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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. The worst is the remembrance day stuff. When did this utter nonsense start?
  2. A win in the league at last but it wouldn't be good to get over-excited against a surpringly poor Clyde side. We won most of our personal battles, importantly, but special plaudits to Sean Docherty, Alan Trouten, Jack Healy, Connor McManus and Liam Newton. Ludicrously, despite our dominance, Allan Fleming had two crucial saves to make.
  3. Stick the current cohort in a zoo and give their owners a pass to come and clap them, and give them a walk round the compound.
  4. On the bus through to Methil, passing Cupar, and there appears to be some kind of festival on the go. Folk sporting mediaval costumes, birds of prey enthusiasts, funfair rides, a pipe band*, army recruitment c***s, ice cream van, candy floss stall, some kind of cooking display. But there was next to nobody there apart from these assorted weirdos. And there's rain forecast for later. *Edit - nothing wrong with pipe bands
  5. Absolutely correct. I was at the game in Dortmund. Never seen such a bunch of diving bastirts before or since.
  6. Lawless not even realising he's next to the King of the Ping in McFadden
  7. Doesnae ken if it's New York or New Year
  8. Jan Leeming Anyone under 50 won't get the reference.
  9. Reminds me of this scene, which they had to unfortunately ditch because they couldn't stop corpsing.
  10. Michelle McManus just came away with "Tattie-bongoed" there on the wireless. A new one on me. There must be hundreds of others given the diversity of our language. How many can we come up with? I'll start with "Aw lit up"
  11. This has triggered memories from my first day at Primary. The bogs had five urinals and two cubicles. They were introduced as, left to right: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday (urinals) and Saturday and Sunday (cubicles).
  12. You're not selling this Welsh adventure to us.
  13. I would always, always go for a lamb curry ahead of chicken. The meat will absorb the flavours more. Plus, who knows what conditions the chicken will have been living in. Pound to a penny they are battery farmed.
  14. Does crossing the path of a bigot walk in a car cause as much seethe as a pedestrian?
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