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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. Hopefully the two great seasons he had with us and his mate Lee will persuade him falkirk the place to come back to.
  2. Strong rumour has it that if he played a certain number of games last season he was eligible for another years contract and he did. We're trying our best to get him off our books freeing up a wage and thats why we're hoping he signs for ICT.
  3. He's simply not good enough if we want to go up its as simple as that. It should have been made clear to him at the end of last season that he was surplus to requirements and he could find another club. If we're left with him as one of our starting strikers you can forget going up again this season. I can assure you that Loy is a far better striker than anything we have currently especially John Baird and he is only what 27? Dobbie is not going to come to us. First of all he's at queens because he has a fondness for the club and is under contract for another season. If he left there I'm sure he'd have interest from top flight clubs and anyway we couldnt afford a transfer fee for him. Loy and Austin would complement each other well and I very much doubt we'd be blowing the budget on the former. To win the league we need a better quality of player. We cant just keep putting out the same team and expecting we're suddenly going to be good enough to get promoted.
  4. I did state its ridiculous if true. The fact that we're into June and yet Baird is still on the books is farcical anyway.
  5. Can you guys not hurry up and get Baird signed up so we can get a decent striker in
  6. Only at Falkirk could we have a ludicrous situation like this. Striker coming towards the end of his career whose not good enough to get you up or a striker at his peak who will score enough goals to punt you into the top flight. Its ridiculous if true that our whole season could rely on whether Baird fancies it at ICT or not. I thought I'd seen it all at Falkirk but this really puts the tin feckin lid on it. Get Baird to feck now if there's even a small chance of Loy coming in to replace him.
  7. I'd take Dobbie tomorrow. He and Austin would be a perfect partnership. Anyway that's never going to happen but he's the kind of talisman player we're crying out for.
  8. I'd say Smiths a better right back than he is a striker/right winger.
  9. We've already got Craigen that can do that. I'd rather we covered the areas we're lacking in first like left back, striker and right wing . Then if there's more cash in the kitty you can sign the likes of stanton.
  10. Craigen should never be played on the right side again. He was excellent at centre mid .We need to sign a decent right winger. In the middle we already have Craigen, McKee, Kerr and Taiwo. If Sibbalds signs that would mean 5 centre mids which is more than enough. In fact 4 is more than enough.
  11. If we're signing players simply because their better than Rankin or Tudor Jones then we're in big trouble. We dont need a centre mid and we also dont need Harris whose been brutal since his one decent performance against us in the cup. If their the best we can come up with after trawling the UK for new players then god help us.
  12. I said the same as yourself about him not getting a game up top and then he got a couple of chances up top later in the season and did absolutely nothing ( cant comment on the DU game as I wasnt there). If they get a chance these boys have got to grab it with both hands especially now that we have a sizeable squad.
  13. Aye but be realistic. Manchester isn't in Scotland.
  14. That's certainly my view on it but that's what happens when you have a tent salesman running a football club.
  15. Can't see it. Why would he have chosen to leave Motherwell and then end up at us?
  16. “When I left Falkirk they were relegated the next season. “When I left Hibs they were relegated two seasons later. “I have left Inverness and they have now been relegated the following season. Yes John thats because you leave an utter shambles behind you most of the time. I notice no mention of Livingston or Hartlepool funnily enough. Lets face it we were having to slash budgets because he'd pished money down the drain on Burton O'Brien Neil McCann Jackie Mac Lee Bullen and yet we'd ended up nearly getting relegated. If your going to ask for a bigger budget then you've got to make sure it propels you up the league table and doesnt plummet you down it.
  17. The bod and especially 'oor George' made one of thee most ridiculous decisions in the history of Falkirk Football Club by appointing May the manager. We had just finished our what 4th straight season in the top flight and had achieved european football for the first time ever. We had great facilities and a fantastic youth academy. The stock of the club had never been higher to be able to appoint an excellent experienced coach to take us on from Hughes and yet we didnt even interview for the bloody job. Neither of those 3 mentioned should've been anywhere near the post. The decision was made to appoint May and we're still paying for it today.
  18. One thing I'll say about Pressley when he was manager we were getting players in on trial from here there and everywhere and that was on a much smaller budget then we have now. These days its very rare that we have anyone on trial from outside Scotland apart from Taylor feckin Morgan.
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