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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Whats the actual status of Rangers just now btw? Are the actually in that much trouble
  2. Hate to say I told you so, but.... Don't imagine he'll go out on loan anywhere, as he doesn't seem to actually want to. No surprise he's made the decision the day before the window shuts, and the loan window doesn't open for another month, and the longest you can be loaned out for in that window is three months.
  3. I sometimes read the Doctor Who forums, just to see if I've missed anything. But they seem quite split on him, some love him and his doctor, while others worry that his actions aren't the actions of Doctor Who.
  4. I assume he's on about the main woman in the skirt, really annoyed me he said it was tight tbh, which is fitting considering the thread. Anyway, I'm playing fives tonight, I've not played football since Christmas, and I've done about four bits of exercise since then. It starting off with a cup aswell tonight, so its at least five games, 8 minutes long. Christ knows how this will go
  5. Capaldi is fucking tremendous, do love the fact hes so ruthless and seems to genuinely not give much of a shite as long as he himself survives. Have this huge feeling he'll properly sacrifice Clara at some point purely for self preservation. Story was a bit meh, sort of seen it all before. Id like the next episode to be one with no references or similarities to older episodes
  6. Yeah Dumarton are probably, by far, the best option. As he'll start the season as first choice, while other clubs in the division may not. I'm not meaning we'd shun him completely, but I feel like there might be less focus on him due to the fact he can't actually play in games for us, if that makes sense at all. Yeah theres obviously positives, and I've admitted I might be wrong, but it would maybe have benefited him to be somewhere else, and be away from us for a while, simply so he can get away from being the "rookie" and build his ego being a key part of team for a year or six months, instead he'll be back at us a few days every week and back into this "rookie" mindset. May got around this by being massively self assured, I'm not sure Kane has the same arrogance yet.
  7. Yeah Im not wanting to insult you lot, as he clearly got on well with your squad and was playing regularly, and that will benefit him more than any perceived difference in coaching at a full time side. Just though we maybe would've tried to get a full time side instead. Its six months anyway, and it'll be interesting to see what happens in January.
  8. It'll be some random Italian who'll be a puppet for the chairman. Thats usually what happens with mental, control freak, owners
  9. That comment was more to do with Radford being afraid that he's sharing opinions with me, tbh. And its to do with the coaching to me, we need to challenge Kane and having him train with us isn't really that great for that, I'd rather he had new coaches working on different parts of his game and new players giving him advice. He'll get it as you lot, certainly, but the rest of the week he'll be at us, and frankly we'll probably neglect him a bit due to him not technically being our player.
  10. I irrationally panic every time I get a text or phonecall after 11 o'clock
  11. Can I vote yes to gain independence from mankind?
  12. I think we'd be better letting him go to a full time team and learn something different, I might be totally wrong though. And yeah Graham signed for us, but Kane is still probably third choice after that. Our managers said we're looking at getting another attacking player in, which will pretty much cement Kane going out on loan, but I don't think we'll let him leave if we don't get another in
  13. I'm not sure we'll want Kane to be playing for you lot this season, tbh. Theres no guarantee he'll be heading out anyway, we've only got MacLean and Graham. The other striker, Adam Morgan, looked terrible against Hamilton and is possibly behind Kane in the pecking order now
  14. OR like us and Dundee United are doing. They don't want to spunk the money as soon as possible on someone thats not good enough and would rather keep it safe until a decent player comes along that would actually be worth it.
  15. Rumours on Twitter that you lot are interested in Liam Craig, I can picture the seethe on StandFrees face if this happens
  16. Aye I know, was fishing for opinions really
  17. Can't believe its not been asked yet, but did he fall or was he pushed?
  18. It was actually a 40 year old man and he's currently being beasted in the spare room of a house somewhere in Fife
  19. He's a player who's already falling behind his peers, and needed a decent standard of regular football. Totally bizarre decision which will just hamper him even more, would be surprised if he's there longer than a couple of months before joyfully requesting an end to the loan so he continue fannying about in the youth squads and accepting his relatively large wages. Pathetic attitude that he'll regret in five years when he's severely underdeveloped
  20. I tend to just ignore every single thing a woman says, and if I do accidentally listen to it then I try my best to remember the last Saints game I was at to force the memory from my head. Lifes a lot simpler
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