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Posts posted by Pepper

  1. Said this before but Fiona Bruce is a god awful host.  She either lets people speak for far too long or immediately interrupts them when they are actually answering the question.  

  2. People feel obliged to join the queue of traffic , when in fact as has already been mentioned , c***s should be using all lanes available right up until the merge point as it causes shorter tailbacks. It's called late or zipper merging. 

    Airbles Road in Motherwell heading down to the lights at Strathclyde Park is a perfect example of this. c***s insistence at joining the queue early causes unnecessary long tailbacks  which block the roundabout when if folk would  only use both lanes and merge at the point where you are supposed to (as per the big arrows on the road) then the queue of traffic wouldn't even reach the roundabout.  

    The worst is the total c**t who tries to cut in half way down blocking those who want to continue to the correct merge point. Either queue early with the other c***s, or go all in to the end. 

  3. It was obvious they were going to save him, but I'm kinda glad they did. 

    A complete guess, but I reckon the three films that Andrew Lincoln will be in will either be set in another part of the US or more likely another country entirely, allowing them to be filmed in the UK. 

    Then once they are completed The Walking Dead, Fear and any other spinoffs will come together as a "new" series with Rick back to wrap it all up, so technically he wouldn't be returning to the original series so to speak. 


  4. They  writers don't seem to have learned anything from the backlash the first half of the season received.

    And what I really can't understand is the chronic under use of some of the shows best characters.  

    Andrew Lincoln looks like he's chucked it now TBH. 

  5. 12 minutes ago, ayrshire_nomad said:

    Really? So there was a chance people wouldn't make it but they waited to see and made a late decision.
    I'm confident there would have been no danger to people trying to get in so the council can make their late decision even though people were being warned not to travel eh!
    If only we could predict or forecast the weather in some way so we can avoid late decisions and unnecessarily dangerous travel. Or are the majority of other councils in Scotland guilty of knee jerk school closure?
    It just seems difficult to understand

    Thee are many factors that led the the late decision to close one school and not the other. The close proximity is clearly not one of them. That's the only point I'm making. 

  6. 3 minutes ago, ayrshire_nomad said:

    North ayrshire council have excelled themselves this morning. They closed largs academy 10 minutes after the school day started. Largs primary remains open though with a warning that the surrounding area is treacherous.
    The academy and primary are next door to each other.

    It makes absolutely no difference how close the schools are. If the teachers can get in for one but can't for the other, then that will be why it's closed.  No doubt those who didn't make it will have been trying all morning leading to the late decision. 

    It's not that difficult to understand.


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