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Cosmic Joe

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Everything posted by Cosmic Joe

  1. The irony of playing the socio-economic card, when you stay somewhere where you feel the need to sleep with a gun next to your bed.
  2. In 52 years of watching fitba I've only seen one game abandoned. Against Falkirk at Bayview due to fog. Falkirk were a goal up at the time. Post match they switched off the floodlights and you immediately got a perfect view of the pitch. A bit like driving in fog with dipped headlights instead of full beam.
  3. Has anyone actually ever met Robin Galloway? Good guy or w**k?
  4. McGinn would have taken that knee to the bahookie in his stride
  5. There was a Northern Soul at the Proms event this year that was televised. It was actually really good.
  6. Should a pub not be a space where people of all ages can get together? 2023 Scotland needn't be 1970s Scotland. We even let women in, outwith the lounge bars these days.
  7. Good yin. I might borrow it to noise up the royalists.
  8. You'd have to wipe your feet on the way out.
  9. Not my idea of an afternoon out. Have they not got public transport in Ayrshire? A pointless event in a climate emergency. Lord have mercy on our souls.
  10. When you are reduced to adding the letter "h" after the initial letter of everything you have an issue with strikes me as extreme paranoia. Anyway I'm going to become a Schottish Rhugby fan for the next two hours.
  11. Lay in bed last night after the Cyprus win, tormented by the thought that Scotland could still f**k this up.
  12. McGregor and McTominay bossed that particular show
  13. Some form of not being allowed to park complaint?
  14. Our Texan correspondent hasn't posted for 12 hours.
  15. Was there not a completely fake video of Palestinians celebrating doing the rounds?
  16. Petty as anything, but does anyone else get slightly annoyed that it doesn't get referred to as 11/9?
  17. You have probably already tried this, but looking at photographs of happy times when his great grandmother was alive can often help during the grieving process.
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