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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Yeah I was right in the midst of the scoreboard end of fans (not my usual spot I might add, I usually sit nearer the middle) and from there it seemed fairly quiet at other areas throughout the game. Felt like it was only us singing in extra time aswell. I appreciate it might be purely the perception I got from where I was. Think I'm just worrying needlessly though. I won't be at another game until the Final, and Im away on "holiday" on Wednesday morning until Saturday night, the realisation that it'll be under 7 days until the Final when I return from that trip is fucking terrifying me
  2. Pretty sure theres a fan looking utterly disgusted at him as he dives into the crowd in celebration
  3. Yeah I know, but at some point of this Final we'll have a low period and I think it would make a huge difference to the result if the fans got right behind the players at that point. Throughout the whole time I've been going its always made a difference when we make noise to support the team. I just worry some people without much attachment won't be as willing to give that sort of support. As I say Im usually wrong, and I don't any experience of how neutrals react in Finals
  4. Yeah part of me knew I'd enjoy the second Semi more than the first due to the fact there was less fans going, as I knew it would be a different atmosphere. In the first the "day trippers" seemed to give up the ghost and the whole stand became deflated early on, yet in the second one there was more fight in there, and it helped the team I reckon. If everybody whos coming gets involved and supports the team it'll be one of the best experiences of my life, theres just this nagging feeling it'll be similar to the Minsk game, in which the usual suspects sing their hearts out while everyone else just sits there without much attachment to those wearing the colours. I'm pretty much always wrong though, so theres always that
  5. United clearly worried we'd bring more fans than them so have resorted to cheating. Tainted victory in the supporter stakes IMO
  6. Move away from the mirror and put your earphones in?
  7. Are those confirmed as the tops? We generally have fairly similar strips so it'll likely be the same for us
  8. Apart from when you randomly start moaning about people red dotting you when you've not been mentioned at any point in the whole conversation, of course.
  9. I got to drive an E46 M3 today from Edinburgh to Perth. I genuinely doubt I'll drive anything better. I'd already driven a 996 Carrera 4S before, but this M3 was a class above in my eyes, superb experience. Both were driven in Automatic
  10. And I know countless Old Firm fans going in the United end. Go figure You realise that technically the stadiums already over two thirds full don't you? Actually don't bother thinking about it, I don't want to be responsible for anyones death
  11. I'll be honest and say I never paid a blind bit of attention to the Cersei "spoiler" until everyone started moaning about it, I end up reading everything put in spoiler tags though, rather ironically
  12. Thats a fucking superb start from United, utterly astounding. Having a massive wall of tangerine when they run out will surely fire them up a level, and with the news of tickets sales coming through I think I'd push them further ahead of us as favourites now. The reported 11,000 for us is also superb, and I honestly thought we'd be struggling to get that much a couple of weeks ago. I'm now confident we can just about get 15,000 or so as I imagine it'll slow down now for us, although thats purely just feeling and no connection to how things are looking. I've not been near McDiarmid as the guy who runs the bus is getting ours, and I'll be utterly nervous until I actually see them on the 17th As it stands the stadium is reportedly now over half full, with a reported 34k sold of a 60k stadium. If United can manage 35k or so, and we manage 15k then there would only be about 10k seats spare, and I wonder how many sponsors are getting tickets?
  13. So the season tickets holders get to decide what seats they want probably, as a reward for buying a season ticket
  14. I've stopped mentioning when I've been. Just in case....
  15. Just the normal away stand by the sounds of it. Surprisingly the SFA seem to be aware of it and aren't selling seats there, it certainly seems suggested by the fact there isn't a big orange block on that corner in the diagram above Delighted we'll be getting behind a goal, only think its fair in a Final for some reason. Left it up to the bloke that run the bus to get our tickets, so hoping he gets decent ones! Usually section 120 I'm sure
  16. I like how you say girl on the right, under the assumption you need to side them incase people think the one on the left is female
  17. The stupid old cows who work in service department at garages seem to be developing this knack. You put a car in and when you go and collect it you get a 10 minute speel about chasing things down, interrogating the problems and about seven other nonsensical phrases. Then you ask "so whats was actually wrong with it?" and they tell you they couldn't locate any source to the problem and it would require more intense interrogation
  18. I didn't like the rape scene, but I did get the feeling Jamie was becoming too "nice", same things happening with Tyrion and his whole "sacrifice" with Pod. They are all c***s, and every so often we should reminders of that, if they're willing to do swing the Hound from "good" to "bad" then they should be willing to do it with any character
  19. Theres nothing at all bizarre about wanting to pay respects at such a special game. Its more bizarre you've decided to take some form of offence from it
  20. Theres plenty of people who get excited about seeing us, this season we've aruably been involved in some of the most excting matches And the average is spot on, the fact its spread over three stands gives them impression of it being smaller than it is though. We don't actually get many away fans outwith Celtic and the odd occasion United fans feel like it, theres been far more games with less than 150 away fans that over 1000
  21. Eh? You make the point we have no fans and are irrelevant compared to Championship sides, I make the point we have more fans than most Championship sides, your retort is to start going on about away supports. We also don't fudge figures, we have a counter on the turnstiles.
  22. Our home crowd, on average, is bigger than anything in the Championship outwith Dundee
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