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Posts posted by Bazil85

  1. 1 hour ago, Soctty said:

    You're right. Surely easier for Bazil to admit he got it wrong when referring to Spartans as amateurs, but as I know from experience Bazil likes to waffle on for a few pages at least, until the subject matter fizzles into distant memory...


    I said I wasn’t sure. If they aren’t amateur then they certainly play at a similar level to them anyway. Does anyone actually know for sure? 

    If they are part time and not amateur then I sincerely apologise. OMG it makes such a difference to the point :D please let’s continue to discuss this tiny detail that will completely justify an SP, professional club, drawing with them at home... :P

  2. 21 minutes ago, ah-dee said:
    45 minutes ago, Bazil85 said:
    Possibly, again I feel we're focusing on the wrong aspect here. My gut feel is it'll be a mix of amateur/ p-t contracts and no one will be on earth shattering money above £50 (or certainly not much) 
    Regardless of the granular details, we still shouldn't be drawing with Spartans. 

    i thought you didnt have to pay anything to players if you held amateur status? was that not the case with queens park? might be wrong or it may have changed.

    Yeah it's true of amateurs. That's why I wouldn't be surprised if a number of their players are amateurs. 

  3. 1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

    If they were 18-20 year olds they could pay them for 9 hours work at that price, less again for 21-24's and then less again for over 25's.  I'm not sure what hours Spartans will cover in their contract but I would imagine it will be more than 9 given they get entry to National cups and may need to travel 5+ hours each way.

    Possibly, again I feel we're focusing on the wrong aspect here. My gut feel is it'll be a mix of amateur/ p-t contracts and no one will be on earth shattering money above £50 (or certainly not much) 

    Regardless of the granular details, we still shouldn't be drawing with Spartans. 

  4. 1 minute ago, The Moonster said:

    Paying them £50 a week on a part time contract would be illegal, I would imagine. Doubt that would be more than minimum wage for the hours they do.

    £50 a week - Would pay over nine hours at min wage a week. Only training part time for players that likely have full time jobs I doubt it would be illegal.

    In saying that, I do feel we're focusing on the wrong part of our team drawing with Spartans. :lol:


  5. 6 minutes ago, Soctty said:

    TC brought in duds - so far Heaton, Kellermann and Cooke have played no more than 90 minutes, while Coulson and Kpekawa have shown some promise. Maybe give them more than that to settle and impress?

    Seems you're now knickerwetting about my opinion. Cool...

    So Stubbs will repeat the mistakes from Rotherham? Or the ones that won him a Scottish Cup with Hibs? He took Hibs backwards in two seasons? Reached two major finals in his last year in charge, winning one of them, reached the Scottish Cup semi final in his first year in charge. Can he take us backwards like that? 

    Your mutually exclusive comment makes absolutely no sense, surprisingly. Unless you think Stubbs is going to be sacked in 4 months *and* win us the Scottish Cup...

    Again I'm not sure what you aren't getting by it being my opinion so far. Am I allowed to be concerned about the quality of the trialists he's already said aren't being taken further either?

    More confused by it than anything else

    Backwards in the league in two seasons and an absolute car crash at Rotherham. I also never said he 'will' it's simply my concern based on what we've seen so far. No one is questioning what he did in the cups. 

    Stubbs having decent cup runs and taking Hibs backwards in the league over two seasons is not mutually exclusive, they both happened. Yet again, I'm not saying these things will happen to us. 

  6. 33 minutes ago, Soctty said:

    Knicker wetter comments have indeed been an embarrassment - so stop making them... 

    I've shown concerns, but I haven't started knickerwetting, the way you have.

    You haven't looked very far have you? I've seen many writing them off as pish, linking them with Tommy Craig in some bonkers way. As I've said, three of them have played around 60 minutes in total for the club - no official preseason friendlies, just 60 minutes of action while some way from full fitness or match sharp.

