comparable that went against the benefits for Celtic & Rangers was being proposed, the media & as such the fans would be all over it. 

    If you explain and have a conversation on this to most fans of clubs outside the big two, evidence suggests they’d be against it. 

  2. 3 minutes ago, Burnieman said:


    Fans having "massive issues" or not, I'm pointing out the facts and also pointed out that the EoS has a long history of having reserve/B teams as members. The problem lies with them being parachuted into a higher level, but I've already said that.

    I'm not entirely convinced that many fans would give a rats ass if any B teams joined at the bottom of the Pyramid just like any other new member, It's hardly a hot topic of conversation outwith this forum and even the OF Colts issue hardly raises many eyebrows in the grand scheme of things.

    My point ONLY relates to the issues when they get to the senior levels (League 2 and above). I said so in the first response. 

    I also don't think they should have been allowed anywhere near the Lowland league in the way they were, it was hugely unethical when considering the number of clubs working their way up to there the right away. 

    As far fans not caring, (again only from the professional league perspective) there was a fan survey completed with thousands of responses and Colts in the professional structure was extremely unpopular. There are bigger fish to fry in Scottish football yes, but for me I think Celtic and Rangers have hoped to use this to sneak in under the radar. Fortunately the backlash has been enough and the voting structure means we won't likely see these factually unfair proposals pass anytime soon. 

    We also need to remember when considering fan view, the Glasgow bigots dominate fan power and media in Scottish football. Any fan backlash will be diluted because of this. When Colts comes up the media hardly covers at all the views of other clubs fans. 

  3. 2 hours ago, Burnieman said:

    I'm at a loss as to what point you're trying to make here.  I'm not talking about the SPFL.

    I'll make it easy.  If Hearts B or Hibs B or Edinburgh City B or Livingston B applied to join the EoSFL and they met all membership requirements, they would almost certainly be accepted and start in the bottom division.  There is no EoSFL rule barring B/reserve teams from membership.

    With all this Rangers/Celtic B hoo ha, what's been lost is that most clubs wouldn't have an issue with them being in the Pyramid, just not parachuted into tier 5, they should start at the bottom like any new member.

    I think most fans and clubs would still have massive issues with them being in the pyramid at senior level, regardless of them getting there via promotion or not. It still offers them a significant advantage over other clubs (like they need it) and devalues the competitions. Fans of the impacted clubs don't generally want the association with Celtic and Rangers because of the bigotry either. 

    I mean that's fine but my original point to you was pretty clear on having them in the "pyramid at Senior level" I have reiterated it several times since. 

  4. 1 hour ago, Burnieman said:

    But they're allowed into any of the Pyramid leagues if they tick the boxes for membership and the member clubs vote for it. That's the only point I'm making.

    That goes for any change in Scottish football, just takes the members to vote it through. 

    Your point was "likely" to happen. It isn't "likely" at all to happen given it has been rejected around a dozen times in 25 years. For it to happen, 11 Scottish Premier clubs would have to vote yes on the changes and 75% of the remaining member clubs. Given fan ownership in the top division and the negativity to the previous proposals from fan, it isn't close to likely they would get 11 votes to trigger the rule changes needed. 

  5. On 01/04/2022 at 16:12, Burnieman said:

    I'm giving you an indication of what would likely happen should B teams apply to join leagues and tick all the boxes for membership like any other prospective new applicant.

    I don't really care about player development or where B teams could end up, I'm just outlining some facts.

    They can't tick all the boxes though because by the rules of the league, Colts aren't allowed in the professional league structure. The same glass ceiling would still exist below the professional game as there is now. 

  6. On 24/03/2022 at 13:21, Dev said:

    How do they deal with these situations in other countries e.g. Spain ? It doesn't seem to cause any issues there - unless anyone knows different.

    I do not care if the OF B teams are in the pyramid or not but why would Stranraer Reserves or East Fife Reserves for example be not allowed into pyramid leagues at the bottom? Where would you draw the line between the likes of these clubs and the the "big" clubs - not just the OF ?

