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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. To be fair I had no idea either, although knowing your brain is a good as mine might not be much solace to you
  2. I used to be fucking terrified of that show, the theme tune still puts me on edge a bit
  3. You might be aware of this but Steve Banks has signed a contract extension with us, so its pretty much 100% certain Clark will be loaned out this season, unless of course Mannus or Banks picks up a huge injury packing their suitcases of course
  4. http://www.greenockmorton.org/forum/index.php?showtopic=42148&page=8 Stumbled upon post 178 and chuckled
  5. I was under the impression he got to the "J" and the realised he had no idea how to do it, and fucked up
  6. Yeah there was something about vouchers, I spent most of the time ferociously partyboying my girlfriend, being involved in huge sweaty man hugs with any Saints fans I recognised and generally acting like a twat
  7. I went in and went straight to the toilet, halfway through the whole toilet was packed and a "Championees!" chant went up and the whole toilet erupted. Sadly the rest of the club didn't really seem keen for joining in whilst I was there, was pretty much just a busier, sweatier, version of Loft (like old Loft). The whole no stamps thing was shite aswell, when I asked for one I got told "Nae stamps, once you're in you're in, if you go out you're out", which was accurate
  8. Yass!! Yeah he's far better at celebrating than Anderson, who looks like someone from the 70s who would quite happily just run back to his position and possibly applaud a little
  9. Yeah the amount of times he'll end up on the floor with some forward who gets straight up and runs to the ref screaming before deciding to try and square up to Wright is superb, especially as Wright just sort of stands there looking bemused as players (usually Anderson) get inbetween the two players
  10. Aye without doubt, if he was an opposition player I'd be wanting free kicks every time he's going for a header, and the wind ups would possible annoy me. I just find it tremendous that in the biggest match in our history he starts laughing as we almost lose a goal as if it was some pre-season friendly, and then responds to all the patronising chat about us being "underdogs" and being a "one man team" and how if United played their best going forward we'd be beaten with the simplest of truths, said with his usual perplexed expression, with not a hint of humour in his voice
  11. The funniest thing is Gunning is probably earning the most out of the three. I hope we get Anderson signed up pronto, since Duberry came in he's probably been one of the best defenders in the country, I worry that the Final will have upped the interest in him
  12. Yeah Wright spent all game winding up Ciftci who decided he'd rather argue back than actually try and play any football, utterly superb mind games I reckon
  13. Theres something utterly loveable about the c**t, maybe its the way he just seems to casually wander about taking folk out and winning headers without ever really looking like he understands where he is, but theres just something about him I love. As an aside did you stay awake for the game this time?
  14. Thats me just seen the Frazer Wright interview from after the match, that combined with the photo of him laughing in the background after Graham missed the chance at the end, its impossible to hate that man. Utter hero in every form
  15. Can I just add its incredibly hilarious seeing the Dundee fans all over this thread, the amount of them that seem to be trying to muscle into the celebrations is cringey to the extreme. You'd almost forget they have their own trophy to celebrate the way they seem to solely be talking about this Final now
  16. I'm still in shock, genuine shock at what I've witnessed. I was on the edge of my seat for 75 minutes then I happened to glance away from the pitch and notice the time, it then hit me like a ton of bricks what was actually unfolding before my eyes. There was tears everywhere in the last ten minutes, and my mates have admitted that the tears were flowing, I didn't though as I simply couldn't muster up the strength to actually cry, always forget how much these games take it out of you. We rode our luck with the two United shots off the post, it was fucking marginal stuff and after the first one the Saints crowd quietened a bit due to the nerves. We did deserve the win though, as we took our chances when they same and (yet again) completely stunted the United attack. I'll repeat what I've said for large parts of the season, that GMS isn't even a shadow of what he used to be, Ciftci is terrible, and Armstrong is completely wasted under McNamara. I dont really get why people are pushing the "underdog" tag though, we're a better team than United and we have a better manager, its really not a massive shock we won. Delighted with our crowd though, worried the amount of "day trippers" would suck out the atmosphere but they all joined in, and at times it felt like I was part of a wall of noise, something on that scale is something I'd never thought I'd ever experience at a Saints game, it was glorious. I never got any photos or videos, no time for that! United crowd was poor though, didn't hear much of them apart from the usual moaning every time a player went down, the banter on the way home was good though, almost certain our diver slowed down a couple of times as we overtook a United bus Also my night out was sullied by the fact I was on the way down by the time I made it out, Ice Factory was heaving though, so much sweat it reminded me of "old" Loft. We left early though, I was verging on collapse due to exhaustion and dehydration As a final note I'm delighted for the players, especially Mackay, Anderson, Wright and Millar. All have been tremendous servants, and they deserved their names cemented in our history, think it was Kyle who said it before about it being a shame Liam Craig wasn't here and it is, he deserves to be remembered as a legend aswell for his role in our latest era, its a shame how it unfolded. Delighted for Wotherspoon though, he deserved a goal.
  17. I'm about to set off on the first part of my trip there. I'll see you all on the other side. Feeling quite calm now actually.
  18. *wakes up, has breakfast and relaxes in front of the tv and reads articles on the laptop, plenty of time...... goes to shite, realises something must be up, looks at clock..........* 7:43 - Pretty much 7 hours to go....
  19. Not being facetious but you've been mentioned in about three posts in this entire thread, and thats purely down to NDD coming on and having some form of breakdown
  20. Its a shame we couldn't mash together that one and the Dortmund one with the "binoculars guy". We could have one side of the stadium with a cannon firing a shell towards the big smiling puss of cockwomble, everyone then puts ups cards to show an explosion before a new set of cards shows the words "Armageddon" It would be literally impossible to do, but it would be utterly incredible if it was done
  21. Its an utterly horrendous feeling, but its also brilliant in a way. My girlfriend has literally no idea why I'm so worked up about it, after all its "only football". Only football my arse, this feels like more I'm worried about that too. If I drink just the right amount I'll be jolly, drink too much and I'll "do a Beatson". I've been terrified everytime a car comes near me aswell incase it knocks me down and I cant make this match, my girlfriend wants to go jogging tonight, I'm refusing on the basis I might die I do think, in many years time, I'll look back at May 17th 2014 as one of the most enjoyable days of my life regardless of the result. But this build up of nerves is incredible
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