    This is a fans forum indeed - I assume I'm allowed to pass comment on your opinion? Or  is that a step too far...

    I have no concern about the goings on at a completely different football club, with different players, different circumstances. 

    Are you concerned that Stubbs might win us the Scottish Cup? Or is it just negatives that are allowed to be considered here...?

    I've only shown concern as well so not sure where you're getting the 'knicker wetter' stuff from. Again fans jumping to that expression when people show concern embarrasses our fan base. 

    TC brought in duds, are you saying in the three games we've played there are no similarities? I've not seen a single fan say 'these players are guaranteed not good enough' I see the issue here now though, if people don't follow your exact definition of concern then they're 'knicker wetter’s cool... 

    Course you can, your opinion seems to be, that I think the world is going to implode because I've shown concern, is a bit of a stretch though most people would say. Again it goes back to the 'knicker wetter' embarrassment. 

    Nor do I, I have concerns that AS will repeat the same mistakes and history will repeat itself. They are concerns based on three matches, I'm not saying it’ll 100% happen. 

    I'm concerned that he took Hibs backwards in the Championship in two seasons and lost his last job after a few months. I would be delighted if he won us a cup. Can you see how they're not mutually exclusive? 

  7. 23 minutes ago, Soctty said:

    I'm as concerned as I was when we lost 5-0 at Firhill last season - not very. I still regards it as preseason.

    I'm not thinking about how much time he should be given, mainly because I'm not pishing my knickers after three preseason kickabouts.

    Three of his signings have played about 60 minutes each before being written off completely - what happened to giving players a chance? Same as giving the manager a chance it seems...

    How Rotherham have done at any point in their history is of absolutely no interest to me.


    Yep I was concerned at that as well. Doing it one season though doesn't mean we'll do it the next unfortunately. 

    The knicker wetter comments have always been an embarrassment to our fan base. Fans showing concerns and speculating if poor form continues, what will happen, are automatically labelled 'knicker wetter’s' it's laughable. 

    I haven't and haven't seen anyone who has 'written off completely' some of his signings. Cause for concern about their performance so far is perfectly fine. This is a fan forum, it would be very quiet if people weren't allowed to give opinion or comment on poor player performance. 

    You have no concern about our managers past experience? Glad you weren't involved in the recruitment process, would of probably been a 'rock, paper, scissors' tournament  :lol:

  8. On 21/07/2018 at 08:22, Soctty said:

    I've literally denied it, so yes they can.

    Fans will be as patient as they like, regardless of your thoughts. I think he'll get plenty of time and would be concerned if he didn't. 

    You genuinely don’t see any concern at all in St Mirren drawing with an amateur side? 

    How much time should he be given? He hasn’t got the best track record at other clubs and has told three important players in our title winning team they’re free to leave. Most of his new signings are already looking, cause for concern. 

    If we’re sitting in a similar position to Rotherham in a few months time, do we still keep him and hope he turns it around? 

    Right now it’s all ifs and buts but fans have every right to be concerned with the way we’ve approached our last two games. 

  9. 1 hour ago, Soctty said:

    It's still preseason, like it or not. Players need a kick up the arse, which they got. They'll be glad you're willing to draw a line under it. Sensible fans know it's early days and know things will improve on terms of application, tempo and desire. 

    A repeat on Tuesday and I'll be a little worried, but I'm not expecting a repeat.

    Re thistle game. Just because we do it once doesn't mean we'll do it again. It isn't an excuse for lack of effort. I hope you're right it's the kick up the arse but no one can deny drawing with a non-league side is a concern. 

    Sensible fans will also be aware that there is zero tolerance for not giving 100% effort in any competitive game, regardless of what time of year it is. To stress, I'm not saying the world will end after the performance but we have a right to be frustrated. 

    the draw a line under it comment was meant as a collective. As you've eluded to you'll be more concerned if it happens again Tuesday. I don't see fans being very patient if it becomes a trend.

