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Everything posted by Soctty

  1. It will always look bleak with a team containing basically 5 new players (Kellermann had played 1 minute in the league before last night, and 0 under the current manager) and going to play the champions away. Sunday will be more of a barometer for me, against a team who are struggling for form a wee bit, and with hopefully another couple of signings in the door. I'll be keeping the faith that we can turn it around, and last night is not a game I will be using to gauge our progress, or the lack of it.
  2. I'm hoping we've watched enough of him to know what he's about, and that the manager is happy with what he brings.
  3. So we should get rid of as many of the coaching and backroom staff as possible and just bring in more players? Someone better inform the rest of world football - they're under the impression that more coaching makes for better players and better teams, and better preparation, nutrition and diet makes for a more efficient playing staff. Turns out all the players need to play better, be more tactically aware and be fitter is to be paid more money...
  4. How do you know what is too many backroom staff? At the moment we have the same amount as we did under Stubbs. Nicholl will be an extra, but again, how does anyone know what we're budgeting for? Or how long a contract we've given the backroom staff, or what getout clauses at have in the event of relegation. Seems everyone just likes moaning based on their imagined idea of our budget. I understand people whining about our results, performances etc, but not about finances of which we have little to no knowledge.
  5. Love it when fans think they know what's required in terms of the number and type of coaching staff better than the club...
  6. The only banger is the one who can't understand simple English. Suspect I'm in the minority who would be delighted if one or more of Stubbs' signings proved a hit.
  7. Nowhere did I state "maybe he impressed me". Clue: a statement and a question are different things. It's a pointless conversation when you can't grasp the fundamentals of written English.
  8. Are you thick or just semi-literate? Nowhere in any of my posts have I said he impressed me, yet you continue plodding away in an attempt to put words in my mouth. I'll put it in plain language so maybe you can understand. He's played two games for us, both in mid July before we'd played any preseason games, and struggled in both. He then picked up an injury, and hasn't played since. I am willing to wait until he has played a few games for us post-injury before writing the boy off as you seem so desperate to do. Any parts of my post you're struggling with, just ask and I'll break it down some more.
  9. Maybe he impressed me? Are you unable to read my assessment above? He struggled. To base his chances going forward on two games right at the start of the season without any preseason friendlies having been played is harsh in the extreme in my opinion, but you carry on...
  10. Seems like you're hanging him out to dry to me - you've just called him abysmal in his first two games for the club after virtually no preseason. Had Heaton not cost £75k he would possibly be in the same boat as Cooke and King, but he did, and so we will persevere with him. A loan might be best for all in the short term, to get him some games, but I'm sure the club will be more patient with him due to his cost, which is just the way things go.
  11. I haven't seen many post confidence that Heaton will come good. Lots of hope that he will, and fans willing to give him time. That Queens Park game that he was "abysmal" in. how many goals did we concede? Just to clarify, Heaton also played 90 minutes against Spartans as well, and looked well off the pace - that being his first game - and slightly overawed at times. It was an under par performance in line with the team performance of that night. You might have called him abysmal in that one as well - we all have different ways of gauging performance.
  12. The figure widely reported in the media was £75k. Heaton has been highly rated so I would hope we hold onto him and give him a chance to develop. No sense in writing off £75k so quickly, and he surely won't be on a huge salary.
  13. He would've had ample opportunity to impress in training, and if the manager doesn't see him as being worth even a place on the sub's bench, he can't have done very much to push for a chance. Was probably quite happy to go back and collect his wages in Birmingham rather than sit it out up here.
  14. Been on the bench for our last three league games and three of our League Cup matches so no reason he wouldn't be included. Clearly very highly rated.
  15. What you need to understand is that when this guy gets stuff wrong (a daily occurence), it's you who has misunderstood rather than he who has made an arse of himself yet again. The fact that his whole point was based on a fallacy is irrelevant in his mind...
  16. You've completely missed the point. Stubbs wasn't sacked on results alone. His "man management", his choice of coach, the destruction of the team spirit, alienation of so many of our title winning team and his relationship with the board, were all far bigger problems than the results. Kearney has already won the fans over in a way that Stubbs didn't even attempt to do. If he can have a similar effect on the players, we'll be far better off than we were before, before we even start considering tactics or any further additions to the playing staff.
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