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Everything posted by pollymac

  1. Now that we're on about holidays and cost - my best one (certainly most memorable) cost us around £50 for the accomodation when we went on a cycling holiday around Scotland 12 years ago. We didn't go past Napier unfortunately Napier Rejected :lol:
  2. Which is almost ironic, given that we're all well versed in laughing at him.
  3. I am even too cheap to buy a newspaper
  4. The three pot plants in your hallway don't count. Napier
  5. You should have peed in the kitchen sink B)
  6. This thread is ace. Debating with SD is like setting about a blind midget.
  7. But like myself, you'll be earning the national average within a couple of years of graduating with the additional opportunity of developing your own home business should you wish (and if you have any decent web-app development skills, I'd highly recommend it). I now earn double what I did prior to Uni, despite doing 50-60 hours per week back then. I now do 37.5 hours plus another 5 to 10 on my own stuff (which is charged as piece work as opposed to hourly - it often works out at roughly £30-£50 per hour though )
  8. Quite. Engineers (computer) £27,544 IT operations technicians £29,954 IT strategy and planning professionals £48,787 IT user support technicians £25,917 Software professionals £36,651
  9. My Software Developer graduate older brother got a $400,000 share option issued to him as a bonus in 2001. I bet he wishes he'd finished his electrician's apprenticeship in the late 80s instead of jacking it in and going to uni.
  10. Do the points from Queens count this year (I'm sure they were non-countable last year )?
  11. Debs, I told Alexandra you were due on her birthday - she wants to come and visit the baby when it's born
  12. Shut. The. Fuck. Up. Next time. Thank you, please.
  13. Murray retains his 70 points from last year and anything less than a win for Djokovic will see him drop to at least 190 points below Murray. edit: Just noticed they've changed the points this year and Murray only gets 45 and the runner-up 600 as opposed to 70 and 700 respectively.
  14. Aye. The last three months he's gained 2.5k on Federer and 3.5k on Djokovic. Federer also drops 2800 in the next few weeks (seven or thereabouts). Djokovic drops 2660. Murray drops 370 during that period. With 'only' 1010 points in it, Federer may need to win at Roland Garros and Djokovic in Rome again to stave off Murray's challenge for 2nd place. Monte Carlo notwithstanding, Murray is shit on clay though and, god forbid, could easily bow out tomorrow.
  15. Congrats gramps Madison was contented too, making cute wee squeaks and sleeping lots. Note the emphasis on the word 'was'
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