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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I don't think it's possible to make a "brief" summary to be honest
  2. She just wandered into the living room without looking at me before going to the kitchen and making herself tea. Baffling Anyway my struggle for food is over. I've unearthed some super noodles, a kitkat and some cans of cider. Meal of champions
  3. We're actually an ok couple, and over the past two years we've barely argued except one big fight which was entirely my fault. I've literally no idea what brought this on though, and I'm too tired from work to make any effort to find out. I'm slightly more gutted I ate a pot noodle yesterday or I could've had it for my tea. Not sure what I'll eat now
  4. I blew off a curry with workmates to spend the night with my girlfriend. Got home and alls fine until she starts cooking and cuts her finger. In my nice guy mode I hunt for plasters without success before fashioning one out of kitchen roll and sellotape. A little bit of blood starts showing on the kitchen roll as it soaks it up so I get told it needs more, I disagree. Next thing I know she's saying I was taking the piss and claimed I told her to man up, when in fact all I had said was "nah". So now I've no food getting cooked and shes locked herself in the bedroom in a mood which is likely to last a few days, meaning any plans for a night out tomorrow will also be sabotaged and I'll likely have to sleep in the spare room. So aye, I agree
  5. I don't think it will now Nadals back on the scene. To have a top four of Djokovic, Murray, Federer and Nadal all at their best would be incredible
  6. I'm horrendously tired. My girlfriends been dropping hints about snuggling up in bed and watching a film tonight, and she'll likely be in a mood tomorrow if I don't conform. But I just cannot be arsed moving from the couch, my minds telling me to go but my body seems to be rejecting all calls for movement at the moment
  7. You're back in the good books! Purely because I'm in love with Anchorman
  8. I'd forgotten about that unfortunate incident. You're therefore back in my "unsure of so judge secretly" group. Until you prove you're not a ned you'll remain there
  9. I'm massively disappointed neither of you look like your avatars. MASSIVELY DISAPPOINTED
  10. Just seen the Dunfermline director on Sky Sports News. Refused to look at the camera, kept mumbling before realising he'd gone to the wrong door and couldn't get in. Trapping himself and being forced to speak to the cameras your clubs fucked if he's the brains of this operation
  11. So it would be possible with this multiple personality disorder? To have an infinite number of personalities within personalties?
  12. Hmm, hmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, very interesting. Very interesting indeed
  13. I'd like to study you, your mind to be more precise. Here are some pictures, tell me what first springs into your mind...
  14. No, It just uses too much of my brain to think about it. It's a very interesting thought though, if it was possible what would happen to this person. Could they be sane one minute then descend into a whirlpool of schizophrenic personalities the next? Before re-asserting a more sane personality and carrying on with their day
  15. I've always wondered if a schizophrenic can have a schizophrenic personality, which itself has a schizophrenic personality, which itself has a schizophrenic personality... and so on and on and on. It usually hurts my head after a while of pondering
  16. The butterfly effect - strange yet captivating film. Love watching it
  17. Why are Sundays always the fastest days? Any other day drags but Sunday, it zooms by like a flash
  18. In massively stereotypical style I'm sure it was a middle aged man driving a BMW who skipped in front of a young girl
  19. Yeah, it was at the Creiff Road tesco in Perth where the pumps have quite a large gap at either sides of them. It's hard to tell if people are driving past to go to the car wash or trying to nick a pump. And I'd probably just drive into the arse of their car. My car's worth about £300 and video evidence would show them recklessly driving. f**k em
  20. He's an idiot in desperate need for his "master" to be his friend. Like JD
  21. I've seen it happen a few times to other people. People driving by manage to squeeze to in just as the car moves away from the pump. The person next in queue ususally lets them leave but the "cutter" goes right up the arse of the departee
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