    On a seperate note, Stubbsy is playing a risky game with so many new signings and telling players like Mac, McShane and Eck they can go. Great if it works out but if it goes wrong, I don't think a lot of fans will give him a lot of time. 


  10. 8 hours ago, Cerberus said:


    The point being that a 5th tier English club has more money that the 2nd best Scottish club.


    I don't know why this surprises anyone. the SP has no competition, the champions are known before a ball has been kicked. The quality of football is also very low. We aren't marketable, why would anyone want to invest money in it? It's no surprise at all to me that lower level leagues in England have more spending power. 

  11. 1 hour ago, RandomGuy. said:

    You definitely have. Hibs are seemingly willing to let him leave next Summer as they believe the money they'll make this season with him, will be more than any transfer fee they'll receive once they've handed over your cut. 

    Be a shame if your entire Summer business was based on a transfer that doesn't even involve you. 

    Can't blame them. Their cut of £1.75 million or a player like John Mcginn for next season. No contest IMO 

  12. 9 minutes ago, Soctty said:

    It was a glorified friendly. Easier to get fired up against a team who were the form team in the league above for most of last season as there is a point to prove, but against non league opposition there would have been a few who thought it might be a bit of a stroll.

    Regarding lazy passing, I saw it more as some passes just not coming off. Numerous times we looked like carving them open only for the final ball to just come up short. Players need time to get fitness and sharpness, but also to get a bit of rhythm in their play. All three were missing, which I'd expect to be present in droves come Saturday after the disappointment of Tuesday night.

    McGinn demonstrated why he is so important to the club. Regardless of the goal he scored, he was getting torn into all of his teammates about the lack of intensity and tempo, as well as the other factors that were lacking. We need others to step up to the plate and show a similar degree of fire in their belly and will to win. Again, the level of opposition possibly lulled some into the false sense that they could coast by in first gear.

    I saw similar in the 5-0 drubbing by Thistle last season at this point. Players sometimes need a reality check to get them working as hard as they should be early in the season, and without friendlies to play they need to be on it from the word go.


    ETA: Integration was definitely also an issue - it couldn't fail to be with so much change in personnel on and off the pitch this summer.

    That's exactly my point, some players were treating it as a friendly. It was in no way, shape or form a friendly and that for me is what's so frustrating. I can fully understand a team needing to gel and taking time to work as a unit. I can't tolerate players not being up for competitive games. I couldn't care less if it was Spartans or Barcelona, the players can't be excused giving 100% every game and I'm pretty confident that's what Stubbs would of said to them. From his interview and pitch manner, same goes for our Captain. 

    The passing was very lazy IMO. Night and day between Friday and Tuesday, for me it just confirms they didn't approach the game with the determination I would expect. 

    I agree players need a reality check sometimes and that'll be why Stubbs shouldered some of the blame in his interview. He should of been making it completely clear he demands 100% focus. 

    I would generally say as well, no disrespect to Spartans but those professional footballers should of been able to meet on Monday and still win comfortably, given the gulf in teams. I'm willing to draw a line under it and hope they pick up in the next competitive game but I assure them, fans won't tolerate that level of drive for long. 


  13. 4 hours ago, Soctty said:

    Our problem is that we are integrating a lot of new players, with a new manager, new assistant and new first team coach. In the past, this would happen through numerous preseason friendlies before any competitive match was played. Players would get the benefit of the doubt, managers would make 10 or 11 subs per match and we'd ease new players into the team.

    The current format of the League Cup - and more importantly the timing of it - removes that luxury, with fans frothing at the mouth over what are basically preseason friendlies.

    Saturday will be our only preseason friendly, and we've already played two competitive games. Expect us to be better against Queens Park next midweek, better still against Dumbarton and as ready as we can be for the league opener.