    Spain and other leagues with Colts are not comparable. To my knowledge there is no other major football nation on earth with Colts steered only by the wants of two clubs at the expense of others. 

    I also don't think it is comparable when looking at the professional leagues in Scotland (the 42 professional member clubs) and the very bottom of the Scottish pyramids which are generally aimed at amateur players playing for recreation, not to make it as professional football players. There has been very limited progression in B teams/ Colts at these levels into professional teams, in fact I can't think of a single example. 

    As for where do I draw the line, it at a minimum needs to be at the professional league levels (league 2) as Colts in those leagues will require more fundamental changes to competitions, voting rights and professional player movements. I personally wouldn't have any colts for full-time senior clubs without massive contingency that meant Scottish youth development is the priority, including rules which meant they had to feature in Senior 11s after a grace period. Say for example, five years from now, any club with Colts MUST play 3-4 of the Colt graduates (homegrown ones so Scotland eligible)  in every starting 11 at senior club level. That would actually have real benefit for the Scotland national team. 

    Finally, the unfair distribution of income in this country means generally, only Celtic & Rangers and possibly a couple of others can prop up professional Colts. It is a non-argument to discuss other clubs having Colts up the structure. If we want to make that argument, let's have an income distribution model that allows it. 

    On 24/03/2022 at 15:11, Burnieman said:

    Just to re-cap, if any team applies to the WoS and EoS and meet the leagues requirements, they'll likely be accepted.

    That will equally apply to reserve/B teams from any club.  There is already a reserve team in the EoS, and they are already subject to certain restrictions.

    That's fine to an extent at such a low level where the player development is mainly recreational & there is little expectation or likeliness that they will go on to give professional clubs a competitive advantage. If people on here genuinely don't think there is a difference between B teams in amateur leagues to them being allowed in the professional structure to progress the two biggest clubs by far in the country, fine. But there really, really is. 

  7. On 02/03/2022 at 12:17, Burnieman said:

    Actually not as far as clubs are concerned.  If a club meets the requirements of the league and enter at the same level as all new applicants, there is no real basis for rejecting their applications.

    As I pointed out, SPFL clubs have ran Reserve/B sides off and on in the EoS for the last 50 or more years.

    The problem is, the absurd parachuting of the OF B teams into the LL has cast a shadow over everyone.

    There absolutely and categorically is.

    A club having a second team within the professional pyramid has a sporting advantage far more so than the arrangements at amateur and junior levels which we have only seen until now.

    If they follow the same path as other clubs, what happens when they get drawn in league or Scottish cups against their parent clubs? rules would need to be implemented to avoid this and "cap" how far up the pyramid they can get like other nations colts. Also to allow for movement between colt clubs and senior clubs for players with professional contracts. All of which, again, represents a sporting advantage over clubs that do not have colts. 

    Long and short, given Celtic and Rangers advantages, special treatment and different conditions of professional club entry to the SPFL over other clubs does give a very real basis for rejection. 

  8. On 16/02/2022 at 23:10, Burnieman said:

    If Hearts B applied and met the EoS requirements then they would be admitted, at the bottom level obviously.  Both Hibs and Hearts have had teams in the EoS in the past, along with others such as Arbroath and Berwick Rangers.

    With all this Rangers/Celtic B hoo ha, what's been lost is that most clubs wouldn't have an issue with them being in the Pyramid, just not parachuted into tier 5, they should start at the bottom like any new member.

    I think most fans and clubs would still have massive issues with them being in the pyramid at senior level, regardless of them getting there via promotion or not. It still offers them a significant advantage over other clubs (like they need it) and devalues the competitions. Fans of the impacted clubs don't generally want the association with Celtic and Rangers because of the bigotry either. 

