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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. The first to crack. I did not have you in the sweepie.
  2. "Bugger" was apparently a pointless answer in today's final. Although I doubt they would have accepted it just before the news. "Because there's bugger all down here on earth" Monty Python's The Meaning of Life.
  3. Are you sure they weren't discussing his lad?
  4. The wearing of wigs in Scottish courts. In fact the wearing of headgear for no reasonable purpose. The polis, when it's not raining for example..
  5. You are probably not being serious, but that is one way of accelerating the killing of the planet.
  6. Weddings* are for the most part, brilliant. I don't understand what bairns could possibly do to spoil them. *I was the DJ at ours - brilliant night - even got to choose the music.
  7. That was what probably got him the job in the first place.
  8. Was he around when they won a game occasionally?
  9. Would prefer an excitable bairn to a group of drunken adult arseholes next to me on a plane.
  10. Do we think the Reilly for Scotland, is our Rose Reilly?
  11. Shades of Bayern Munich 1983, with Aberdeen being a bit pish but the game being turned around
  12. Robson is caught between a rock and a hard place here. He probably needs to ask for more of the same middle to front and hope that their defence can shore up. Concede next and it's damage limitation.* *They nearly just did
  13. A decent analogy, but even Brechin would have cobbled together a couple of bus loads. Plus these guys are slightly better than the Campbell twins in their prime
  14. This is quite bizarre. An obviously quality team with an away support of 25 or so. Are they a Swedish version of Gretna?
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