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Posts posted by Dindeleux

  1. 4 hours ago, wastecoatwilly said:

    You don't truly believe that have you any proof?
    I heard he had major problems down at Birmingham but history now. 

    You'll know better than me but in my opinion thats why Celtic signed him...............in addition to the fact that he is a good player of course and would've been viewed even more positively 5 years ago. 

  2. I was desperate for a Ferrari (or anyone except Merc) to win today but I don’t have too much of a problem with the penalty. He made a mistake which forces Hamilton to take evasive action to avoid a collision which stops an overtake. It’s harsh but fair for me.

  3. 9 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
    14 hours ago, Dindeleux said:
    Holy f**k lads I don’t think it’s me who has got the issue. It was just a wee jibe, are we not allowed these any more? I can’t believe a meme from a movie is being viewed as casual homophobia.
    Again, holy f**k lads. 

    Sorry Dindy, had a shiter of a day yesterday with the black dog. Was having a go at everyone on here, thank f**k Tartan Tammy didn't show his face 'cos I would have been banhammered for certain.

    Thought you had him on ignore?

  4. 2 hours ago, RandomGuy. said:

    Sounds like your board had to choose between Strachan and Goodwin, and chose Strachan.

    If true that would be the correct choice. I see another poster has suggested it could be related to our job. I doubt that as we seem to have set our sights on a more experienced manager although stranger things (3 year deal for Gary Locke) have happened.

  5. Just now, Moomintroll said:
    7 minutes ago, Dindeleux said:
    Holy f**k lads I don’t think it’s me who has got the issue. It was just a wee jibe, are we not allowed these any more? I can’t believe a meme from a movie is being viewed as casual homophobia.
    Again, holy f**k lads. 

    Awa wi ye spam valley lad, give the Community/other sketch show programmes their punchlines.

    I have no idea what you are talking about here to be honest.  

  6. 9 hours ago, Moomintroll said:
    10 hours ago, Dindeleux said:

    Bugger off Dindy, i was having a go at johnny because I have had enough about clownshoes like those utter cretins & I was out of order having a dig at him when mutants like that exist. Much as I love Community, enough with the casual homophobia as well.


    9 hours ago, Miguel Sanchez said:

    Dinders has been having a bad time of it lately. 


    7 hours ago, Bert Raccoon said:

    I'm concerned, seems like a cry for help.

    Holy f**k lads I don’t think it’s me who has got the issue. It was just a wee jibe, are we not allowed these any more? I can’t believe a meme from a movie is being viewed as casual homophobia.

    Again, holy f**k lads. 

  7. 15 hours ago, MarbellaDEE said:

    hahaha maybe not tinpot but utterly hilarious, mutants to a man. 


    40 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
    47 minutes ago, johnnydun said:
    This in itself is so racist and wrong. Please remove your post.

    Irish origin travellers are not a race, however if you are genuine I will delete the post if you request again. As long as you continue to request the removal of any film reference that may be objectionable to peoples, nationalities or creeds that are portrayed by scriptwriters, directors & actors that are not indigeneous to the character being portrayed.


    37 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
    47 minutes ago, johnnydun said:
    This in itself is so racist and wrong. Please remove your post.

    Incidentally, please remove your avatar as you are clearly mocking my religion.


    19 minutes ago, Moomintroll said:
    25 minutes ago, johnnydun said:
    My avatar does not mock any religion, that so happens to be mine.

    Sorry m90, you got it in the neck as I have been growing tired of people on here spouting pish and getting away with it while others get pulled up for nothing. Consider it gone & forgotten about.


    18 minutes ago, johnnydun said:

    Thank you, same here.



  8. 37 minutes ago, big al said:

    Away to Dundee summed up Cosgrove for me. No movement and poor build up play. The team had a lot of possession but didn’t do much with it and it showed his weaknesses. 

    Then 2nd half the balls cur back and he taps it in, and along with a penalty we win 2-0 and everyone’s singing his name.

    yeah he scored the 2 and is the hero, but I don’t think it’s enough to win trophies.