    I am personally against the Colts in any proposed format to date, however I would be a bit more receptive if rules were introduced that benefited Scottish youngsters. Said it before but as an absolute minimum for me to be onboard with Colts, I would need:

    - Colt squads made up almost exclusively (9 or 10 of every starting 11 and 90% of overall squad) from parent club, homegrown talent. That would need to be, through parent club youth teams for at least four years before 18th birthday (making all Scotland eligible). It would also stop foreign youngsters being signed at a drop of a hat and allowed to play and protect other Scottish clubs from losing their best young talent from ages 15 and up, as they wouldn't be Colt eligible. 

    - Caps on all youth squad sizes. Rangers had over 50 senior youths last year, that can't be allowed. I would cap it around 25 at all age levels to again protect other clubs losing quality youth players through the ages. 

    - Rules based commitment to play Colt players in senior starting 11s after a grace period. For me, clubs should be held responsible to their colt project. After say a five year grace period, senior starting 11s must feature at least four Colt graduates (home grown) with two being under 21. 

    Don't see Celtic & Rangers ever agreeing to these rules right enough and as long as they don't, the Colt proposal should be completely shelved. 

  9. On 21/10/2021 at 20:34, ian44wood said:

    If they want to play at the highest level they should start at the the very bottom and work their way up.

    Like any new team joining a league.



    That still shouldn't be allowed, having colts in the professional structure (even if they work their way up) still offers a massive advantage to the parent club.

    To relax rules and allow this would mean something in it for the other 40 voting clubs. I'm yet to see a single good argument for other clubs voting on letting the Glasgow Derby Colts up the league. Arguments of "bigger crowds" and "prioritise and develop Scottish youngsters" have been completely blown apart by the Lowland League trial. 

    For me, the only way the needle can be moved on this is with rules forcing the issue of Scottish youth development while protecting other clubs. 

    - Colt squad sizes limited to around 22 players with a requirement of around 20 being club homegrown talent. Developed through the parent clubs youth structure at least three years before the players 18th birthday making Scotland eligible (regardless of nationality). This will stop the recruitment of promising young Columbian, American, Irish, English, etc talent bought in the summer before a league campaign. It also protects other Scottish clubs from losing their best players as the "club homegrown talent" rule would mean players raided from other youth academies wouldn't meet the squad rules unless signed before they turned 15. 

    - Maximum squad sizes at all youth levels, similar to above this will protect other clubs from losing the best young talent at a young age and will stop the stockpiling of young players by Celtic & Rangers meaning better distribution of youngsters and less players on books that likely won't make it as professional footballers, allowing them to focus on education and careers elsewhere. 

    - Rules on homegrown players in starting 11s of senior teams after a grace period. Say after five years, all Scottish clubs (with colts or otherwise) must play four players in their starting 11 that have been developed by the club (the actual club, not just any Scottish club) from youth. This will mean a complete re-focus on youth & the Glasgow derby putting their money where there mouth is with Scottish youth development. Basically "if you want Colts you can have them but it better work because you'll have to play a number of these players in senior games soon"

    These points satisfied and I would warm to a colts proposal. Right now it's take, take, take and it has been in every version of the colts we have heard. Celtic & Rangers have not being willing to compromise one bit to date on player development rules to get Colts. If they say no to the above, the Colts idea needs to be permanently binned.  

  10. 2 hours ago, AsimButtHitsASix said:

    It's common in Spain for a club to have absolutely no "official" ties to a big club but the big club will "loan" coaching staff, share scouting and training systems and have  a curious habit of signing a lot of players from each other. Athletic Club and Basconia are an example. I think Oriental and Benfica do the same in Portugal. I could easily see Celtic/Sevco linking up in a similar way to... St. Ants or Benburb or create a whole new club to come in at the bottom tier. "Milngavie Rangers" or "Lennoxtown Celtic" or the like.

    But the "B team" route is not gonna happen.

    That could be how it goes yeah. Would be a bit more palatable than B teams though given club rules demand they remain separate entities and I believe there are rules on the numbers of loans that can be sent between clubs. 

