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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. You need to be willing to put the work in and you need to allow the manager a bit more flexibility with his budget. Dobbie at Queens and McGinn at St Mirren are two examples of teams getting players that are that wee bit better than the norm at this level.. I'm only talking about players that are a slightly better standard than scottish championship level and not superstars here. Sometimes a loan deal is another way of getting that bit more quality in.
  2. Dundee fans think Harris was brutal and Queens fans are pretty indifferent towards him. I dont see any evidence that he's suddenly going to become a world beater overnight. At least McKee had a decent 64 games for Morton at this level.
  3. Sorry but I for one would just like to see us making a decent effort at promotion this season. There's no rangers , hearts or hibs in the league and Dundee United dont have the budget compared to those three. The leagues there for the taking if we go that extra mile and sign 3 or 4 quality players but its pretty obvious from this signing that we're going down the same route as the past three seasons. And we all know how they ended up.Do you really think that a signing like Harris will win us the league this season?
  4. He's probably as shocked as the rest of us having resigned himself to signing for Dumbarton or Brechin.
  5. Aye their happy because there's feck all chance of him keeping anyone out the side.
  6. We'll just need to agree to disagree. You feel hes of the necessary standard to win us the league and I don't . Only time will tell I suppose.
  7. I'm quite calm to be honest. I had already prepared myself for this signing but I'm not going to suddenly change my mind over him now just because hes signed. The bod, ceo and manager are good at talking about getting more quality in but in reality the signings are of the same mediocrity every season now.
  8. Boyle did well last season and your right I would probably take him but Humphrey hardly kicked a ball. The thing is though Harris obviously isnt of the same standard as Boyle . We should be looking to win the league this season and to do that we need a better standard of player in . That standard should be Boyles level and not someone he's keeping out a team. Harris is ok if we want another season like the last two but if we actually want promotion then we need better.
  9. Humphrey only played 5 games and Boyle isnt exactly the muts nuts. Forgive me if Im not overly enthuisiastic at his signing after he was kept out the hibs side by those two.
  10. I didnt say Aird was any good and he was another wasted Houston signing although to be honest he never got a sustained run in the side. Why sign him and then hardly ever play him? A decent signing in January may have made all the difference come the playoffs. Harris to me is of a very similar standard though I'm afraid. The report from other clubs is that he basically has a decent game now and again and is an utter shitebag when it comes to tackling.
  11. If he'll get goals and assists for us in this league then why weren't Hibs playing him? Not as if you were exactly spoiled for right wingers last season.
  12. Harris is the kind of signing that's ok if your happy enough to potter into the playoffs and get a couple of decent games before getting pumped out. He's of the same squad player level that Houston seems to like signing even though he tells us that we're going to get some better quality in. However, if like our CEO tells we're looking to win the league this season( and going by the standard of the other sides why not) then we need better. He's no better than Aird who got the heave at the end of last season.
  13. McKee's problem is his fitness at times and his performances at least won him a contract at Carlisle. Harris's performances would've won him a contract at Brechin if Houston hadn't stepped in.
  14. To me though we've actually given up trying to uncover hidden gems or going that extra mile to get a player a wee bit different in. Other clubs our size have managed it with the likes of Dobbie at Queens and McGinn at St Mirren. You've got to be willing to make that bit of an extra effort to get these guys in but we seem content to sign up average local players as its easier to do that. At the end of the day though the club will take the hit in reduced season ticket sales as fans get more and more disillusioned with whats going on. I mean if Harris is that good why did we not sign him on loan last January instead of bringing in Aird.
  15. We obviously didnt try very hard after he knocked us back if Harris was the only other option. To me hes immediately 3rd choice behind Craigen and Mckee and their only makeshift right mids .
  16. Your telling me that having trawled the entire UK transfer market Harris is the best we could come up with ? Feck me . The boy Connolly was rumoured at some stage and he would've been a far better punt. We though seem to be stuck in a tiny market of players that Houston has seen play against us for the past couple of seasons and that seems to be it. Okay we've got our backup right mid now whose going to be the starter? As I stated if he'd signed for Dumbarton or Livie this season noone would've been surprised.
  17. Exactly. Houston still flinging 2 year deals out there like confetti I see too. Could be another one we're stuck with like Kidd. Why not give him a contract that will be renewed on appearances as hes surely the kind of player that should be getting a deal like that.
  18. I'd have Craigen out there before Harris to be honest.
  19. The problem is we need a starting right winger. We still haven't added anyone in the close season who is actually going to improve the side from last season. Houston said he was only going to sign players better than what we have but surely with harris thats a load of bull.
  20. Simply because hes a meh signing that could as easily have ended up at Dumbarton this year never mind us. We all agree on here that we need 3 or 4 quality signings to win this league but we're still scraping about in the bargain basement gambling on players that have been bang average for the past 3 seasons suddenly becoming brilliant. He's another squad player at best and is actually a downgrade on Aird. Again Hosuton where is the power and pace we were promised after the killie game. Harris is a total shitebag. The new ceo has to be on something if he thibnks this is going to get fans flooding out to buy seasons.
  21. What a feckin joke . We're trying to get people to take up season tickets and they sign that tumshie. Honestly we have absolutely no wish to get promoted and this just backs that up to the hilt.
  22. Just need to hope he failed it. Or its going to be a major let down.
  23. Houston didnt seem too confident at the weekend.
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