    Cosgrove, based on what I saw of him, looks like a “big game”  player. He has a presence about him.

    Worth mentioning that the criticism you have levelled at Cosgrove is exactly what was aimed at Kris Boyd by Deadco fans even through the prime of his career. I know Boyd isn’t a favourite with your support but putting the ball in the net is the hardest thing to do. If Cosgrove returns 15+ every season who cares what the rest of his game is like.

  9. On 25/05/2019 at 21:08, quickoverayard said:
    On 22/05/2019 at 23:17, Dindeleux said:
    I've been watching the Ken Burns documentary on Vietnam which is incredible.  I'm really into history and the Vietnam war is one I knew a little about but certainly not enough.  The Civil War is similar so will go to that next.
    On a negative note I watched a 2-parter on Netflix called Money Heist.  Its a Spanish film/show and its then badly dubbed into English.  Very noticeable and as a result of the language change a lot of the scenes are missing some kind of depth.  One of the worst things I've ever seen, I can't really turn something off after I've started it as I see it as giving up.  Watched the first episode which was about 50 mins, hating it from about 20 mins in.  Then the second part is only about 35 mins - got maybe 20 mins through it before deciding I didn't care what happened at the end and being forced to turn it off.
    On a related note a guy from work has told me a way to access the entire Netflix catalogue - everything thats ever been on it.  PM for more details.

    Hi mate tried to pm you but not working. Fancy giving me a message to talk me through it

    Did you get added to the PM chat with the instructions?

    Has anyone tried it and does it work?

  10. Thought I'd tell you depressionists that [mention=4520]Dindeleux[/mention] is back mocking mental illness. 

    It's time, this time that we said no to the stigma of mental illness.   It's Ok not to be Ok and it's never not Ok to mock mental illness or the cause of mental illness.    

    Quite the opposite in fact.

    In any case there are some threads on P+B that the other nonsense shouldn’t be brought into and this is one of them.
  11. I was actually up in Ninewells A&E with my daughter when Severin was brought in on a wheelchair. He was waiting in A&E like the rest of us average punters while the match was still going on. In fact, I saw his x-rays coming back, being put on the wall and a group of doctors crowded round looking at them and shaking their heads, knew then it was a shocker of a leg break when I saw their horrified reactions. 

    I saw Jamie Murphy at Crosshouse after he had done his knee on our fanplastic pitch.

    I could see he was suffering a bit and I was looking over like


    And then I remembered who he played for and I was like


  12. That line 'wee need a new phone' was delivered with such deadpan expression. It was excellent. 

    The few brief moments of humour, possibly totalling 30 seconds across the 4 episodes so far, have been very well done.

    I remembered today that right at the start of Episode 1 it showed Dyatlov walking across the bridge in the building and the windows had been shattered with the explosion and you see him looking at the graphite and just carrying on as if he didn’t see it.
  13. On 5/22/2019 at 08:51, The Minertaur said:

    There's a Cowden fan who weirdly enough was visiting Chernobyl this week.  Having never really thought about it I started watching this show on Sunday and then sat going through his photos yesterday.  Incredible place that I want to go see myself now.

    Excellent episode last night.  As mentioned by somebody earlier the poor b*****ds in the hospital. My wife and I could only sit in silence when you saw the guy basically gone.  The ending of the concrete filling the graves was such a powerful way to end the episode.

    My first post on this thread, totally in agreement with the view that this is one of the greatest TV shows ever made.  Its incredible.  The SCENES in episode 3 with the guys in the hospital was moving me so much I almost shed a tear and that is totally out of the ordinary for me.  Totally drawn into the programme.

    On 5/23/2019 at 10:28, scottsdad said:

    My son made me watch this. At first it was 'OK son, I will tolerate this with you'. Now it is one of about 3 shows I insist on watching.

    Scott is some boy.

    10 hours ago, Fide said:

    Trevor from EastEnders 

    Thank you.

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