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Everything posted by pollymac

  1. Liam Lynch - United States of Whatever
  2. Muse, again! Meesa learning the piano bitties
  3. Jesus titty f**k, to paraphrase (or directly quote from) Team America. Now I see why some people have twelveteenty million posts in one year, they come on to these GN threads and post every fukkin 3 minutes. Sweet Listening to an aircraft taking off. Oh no, it's my laptop after 6 hours of downloading, erm, documents etc Fekk, back to Muse methinks and a spot of Stockholm Syndrome
  4. this is a total post whoring thread Muse, again, Supermassive Black Hole Which minds me ** shouts for the wife to through the hoose ** Sweeeeeeeeet. me bad. again. punctuation and grammar can fukk off at this time of night also
  5. Listening and watching: Muse @ Wembley, Hysteria, full tilt on the doovde playa, fukk them next door me bad. edit: have a clicky
  6. Good post. It should also be noted that at that time (when Henmania peaked), 'Britain' had two players regularly in the top 10 rankings. It's easy to forget how well both Tim and often Greg often played; the number of times the nails were fairly chewed during Tim's comebacks or near misses...bally eck Tarquin, middle 'England' were up to their knees in cuticle blood It was great to watch at the time. Just as it's great to watch now. You don't need to compare either of the two and find one of them wanting or point out shortcomings in said comparison, you just need to acknowledge that they are/were both very talented individuals who have provided some enjoyable moments during the summer's break from fitba. Now Jeremy Bates, our previous Number One, on the other hand...
  7. Excellent Smithers. Guess what I'm going to see tonight? The Incredible Hu...Aye, like f*ck I am. Teeth it is then
  8. How was it? I've not read any of his stuff since Sepulchre. Tended to go with Clive Barker when reading that genre since. Been reading David Gemmell's last full book, Shield of Thunder, which is the second part of a trilogy with an interesting take on the events and stories behind the Trojan war. Edit: That doesn't really make sense. To clarify, David died in 2006 and his wife finished the 3rd book.
  9. Same here. Take the bus to work these days. Much less stressful.
  10. My mum had Cancer since 2002, so ultimately, it was no great surprise. She had her rigth lung removed in 2003 and managed fine until 2 weeks ago, when her last bout of chemo truly fucked her up. The fact I've been expecting it has helped. The hardest bits have been telling my daughter for the third time in 25 months that a beloved grandparent has died (she knows her grandad Ron isn't my dad and asked who'll be leaving her next) and telling my little sister that mum was dead. I'd been through it before, telling my wife her sister, dad and finally mum had died and was prepared for it, or so I thought. I kind of blurted it through tears to my sister on the phone - 'Wendy, can Kevin come up with you? Mum just got worse. Ron phoned and when I got here, she was dead'. f**k. That's shit. Ditto me. Still, I didn't try for 'high-security' credit jobs, as it were :rolleyes and all that pish (cos it's dead funny etc): That last bit should probably come with a self-deprecating roll-eyes-type=thing of it's own.
  11. In what way? Did you withdraw the promotion type-thing? Did they fcuk you up big style? Or just not get the job? ** all said in a Dot Cotton, not at all nosy b*****d, stylee **
  12. Use a bus. They're fucking ace. I fucking love the platinum 'keep-swear' feature without the bold tag pish Use a bus. Get your very own 'Shady luvs Shug' burnt on graffiti. Fucking great
  13. Ach, I'm just maudlin fae the red wine/smirnoff ice/irn bru wkd/fridge/cupboard/meths/mr sheen/anything at hand. It's right enough though. f**k me, when somebody's at a low ebb, why the need to boot their baws??????? Mental! As a complete aside, Mr Wee (teehee), how did the disclosure thing go last year? I never did keep up with that. And where's Mrs Wee? strike that, see above
  14. I know. Stuart has had to take some amount of shit on her from the like of the oxymorinically (is that a new word?) named Captain Sensible's attacks with regards his father. IMO, the content of a poster's post is fair game to dissmination, examination, whatever - the poster's personal life is not. I think SD can be a bit of a dick at the best of times, but to use his father, the argument with regards his wife, as a point scoring excercise is fucking low. I'll give you an example that would come close- My wife's older sister was not born to my wife's dad. When my sister-in-law wanted to find her 'real' dad, my wife and her sis had a major fisty style fallout. Fast forward a couple of years and after a lenghty illness from a bug caught abroad that screwed her renal system, her sister died on the 3rd September 1998 (6 months after me and Pam were married). If anyone ever had a go at my wife for falling out with Kerry because of that, I'd fucking murder them. My wife never got over what happened to her sister and when the later events (above) occured, she suffered a complete breakdown, thinking she was being punished for how she felt about her sister 10 years ago. So many people, Ron Burgundy included (despite being one of my favourite posters) neglect the feelings of others, citing some flimsy excuse such as 'he posted to the net, what did he expect' as some reason that allows the type of bullying that could drive a grown man that's just lost his kids in a messy divorce to do something stupid (I never followed Kilt's problems, but f**k sake, show some compassion, eh) I'm fucking sick of it. Sick of it all. People are shit sometimes.
  15. People that use personal shit to 'get' at others (thinks specifically of the witch-hunt on SD and some poster's preferred 'father attacks'). In the last two years my family has seen my wifes mum and dad pass away as well as her granny. My mum passed away on Sunday morning. I'm pished right now and it's the first time I've come on here since and it's really hurting like f**k. Over the weekend I made 4 visits to Ninewells in Dundee, always being reassured that things swere fine. The 4th vist was called in at 7,20 and got there to see my step-dad in tears and to see my mum with mottled head (she had suuffered from Cancer for 6 years), mouth agape, 2 minutes dead. My mum was a single parent and a recovering alchoholic that raised 3 children (that have posted on here) that are very successful - I never got the chance to tell her that I loved her and that all we achieved was in large due to her. Please, if you're going to rip people, don't use stuff like some people have (ie SD's dad and subsequent arguements/fightd), it's way below the belt and hurts more than you'll (hopefully) ever imagine. Don't reply to this with a 'we're awfully sorry etc' post. Please, just stop the personal attacks on people, when it'll hurt them more than you know/think. (also thinking of Kilt and Burgundy nonsense - which was schoolkid bullying at best/worst)
  16. Good for P&B if your contributions are like his. Too many numpty's on here of late. Anyroads, welcome, now pop over to the OF forum and acquaint yourself with how it's done on here (ie, read the FTOF thread)
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