    For me there are other more pressing issues in Scottish football on player development. For example the capability of a team to field 11 players of different nationalities other than Scottish and zero players they have personally developed through their youth academies. Sevco have done this on occasion, in fact many of their starting 11s only only have one homegrown player from the old club and that's a near 40 year old goalkeeper. For me, it is long overdue for the SPFL/ SFA to get together and introduce homegrown, club developed rules. Even if it's quite small, say three of every starting 11 must have been developed at the parent club for three years before their 18th birthday. It would soon see a big swing back to focusing on youth academies. 

  11. On 07/09/2021 at 09:07, mrman2011 said:

    Oh mate. I don't go on here much, But have fun when i do. This forum is your life and B teams are going to happen, so abuse as much as you like its getting under your skin and its wonderful 

    The voting rules in the SPFL and the number of fan owned clubs means it's extremely unlikely they will get any further up the pyramid. The backlash at Lowland league as well makes it quite unlikely this will continue in that league. Even if it did, the results show the players aren't getting the experience they would need so don't see why Celtic & Rangers would be happy to stay there indefinitely. 

    Celtic & Rangers have failed to get near identical proposals over the line around a dozen times in two decades, don't see why that will change. The only way B teams could be palatable to other clubs is if there is big changes in how they are presented. For example: 

    - Remove the capability to sign foreign talent at short notice & rules that mean club developed homegrown players make up the vast majority of the squad. For example, 10 of every starting 11 and 16 of the 18 man squad MUST be developed at the parent club for three years before they turn 16 (Scotland eligible) 

    - Limits on all squad sizes throughout youth levels to protect other clubs from further losing their best young talent to colts at short notice. Rangers had around 50 pro youths last season, I think that's went up with Colts. Far too many. 

    - Rule based pathways to senior squads meaning clubs are accountable to their youth development. For example, after a five year grace period, senior clubs with colts MUST play 3-5 homegrown colt developed players in senior starting 11s. This way there is consequences if they don't develop Scottish talent. 

    Celtic & Rangers have had practically zero give in Colt proposals over the years, they want all the benefits and none of the responsibilities. That needs to change otherwise, I can only see them continuing to fail to get 11 votes out of 12 at Scottish Premier level. If what they say is true about it benefiting Scotland youth development, make it rules based. 

  12. 44% of the Rangers squad for this game were not eligible / declared for Scotland. More proof the agenda behind Colts is ONLY to progress their own needs & any claims it would help the Scottish national team was false. Rightly rejected by the SPFL clubs, Lowland League clubs that voted for it should be ashamed. Sold out their fanbases for a handful of silver, hopefully lessons learned and they are binned for future seasons.  

  13. 2 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    You answered your own question, a player like Kenny McLean should've never left Scotland for anything less than 7 figures this is a dereliction of duty.
    It happens time and time again we bend over and accept it,the fact Scottish clubs don't protect themselves gives the English clubs an easy breeding ground.
    The English leagues are a graveyard for Scottish players plus the detriment to our game never heals season after season.
    We improve the English leagues to the detriment of our own and you think this is a good thing?
    Everything is connected when it effects our young talent, your moral compass has no direction.

    Kenny McLean went with six months left on his contract and Aberdeen still received a fee. Technically Norwich could have went down the pre-contract route and they may have gotten nothing. Your view completely ignores the free will of players not to sign longer term contracts to win themselves a bigger move. Norwich is a massive jump from Aberdeen and well done to Kenny for making the leap. 

    Your next sentence is a continuation of this, you make it out like it's something Scottish clubs can take control over. It's down to the player what kind of contract they sign and where they go at the end of it. You might say "get them to sign longer term deals" that's a double edged sword, for every Tierney you get down for five years you might end up having to pay five Jamie McCart's a decent wage for the same time. Clubs are aware of the issue, you aren't having a revelation, they're just powerless to stop it. 

    I don't think it's a good thing at the lower levels but I'm also a realist. At the higher levels, yes there will be some failures but outside of Scotland is the only option for players to develop at a level suitable for where we need the national team to go so yes, I think the more players we get out like your Billy Gilmour's, John McGinn's and Andy Robertson's the better. 

