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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. I'd take off her wiper blades myself, and hope like f**k shes stupid enough to not notice before turning her wipers on
  2. Thats because you have that haircut
  3. This. A properly sad song, the video for it is utterly tragic
  4. He'll be back within an hour or so, as he's probably already making alias accounts in his excitement
  5. If the tester values his life, yes. So you've a 50/50 chance.
  6. Mentioned this thread at work, and got told that one time a few years back a car went into the garage we use for MOTs. It was an old pick up some rich b*****d had been using to cut about his holiday home. And he'd decided to bring it over. MOT tester went underneath, and between the rear axle, shockers and floor of the car was a huge web with thick strands youd struggle to break with your hands. It was passed within seconds and parked outside incase whatever behemoth lived under there decided to go hunting
  7. Indeed, I bet you regret appearing in a music video now you understand that smart witty people like me have gained ammunition to wound your ego with from behind our keyboards.
  8. Probably your own fault for looking like a midget lesbian tbh For the sake of the law this is a joke, not meant to be offensive.
  9. Was it ever really explained why the Tardis shrunk, or who was actually making it shrink?
  10. The dictionary definition of "compete" is "to take part in a contest". Contest is "engage in a competition to gain supremacy or power" Even if the result itself is pre-determined, the wrestlers still have to compete against each other to get that result in their favour by showing throughout these matches and behind the scenes they have the skill and talent to be worthy of winning matches.
  11. Story sounds a bit fishy to me now tbh, a 10/10 dece lass who you get on with is sending you naked photos and hinting she wants her clunge filled is almost a believable story. The part about her getting on with your girlfriend stinks of shite though, as every girlfriend in the world absolutely despises every single half decent looking female their boyfriend talks too, a 10/10 ex would have a girlfriend chopping your dick off in the night and smashing you in the face with it until you promised to never speak to her again.
  12. I'm utterly confused by this Missy character now. While the Doctor just completely nails Clara at the end (easy now) with his criticism of her, especially the dalek-esque double edger of calling her a "good doctor".
  13. Nope, its an activity of a physical nature where an individual or team face another individual or team for the sake of entertainment. The whole moaning about wrestling falls down when the same people are happy to claim boxing is a sport despite every title match in it being fixed.
  14. Yeah, but for whatever reason he wanted him as a companion, thats possibly the only reason he saved him. And that we seen, yes.
  15. I misread HBK as HHH, my (idiotic) mistake
  16. Which one? He was involved in more Hell in a Cell matches than any other wrestler it seemed. His match with Cactus Jack is memorable to me because of how fucking brutal it was, and also the way it ended. Didn't quite live up to the Mankind v Undertaker Cell match from a few years before though "He's broken in half, as God as my witness he's broken in half!"
  17. "I'm seeing double here! Four Krustys!"
  18. Jesus f**k, and County fans get uppity when anyone questions the amount of players that come in, its a constant stream of transfers
  19. Any idea when Series 4 will be available on Netflix?
  20. How would you know if youve fractured something in your foot? I got the bottom of my foot volleyed playing football last night, and whenever i walked on t after i was getting shooting pains. I can walk on it noe but still get pain, and the side of my leg is sore to touch despite me not hitting it on anythig
  21. I'm going to be honest here, I'm just bitter you can actually grow facial hair to that standard. I verge between fat lesbian and pedo in the beard stakes
  22. They've "referenced" older Doctors a few times this series, last week when they were on the beach he was quoting old lines and that. I enjoyed it too tbh. Plenty of intrigue and guessing to be had, and the plot kept you interested the whole way through. We've also got the question of who "Gus" is and why he's hunting the Doctor, while the longer the ignore this Heaven place the more intriguing it gets. I don't think he saved everyone either, tbh. He seemed to be trying too hard to make a joke about leaving them all to die in a double bluff sort of way. This Doctor also seems to be put self preservation above all, can't believe he'd waste time risking himself for so many dying people.
  23. You look like the creepy guy from Brooklyn Nine Nine desperately trying to be hipster
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