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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Just watched an assaultron v deathclaw v super mutant battle.
  2. Having a nightmare. Got myself trapped in some cannery or something where the only way out is to fight your way through the sewers. Which are filled with ghouls with a couple of glowing ones. Ive nowhere near enough supplies to make it
  3. Assaultrons haunt my dreams
  4. Does anyone find the junk jet effective? I threw mines away in the midst of a clearing out mission for a nocturnal shotgun
  5. Went to the bottom of the mines after all the raiders. Down a well and theres a knife you find that causes 47 damage while also poisining the victim... Also with all this talk of Diamond City ive not even been there yet as part of the main quest at level 16 atm
  6. Literally just finished the Borers mission. Absolutely fucking brilliant one
  7. Its effectively what happened after the horror of a night i had. Couldnt move ten feet without bumping into a deathclaw/supermutant/pack of beasts/legendary thing.
  8. Then just bumped into a legendary assaultron and mr cutsy combination. Time to build some walls instead.
  9. Doing BoS missions. Youre finding a lost unit. Youve to find a signal which leads into a satellite field. Which has at least ten super mutants in it. Being drawing them out one by one until one decides to sprint at me. Manage to get a safe distance from the others and go one-on-one with it. Kill it. Only to find ive backed myself into a pack of wild mongrels. Plough my way through them, about to fire the final shot and a fucking deathclaw sideswipes me The world is wild.
  10. Browns loans up from us in January too, and I imagine we'll be bringing him back due to our injury problems.
  11. He struggled in this league for Hamilton, and had the exact same flaws as Holt, you'd be far better persisting with him than bothering with Hendrie.
  12. This. I've played a ridiculous amount so far yet still havent started the main quest yet. Almost feels like theres too much to do early on instead of letting the story build a bit and then letting you roam free. Makes you feel a touch disconnected to everything a little. Ghouls btw, are scary quick. I've found a hunting rifle with a bayonet attached to it, and have nailed a "shoot them in the leg then bayonet them" routine. Almost enjoy meeting them these days. Mirelurks not so much. Also wandered into some Nature Park when wandering back to Sanctuary after a mission that left me with no ammo. Found a wee shack I thought might have some supplies in it, next minutes theres three Yao Guai at my back
  13. You can hack a computer to the side of the door instead of lockpicking. You can also save the game whenever you want...
  14. Cant remember how they done it tbh. Regardless it helped me get my first car, which helped me get my job, and also helped towards saving for a house, so they done good.
  15. Bleh, its too late now and Im tired. Tomorrows swallowed by family activities too, so it'll likely be Sunday before I get a proper swing at it.
  16. On an unrelated note I got a PS4 today, after a whole day of Christmas celebrations I finally got home, pumped out the 45 minute update and went to sign into PSN, and realised I have no idea what my password is. Sent a password reset request and found out it can take up to 3 hours to reach your inbox. I hate Christmas.
  17. Its a hard one to judge, as you're comparing players in different leagues, and nobodies ever going to fully agree. I refuse to accept Brown should be called a Scottish great simply because we're comparing him against the current dearth of talent, his careers been fairly average, and he should've moved to a bigger club when he had the chance.
  18. I got that amount from my grandparents when I turned 18, seemingly whenever a grandchilds born they start an account and put small amounts into it every week, and then give the grandchild it when they turn 18 as a special helping hand. A pretty neat idea I'll hopefully be able to replicate. In any other circumstances I'd refuse, or spend the majority of the money on them.
  19. TBF whats Brown achieved thats "great" for a Scottish player? He's helped win a couple of titles for one of the dominant Old Firm sides in an era when the other ceased to exist, and made a knockout stage in the CL once or twice. Hardly anything particularly special when you consider Lukas Zaluska probably has virtually the same achievements
  20. Im not sure as ive not read it yet. Id be surprised though as its a published book and she has no previous experience in the author industry.
  21. PS4, couple of games (FIFA, batman, SOM) Saints stuff, socks and rakes of deodorant. Also a "How it works" guide to women.
  22. I vaguely remember joking defending the barking, but not the throwing stuff
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