    My moral compass tells me it isn't a good thing to put plans in place that will disenfranchise thousands of Scottish football fans and impact some of our smaller clubs with extremely patient and generous fans. You can't say the same. 

  14. 21 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    We lose over 40 players a season to England and you don't think that has an affect on our game? Plus players don't leave for a mythical  progression they leave for a better bank balance.

    I think it definitely has an effect, quality players move to better leagues, that's just natural progression. Not sure what it has to do with this debate though, colts wont stop that. In fact it could very well amplify it when clubs financial bottom-lines drop after thousands of fans turn their back on Scottish football. 

    And of course it's progression, progression is linked to financial capability. All these players going to England will improve the quality of the leagues over Scotland, that's just common sense. Do you think these better players go down south and immediately get worse? Outside the big two, the rest of the SP teams would be lucky to perform above mid League 1 level, most would be league 2 at best. Rangers would be upper championship and Celtic (current squad) might be lucky to sneak into the top flight. Our standard is hopeless and that's down to financial capability. As long as the money available to clubs stays low, players will leave to be better financially rewarded and that in turn will widen the quality gap. 

  15. On 26/06/2020 at 21:26, wastecoatwilly said:

    I can hear the beep beep beep back tracking on that point.the Raith fan will never answer the question.
    I think it is obvious from your posts you don't rate Scottish football and you don't rate our national team it's a common trait for Scottish football fans.
    You said there was no benefit to other clubs in Scotland yet you know there clearly is with the names of players I've provided.Whether they go on to represent the national team is neither here nor there.
    It's an example of what can happen with players that don't even make the first team at Celtic.
    Nobody is saying the colts will produce 11 Andy Robertson's but what it will do is give more kids the chance to find their level in the game.
    Because you are blinded by the hype down south you don't see the individual quality we have in Scotland.
    Last season we lost over 40 players to England why? because their shite! fecking wake up.
    The talent is here we just need to try and keep them here or slow the process down.
    Instead of players leaving to play at a higher level we close the gap.

    There is no backtracking in the slightest. The point is on the mutually beneficial nature of the current loan market which we were not discussing, we were discussing colts which are not beneficial to all, they only benefit two clubs overall. 

    It's also a completely accurate conclusion. Our national team have failed for almost a full generation with little sign of improvement, in fact there's signs we are still going backwards given where the players are being taken from for the current squad. The league is no different, just look at our collective performances in Europe over the last decade and the quality of our players. We can't even get a sponsor for crying out loud. Our "best ever" TV deal is miles behind almost any other football nation in Europe and our international TV deal which was considered the worst of the major European leagues turned out to not even be all that profitable for the distributor. It makes no sense to rate Scottish football highly when it factually isn't remotely a high level. You seem to confuse a will for Scottish football to be better with where we factually are. 

    There is no benefit to other clubs in colts, I have not said the same for the current loan structure, is this a point you've misunderstood? 

    I agree colts will do that, I have never said they wouldn't but it isn't required for that to happen. I also don't imagine it would make a big difference overall. Colts will also disenfranchise thousands of Scottish football fans, devalue our lower leagues and disadvantage many other Scottish teams in the transfer market. So because it is not needed for players to find their level and it has massive drawbacks, it's a non-starter. There is no appetite for colts, I know you want them to benefit Celtic but there are too many Scottish football fans of other clubs, that aren't naive enough not to strongly oppose this idea. As such it won't happen. It would be an own goal for other clubs to go against their fans. 

    The quality down south is factually way higher than any player we have in Scotland. This is proven given any player that shows such talent at the top of our game, more often than not goes to a bang average EPL team or somewhere else in world football. There isn't a single Scottish based Scottish player good enough for the level we need to be at as a national team. I don't know how much more evidence you need of this, than the last 10 failed football tournament qualifiers. 

    I don't understand your point about losing players to England, we lose players to England more often than not because it's a progression. St Mirren for example, one of our top 12 teams in the country regularly lose players to L1 and L2 English teams, players that we would rather keep and that would play first team football here. 

