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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Aye perhaps. I'm a bit of a Scrubs fanboy due to a unpopular youth and odd friends. Find it funny he's directed his own films to get away from the JD character. Only to return as a JD character
  2. Watched OZ - The Great and Powerful last night. Didn't think I'd like it but it was good, more humour in it that I'd imagined and the way the make it so "hammy" at the start before turning good. Quality acting from James Franco (again) and nice to see J.D again despite the fact he pretty much just played J.D Only weak point was maybe trying to make you feel anything. I quiet liked Oz as he's a bit of a knob and seems like a dodgy fucking salesman. But I never felt anything regarding the other characters. And the "Death of Oz" wasn't really well done as it was obvious he wasn't in the balloon - 6/10
  3. I get the feeling Joffrey will probably somehow survive another season, if not then he'll at least last another 3/4 episodes before being assassinated Fucking love this show by the way. Watched the first season with my girlfriend who was a bit unconvinced, by the end she was screaming for Eddard to survive before crying
  4. Was half listening to the radio when I realised Tiger Woods sounds exactly like Kermit the Frog. Spectacular daydream followed
  5. I imagine it's just a forum full of folk trying to Troll each other and a real Christian to come onto it so they can mock them, might be wrong. Anyway I've read the TRUE bible (The Silmarillion), and it tells me the world is round, so I'm sure of my beliefs
  6. He told his boss afterwards he'd been contemplating it for months
  7. I know someone who racked up mountains of debt, lost his wife and tried to commit suicide the other day. He left his children alone at home and tried to jump off a hill before the police stopped him. Do you sympathise with him? or was he being selfish?
  8. Depressed people should just watch Alan Partridge, I reckon it would save more lives than some pills
  9. Antoine Cason has joined the Cardinals Jake Long seemingly left St Louis without agreeing a deal unfortunately, hope I'm just hearing the wrong story
  10. The current Clydebank FC owns the original company name and insignia of the club that became Airdrie, and their Hall of Fame is filled with players who played for previous versions of the club
  11. The problem with Gretna was that they didn't have a structure in place quick enough to be an actual contender to retain their place. Airdrieonians were the same, they were liquidated near the end of the season if not after, and didn't have a structure in place to warrant a league place. Although they eventually bought their way back I'm not entirely sure what the conversation about Clydebank being rejected is about, as never once have the been rejected membership to the SFL. In fact they're technically still a member Rangers had the finances and structure in place to be a contender to stay in the leagues, and thier huge support base meant they'd be re-admitted even if it went to a vote. Just like, ironically, Clydebank. Who have been re-born three times in their history, twice being re-admitted to the SFL and once after Airdrie consumed their club and SFL status
  12. Be careful what you Google, not sure typing "Hot" and "Oral" in the same sentence will end well
  13. I'm almost 100% certain I'm not female You really want all the BEAST talk to start again don't you
  14. I know, nothing gives me more seethe than that. Ugly women, with caked on fake tan and drawn on eyebrows almost makes me sick
  15. Ugly lassies who slap on fake tan, get chunky black glasses, "hip" clothes and think they're suddenly better looking. For some reason it really frustrates me, as do ugly people in general
  16. Did anyone else get some random Christian preacher who sang during assemblies? Guy was clearly having a breakdown of sorts, .favourite was his song involving the repetition of "Tap that foot!", leading to 30 rows of guys jumping up and down as loudly as they could with both feet. He was chuffed thinking he'd whipped us into a frenzy, rector gave everyone a telling off for mocking him
  17. Mikell leaving certainly helped financially! 5 year deal for Cook, seemingly on quite high wages. Beat the Dolphins who were desperate for him though
  18. You really did. It was also quite exhilarating when someone's hand appeared on the bannister while your spittle was halfway down it's majestic journey. Watching it steadily curve towards the hand as if it had decided to punish you for releasing it was terrifying, even worse was the roar when it made contact. You'll never run as fast as you do in that situation
  19. Highest profile person who came to my school was some woman from Tay FM who caused some form of mass exodus from classrooms to speak to her, I never even knew she was there as I was too busy trying to spit down the centre of a stairwell without hitting the edges. Glory days
  20. Without doubt he demanded a move, did he not attempt it last Summer aswell? But he's working beside Rice again, and I think there's coaches at Seattle who worked with him at the Vikings aswell, maybe they'll help? And it's three draft picks he's been traded for, bold move by the Hawks. Knowing my predictions he'll be an absolute flop though
  21. Well the Vikings seemingly said his wage demands were too high so it's probably true And he averages about 11 yards a carry, and 5 touchdowns a season. Not spectacular by any means but solid, and with that base I think he's in for a good season at the Seahawks, who I think might go far. Not that I'm particularly happy they're strengthening though
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