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Everything posted by RandomGuy.

  1. Its already annoying me. Made the mistake of thinking of all the Semi's I've been too. It doesn't make pretty reading
  2. Genuinely didn't realise Morton were as far adrift as they are. Told you Shiels was shite
  3. As far as I can find it was 27th August in the League Cup against Dunfermline. Although it seems to have been scored by a Dunfermline defender
  4. f**k all wrong with a cookie monster t-shirt, generally helps you attract a fattie when things are looking dire
  5. Then I can only apologise. I genuinely thought it was so vague, and said in enough of a joking matter, that nobody would pay any serious attention to it. Obviously I was wrong and I'm sorry if I ruined it for anyone. I'll not mention it again, nor will I post in this thread again, and I hope everyone just forgets I even brought it up
  6. Jesus. For what its worth it was quite clearly a joke and had absolutely no details of anything at all that happened in the future episodes of the show if they even decide to take the show down the same routes as the books, it was an incredibly vague joke that some people (who obviously already know about it as they instantly latched onto it) seem to have drawn more attention too than my original fucking comment ever would've
  7. Whats the difference exactly? If you choose to enter a thread about a show thats based on a whole series of books that have already been released then theres a chance of there being book spoilers and you're entering at your own risk. All I see is that I made a vague joke about something that might happen about three years down the line, and get posts deleted for it, yet others post details about events that are happening in a series that just about the be released. Its been mentioned numerous times on this thread that people wait for the boxsets to come out
  8. Ive literally no idea what everyones on about. My point was serious
  9. Genuine opportunity for a spoiler with the word "anymore" in it. Hugely disappointed in you
  10. With Loft dredging up so many horrors it perhaps time people gave Zoo more of a chance?
  11. Me and my dad once stopped at Arbroath for a chippie on the way home from a Saints game, we made the mistake of opening a window whilst eating. Fucking huge big b*****ding gulls fighting to try and get in the windows for a good 15 minutes before we just launched our food and drove off watching them all scrap like f**k in the background. Horrible creatures
  12. Ah fair enough, genuinely no idea why I still remember that goal, just popped into my head
  13. Thats the one I know theres people who might be reading this that'll perhaps be chuffed by what you've just said
  14. Did you not beat them last season or the season before that? I vaguely remember it was a slightly snowy pitch, and Pienaar scored on a counter attack by lobbing the keeper
  15. I've been undecided about this. I fucking love Joaquin Phoenix, especially in the type of role he seems to have, but it all seemed like it would be very cliche. Might give it a go if its that good though
  16. She fucking sneaks up on you like. Didn't even notice her the first time around, now she seems to be hulking into every bloody one EDIT: Christ I actually think I know that ginger horror aswell, although shes changed a whore of a lot
  17. Where?! I'll look again, I got sort of distracted by the Jim Weir one to be honest ? EDIT: Christ I actually know one of them
  18. Its an easy mistake to have made but you've quoted one post further down than you intended too. Please try harder to rectify this in future.
  19. Yeah, I'm sort of glad I didn't go this Saturday, I've always considered him a huge cock and as soon as I seen him I thought of Jack Jeebs. I'd likely have shouted it at him
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