    I would love to see us close the gap but that's a completely different issue. Scottish football has been going backwards largely because it isn't exciting, entertaining or attractive to fans in a connected modern world. Who wants to watch a competition where you know who the champions will be one of two teams? (one in the last nine years) Answer is, not all that many people. The very downfall of Scottish football is linked to the consolidation of power between Celtic and Rangers. Now you want a proposal to go through that will further consolidate that power, turn thousands more fans away from or game and you talk about bridging gaps? It would have the opposite effect. 

    Colts is a red line for many Scottish football fans (including me) you can't support colts and support a better more attractive Scottish football product. They are conflicting views. 

  16. 1 hour ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Why should they? They have their own young talent to produce it's up to us to do the same.
    The mutual beneficial part is Jamie McCart to St Johnstone,Lindsay to Ross county,Thomson to Dunfermline,Hendry to Raith. We can't determine where these players will end up in their careers.

    They shouldn't, have you misunderstood what I've said? the issue is we need Scotland to be producing young, quality talent that they want in their teams. No one is asking bigger teams to take our youngsters and hope they develop. It's about making them attractive to bigger clubs based on their quality. More Gilmour's, Robertson's, Mctominey's are needed. 

    It's a pretty safe bet they won't likely end up far superior to what Scotland for the most part has now, which is what we need. That mutually beneficial part is fine, it doesn't point to the need for colts because it stops being mutually beneficial for the multiple reasons I've given you. Not least of all, thousands of fans walking away from Scottish football. 

  17. 14 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Now that was a bad move mi amigo,Using that as a negative when you expect the same from other countries to help our talent develop, you can't have it both ways.

    I don't expect them to do us a favour, the development would only come from it being mutually beneficial. In other words players good enough for their teams, that's the issue we face and the challenge to overcome.

    That's where colts differ, it is not mutually beneficial, it only furthers two clubs at the determent to practically all others. 

  18. 10 minutes ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    Yep I think if the chart just said U23's French Eddie,Ajer and Frimpong would make it look very different.

    Which is another reason not to have the colt teams in the structure, there is nothing to guarantee it would support developing young Scottish players to any level let alone the level we need.

    As for your previous points on players loaned out, no they shouldn't get credit, this is about clubs willingness to support a much needed improvement in developing Scottish players for us to be more competitive at international level. There is currently little to no will for that at Celtic or Rangers. The proposal highlights this. 

  19. 1 hour ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    This hypothetical scenario is possible but if McLean stayed at rangers would this not give another kid a chance to take his place at St Mirren?
    As I've said before Celtic will look for the best they can get and will release and buy players from 16 to 20 to fill their quota.
    With project brave in place they have the pick of all the young talent within that system from elite level on the performance pathway.
    Kenny McLean was sold for around £350k by St Mirren, he is now a £10 million rated player, if he was to sell for that, we would get in the region of a further £250k (maybe more if we had a sell-on with Aberdeen which I'm not sure about). He is currently one of the top five biggest transfers we have ever had  with a chance of being top three. He was also important in getting us to a cup final which we won, our first in 26 years. Can you see how getting a different player isn't much of an incentive to me to get colts in the league structure? There is no benefit to other teams when you look at the negatives. 

    Your point on Celtic shows we are on the same side regarding why it's not in other clubs interest to get colts in the league. Celtic will no doubt do the same for players that fall into the colt quota, very likely more so given they would have an extra carrot of first team football.