    I think the problem on Tuesday was a massive lack of determination and effort, not integration. I was very disappointed in the attitude to the game by a number of our players. Could see it in the lazy passing. Seen it when Spartans put the ball out due to an injured player at 1-0 and even after he was off the field, we still mucked about for close to a minute before taking the throw in. 

    You could tell it was a lack of effort and determination when McGinn came on. Players changed almost instantly, was like yer Da catching you do something you shouldn't.

  14. 26 minutes ago, Richey Edwards said:

    Ask these so-called Catholics and Protestants anything about their alleged religions and they cannot answer. Ask them if they believe in Jesus Christ and they will say no. Ask them when they were last at church and they say that they cannot remember. Why is this?

    The one thing more stupid than believing in religion in 2018 is pretending to do so because it fits in with some idiotic agenda.

    Well said and very very true. 

  15. 48 minutes ago, BawWatchin said:


    Has it occurred to either of you that some of the posters on here may actually be Catholics themselves? So why wouldn't they bring it up?

    Has it occurred to anyone that Catholics and Protestants are the same thing? The only difference is the interpretation of man about different parts of an old fairy tale book. Nonsense to believe any of it in 2018.

  16. 1 hour ago, Dee Man said:

    Seems I've struck a bit of a nerve here. 

    If you guys are happy to give a wee wave to your heroes up on their bus for winning the Championship, you batter in. Don't let the Dundee fan that thinks it's a bit of a minter spoil your fun. 

    Achievements are very relative. I'd say what St Mirren achieved this season, in a very competitive league, against teams with more financial power than us is a bigger achievement than say Celtic winning (buying) another treble with a player budget more than twice the size of their closest rivals. 

  17. On 4/16/2018 at 19:08, GordonD said:

    Too many negatives in that sentence for me to get my head round. Undoubtedly my fault but could you say it again so I can see what point you're making?

    The person was making a point about other SP team fans being for the Colts. I was making the point that regardless if every SP team had a Colt team the Rangers and Celtic Colt teams would likely still take more quality young players from them. 

    If Celtic and Rangers had Colt teams they'd be filling them with some of the best young talent available. Where does that talent come from? Youth squads for SP and Championship teams and maybe young players that are breaking into those teams. Can you imagine a 17 year old Celtic fan being asked to choose between Celtic Colts and Hearts Colts. Only going to be one winner. 

  18. On 4/10/2018 at 15:24, Cowden Cowboy said:

    Not aware of being asked that question but there have been several polls of Old Firm and Hearts fans plus comments on their forums showing decent levels of support - why would they not back it as they will perceive the benefits and aren't impacted at all by having their own League compromised?

    The main fan survey across top flight teams as well, biggest of its kind and it didn't show very much support. Also if you don't think Celtic/ Rangers Colts could have an impact on young players choosing them over SP youth structures (even if these teams also had Colts) then you're very much mistaken. 

  19. On 4/4/2018 at 19:03, Cowden Cowboy said:

    She isn't - probably most Hearts fans would be in favour as would most Premier club fans. It is the lower league fans in general who don't want it

    The majority that comment on social media and on places like this seem to be against it in my experience. It's actually been reassuring that a lot of fans of these clubs are supportive of the little guy. (Can actually say the same for a number of Celtic and Rangers fans) 

  20. Yet another Chairperson completely disregarding fan opinion, what makes it even more disappointing is she's in charge of a club moving towards fan ownership. 'The main challenge would appear to be financial.' No Mrs Budge the main challenge is it isn't wanted by fans and fans are more important than financial obstacles. 


  21. On 3/24/2018 at 12:55, DA Baracus said:


    Good move (should never have been stopped) but not sure if it will stop the 'colts' pish given how determined some folk seem to be to have it

    I think the Colts idea seems dead in the water again given the radio silence from the Bigot brothers, SFA and SPFL. Communication isn't their strong point though lets be honest. It'll rear its ugly head again in months/ years time and yet again the fans of us 'wee teams' will need to come together to remind the Scottish football chiefs we aren't a two team nation. 

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