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Everything posted by locheedee

  1. That'd imply that they actually bother getting their stories 'down the pub' these days - from seeing how many stories are just lifted from facebook, twitter (or here) the journos are blatantly just sat flicking through the web looking for easy stories in between wanks
  2. Yeah bang average but he does always score against us unfortunately
  3. A go on Gadzhalov's missus (after McCann obviously) Rumours has it thats why theres no word on Gadz's contract yet
  4. Haha, ffs my phones taking the piss - it started by changing it to excuse Hateley and Williams and now I'm executing the wrong c#nt
  5. I'm buzzing about those two like - totally not what I was wanting but I'm pretty chuffed we've got someone creative in the middle again and the guy Deacon was awesome for Sutton so heres hoping he can do it week after week! Like the guys have said though a striker and a defender next please Mr McCann & please hurry up and execute Hartley and Williams. Thank you
  6. I'm sure thats just coz of folks on here talking about him - I suppose you'd at least know what standard you were getting as opposed to Julen or Gomis the international class bombscare's
  7. Yeah thats pretty much my thoughts too but I'd rather he focussed a bit more on getting us solid at the back & giving us some width than getting three attackers in (even if I'd shoot my load if those three rocked up for pre-season)
  8. McCann's already been talking about being busy trying to bring in new players so I'm guessing he's sorting out replacements for the sh#te first
  9. Did he not move up this way? If anyone knows where, we could always go and help pay the fat f##k his payoff - in coppers like folks used to with mad alfie?
  10. Fat greasy little sh#te can fk right off - c#nt should've been punted as soon as he signed Williams
  11. Fk that I'd not give you Ludos timex fir the dayglo fud
  12. Tbf tho they've probably been a bit busy rewriting the new manager announcement to notice he's away yet
  13. Are Bain, Stewart and Kano not out in spain too... Could Nelms even make it double signing and come back with Gorgeous Greg too?
  14. If I remember rightly though, he wasn't especially pish, he was just one of those typical dundee "wingers" like conroy and a hundreds others that were hyped to be awesome but could only get a free kick or cross on target once a season That might just be me being charitable though coz I'm sure I called him for all sorts enough times!
  15. You're a cruel man, but I just had a nosey there and we signed him in 2008 from accies on a 2yr deal but punted him to alloa a year later... Think it was Rae that was the diddy in the dugout at the time?
  16. I don't think so! If I remember right he gave me hope of making it as a pro & my mums better at fitba than me
  17. Wow, Mark Gilhaney - thats a name from the dim & distant past
  18. Aslong as its not Pressley, McGhee, Hughes, Mixu, Calderwood, Rae or Butcher for me or Jocky even if it is his turn!
  19. Just a thought since the official statement makes mention of McCann being allowed to step away from his "contract" with sky for the 5 weeks, would we maybe have been due sky £££ if we had signed him or am I just tripping again?
  20. Aslong as they're automated and hunt down any fucker that tries to escape Liams maze
  21. Aye they are but nae buggers gonna waste their time carving Tommy Wrights fat heid or Murray Davidson's dopey puss are they...
  22. Nah I'm not sure about stainrod in a frock like - how about a mount rushmore effort up on the law or right across the sidlaws instead?
  23. ^^^ This for me ^^^ Eta - even if McPake is walking with a stick...
  24. I'll take him as a start anyway - hope he can provide the spark that's been missing in midfield!
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