    I'm pretty sure it's 8 Scots to a 25 man squad across Europe for me that is not xenophobic one third of the team.
    Your idea was 8 out of the first 11 apart from restricting managers who they can pick and who they can't pick it's xenophobic and not inclusive.
    You could maybe get away with 6 out of the first 11 but it is far too radical, 4 Scots in the first 11 is in line with the rest of Europe. 
    It is not 8 Scots, it's 8 homegrown players, their nationality is irrelevant. You're the one bringing nationality into this. But fair compromise, let's start with us doing eight in a 25 man squad and how about three that are still U21 in the starting line up? The problem we had with the previous rules is teams just left three boys on the bench. Let's move that up a notch and get them in starting 11s. Same rules, shifted goalposts. That isn't xenophobic. this is the only scenario where I would be open to the colts, it would show bigger teams taking commitment to develop young players as well, not just putting it onto colt teams that will serve no tangible purpose at international level. Some clear progress routes are possible. Colts in L2, the best three into starting 11s in SP clubs, hopefully they reach a level where they can move onto better leagues. I wouldn't be happy with it (because it could easily be done without colts) but it shows compromise. 

    This idea has be going around for a while the problem is how it would work, with project brave in place you could have your top 80 players from the age of 18.
    For me this would only work with full time clubs and full time coaches whether this was through strategic partnerships or through the loan system.
    Using 20 clubs each club gets 4 players on a yearly contract, putting them into categories from goalkeeper,defender,midfielder and striker picking one from each.
    The draft would give players a goal from 16 when they sign their first professional contract with a cap on the wage structure.
    Or we implement rules forcing the biggest clubs to reevaluate their youth academies.

    Just WOW and Whoosh to this comment the only place I'm going to judge players is at international level.
    If you don't understand that players can be impacted by the level of quality around them, fine. 

    It's not a point the finger of blame, it's constructive criticism on where he can improve his game McTominey's reading of the game out of possession without the ball is terrible.
    I agree the SFA has to take the blame for treating the national team like a part time job,After Strachan left with nearly a year without defeat the appointment of McLeish killed the momentum stone dead plus the stupid friendlies half way across the world.

    You base that on no more than a handfull of games with the majority being at international level (see previous point). McTominay is hands down the best Scottish midfielder in world football right now. The only person close is McGinn.

    Our debate has been pretty civil there is no need for having a wee pop,Armstrong was at Celtic for about 5 minutes in his career.
    The point I was making was he should've been in the national team well before 25 this isn't due to his lack of ability it's down to the manager in place at the time.
    I think it's pretty clear, it isn't a criticism. I am assuming you have seen far more of Armstrong than any other EPL based Scottish midfielder. Your view is likely scewed by how good he looked up here in a very poor league environment. It is accurate though, 19-20 players in every Scotland squad aren't good enough for where we should be. 

    For me this is play station crap not reality, if McTominey replaced Brown on the 1st of august Celtic would be a poorer team.
    This would be an example of running before you can walk, I've no problem with getting players into the national setup as quick as possible this progressive thinking has been lacking for years.

    That is utter nonsense. He would be the first name on the team sheet every single game and vastly improve your midfield. You again are basing him off a handful of internationals and one or two EPL games. If you look at Scott Brown only in a Scotland jersey he is bang average (at best, often very poor and out his depth) as well, that's because at international level he is far from the required standard. McTominay playing at SP level clubs would be player of the year by Christmas. 

    Sending our best talent to other countries doesn't help the game in Scotland,this is the biggest problem we have here, players will always want to play at the highest level possible.
    The only way to slow this process down is to produce more talent to maintain the level we have, I don't know what you've been watching over the past two seasons but for me the top flight has improved from bottom to top.
    Our top talent failing at other countries is the issue, not them getting there. The top flight improving in Scotland is like someone that takes up boxercise to improve their fitness then goes into a world championship fight. Yeah they probably will get fitter but they are miles off the competition. Scottish football has got slightly better last two or three years but that's still a drop from where it was 10, 15, 20 years ago. It's off a cliff from where we were in the 60s and 70s relatively. 

    It isn't good enough, that's reflected in the coefficient and the only option the national team has to improve, is to have a pool of players far too good for Scottish football. Easier said than done but the colts wont help with that. All they'll do is progress to clubs at the cost of all others while causing likely thousands of fans to turn their back on Scottish football. It's done, it's a no again and if the appetite is anything to go by, it'll remain a no. Time for Rangers & Celtic to learn lessons and bin the idea for good. 




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