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Everything posted by pollymac

  1. Jesus wept. Congratulations and I hope everything goes well for you in the future. Hopefully your experience doesn't put the two of you off having more (we had a really hard time with Alexandra in Ninewells and it put us off having a second until this past year - a 9 year gap, and Madison is just now the most angelic little thing in the world).
  2. Yip it really is weird. Until February, Alexandra was still a 'little baby', then Pow! she no longer has little baby hands or the cute chubby baby cheeks any more. Strange that it took the birth of Madison for me to actually notice that my oldest daughter is only a few inches shorter than my wife (or that they now share the same size of shoes )
  3. He's cute - all snuggled in. Can't believe Maddy was that size only a few months ago
  4. I've got a system that I coded 4 years ago that has these - I still don't actually know what these mean, lol.
  5. Nah, it's still the same - Insulin has to be taken into the blood for it to work. The stomach rapidly goes through it, as it were. Entirely different if the blood sugar is too low of course. Chin up though Graham, this is quite common, so don't panic - Cheryl will be fine. As will babbit. And I'll see you in Braes to buy you a big fook-off triple pint of Deuchars (or whatever your poison: they do an awesome Deuchars though). LM - see pm
  6. Alexandra had really bad eczema and cradle cap - she lost pretty much all of her hair; however we found that, although quite smelly, Olive Oil somewhat lessened the process. What like is the space in front of your gaff? We stayed in an East facing flat in Arbroath when Alexandra was a nipper and I used to put on a wash c.5.30am to hang out at the back of 6 before I went to work. by the time Pam and Alex got up, the 100mph Lichtie wind had almost freeze-dried the washing.
  7. TBF, he's a first time dad. Given that it was 10 years ago, I still remember quite vividly the utter space cadet-edness that I went through when Alexandra was born: I phoned the in-laws and neglected to state: the sex of babbit, the weight of babbit, how Pammy was, pretty much everything excluding the fact that "the baby's born"... Pam went into labour early doors on Wed 28th July and we left a message with them at one or two in the morning - they didn't even know that Alex was born in the afternoon on the 29th until I phoned them (the third time) later. Still, I got to watch the dobs v some scandinavian outit on the telly in the matty ward (can you believe that Pam was actually ok with that???? put it down to the drugs ) Who's next btw? Is it G_Man?
  8. And the second one is worse - tar-like with green streaks
  9. Congrats Haitch. Here's to sleepless nights. **does imaginary toast**
  10. My missus was 35 hours with Alexandra and less than 35 minutes with Madison (albeit Maddy was a slice and dice job) Good luck Debs, if it happens tomorrow. I told Alex about you being due on her birthday and she was chuffed about it and wants to go up to see the baby tomorrow - see trying to explain that it's not the same as when Madison was born, sheesh.
  11. '10 boab to watch yir motor mister?' ...is what business is like in Glasgow
  12. 5 and a half months. Her second tooth has burst through today.
  13. Yep. Alexandra will be ten on Wednesday and looking at Madison is like taking a flashback from a few months back - only it's not a few months; it's nearly ten flippin years. BTW Debs, I can't remember much about what life was like before Alex was born (it all seems so hazy somehow - 'hicc!'), so be prepared for some pretty hefty changes - even the small things become skewed when kids are on the scene: shopping becomes an outing and a night out really does become something to look forward to, even when you know you'll have to go home after a couple of hours because you're knackered/missing the wean too much. It's also the greatest thing, by far, to have happened in my life. Twice. Good luck with everything. ps. Madison's first tooth came through last night. She was two days older than Alex was when her first arrived - is it sad, soppy or kinda cute that I actually know that?
  14. Did I mention Alexandra was born on the 29th? Alexandra is a nice name MkII
  15. Can't remember if you said before, but do you know if it's a boy or girl Debs?
  16. From the past, a blast; indeed.

    A very welcome back.

  17. That's my birthday. Reina is due on my oldest daughter's birthday.
  18. Ferdinand de Bargos doesn't even come close.
  19. You're given special powers that allow you to earn (on average) £3,400 more each year than someone without a degree HTH
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