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Shadwell Dog

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Everything posted by Shadwell Dog

  1. I'm all for confidentiality in the right context ie when discussing players wages etc but in cases like this its frankly ludicrous and makes a mockery of the position.
  2. Why should he know. Lets face it he's only a member of the board of directors for gods sake!!
  3. Pressley for me just doesnt seem to understand that to win the first you need to be able to dig and play a bit. We badly need a real hard b*****d in the middle of the park or im afraid it'll be the same old story this season. When you look back at previous championship winning teams they could all play football and mix it with the best of them.
  4. My main issue isn't actually with the way we voted although i will be very disappointed if we voted yes to sevco entering the first on the basis that reconstruction would be looked at and nothing more . No its with the way our bod basically takes the piss out of the fans by the way it treats our fans director/ board rep. As a member of the bod he should've known by close of play that friday how we voted and yet what over a week later and he nor the rest of the trust seem to have a clue. If it hadnt been for the fans back in 96/97 we wouldnt have a club and this position was set up then to give the fans something back and to ensure that what happened then would never happen again. The current bod are make a mockery out of all of that.
  5. Is it just me or is Sally the luckiest manager on the planet just now. His record at Sevco is woeful when a few euro wins and not getting pumped out the league cup bu falkirks under 21's might have gone a long way towards keeping the club going for another few months and yet he's being treated as some sort of hero by the current buns. Not only that but he now gets to pit his wits against managers at a level he should've been at all along ie the 3rd division. After white and murray hes the next reason their up the shitter for christs sake. He should've stuck to shaggin sue barker instead of showing himself up as way out of his managerial depth in the SPL. Just shows how much Green knows about fitba that he's keeping this clown on as manager.
  6. Rubbish signing a decent experienced manager would've cost us peanuts compared to the millions in revenue lost by appounting pressley and getting relegated. Pressley should bever have been near the job at that stage. He also blew our best chance of promotion by pissing a decent budget away in our first season down. Yes he's perhaps now beginning to find his feet but its difficult to say until hes got a budget capable of winning us promotion and i'm still not sure he has that this year. At least dundee's promotion though gives us more of a chance. Pressleys appointment was a shocking decision second only to the appointment of eddie may before him. The bod may have the clubs interests at heart but that doent mean to say they havent made a right arse of it over the last few seasons.
  7. Still find it ludicrous that a week after the vote our fans director still doesnt know how we voted. Whether ritchies on holiday or not each and every one of the bod should know what box the club ticked.
  8. I think its quite obvious now how the club voted and their scraping about for an excuse over why they've done it. This is a shameful day for ffc 1
  9. Its quite obviuos that the bairnstrust fans rep position means absolutely nothing and may aswell be done away with now. Time the trust grew balls and told the bod that the fact they have a rep on the bod isnt purely for show.
  10. Ict statement simply confirms that they were all in on the first division plans from the start. I'd hope that ict fans will be giving their bod pelters over this. Its pretty obvious that they'd have stuck two fingers up at their fans wishes without the sevco first division sweetner.
  11. Will be interesting when all 30 say they voted no. Will we ever find out who the judas 5 are?
  12. At the end of the day Falkirks record SPL home crowd isnt against Rangers or Celtic its againstr Killie which just shows you that if your competing for somethin whether its at the top or the bottom the **** or **** dont have to be involved to increase the attendance.
  13. The falkirk game against rangers was a bonus last season and nothing more. We'd have still posted a profit whether we'd got them or not. The simplr fact is that rules are rules and must be followed. There was two options for sevco. One was acceptance to the SPL the other was acceptance via the third division . If the situation is that bad financially for Spl clubs then they should've allowed Sevco back into the SPL. They Didnt so the only fair option left is for Sevco is to apply for access to the third division and to work their way back through the leagues. Parachuting Sevco into the first division is a ludicrous and scandalous idea and I can assure you I wont be back in another scottish professional ground if this comes off. I'd have the same feelings if it was Celtic, Aberdeen, Motherwell orany other scottish football club although we know that celtic apart we wouldnt be having this debate if it as nay other club apart from Rangers. If rules are bended so much that we start fixing leagues then what is the point of supporting a league structure as corrupt as the SFL/SPL.
  14. He was murder. Never fit and even when he was fit he wasnt very good in the latter seasons. Basically got payed a fortune for lying on the treatment table. Had a good spell a few years back when getting played wide right in a front three but otherwise was a bug disappointment considering who he was brought in to replace. Was no surprise when he was crocked after only a few games for dundee last season. He'll struggle to play in half there games this season which is something that teams on tight budgets just cant afford. Couldnt be happier to see the back of him especially as he was replaced by a player who did everything he did but ten times better.
  15. I'm not so sure. Millar will leave a big hole in my opinion and we really could do with a bit of a bear of a player in there . I'd also say we need at least two forwards as weatherston is a bit injury prone and White is still a country mile away from being ready for the first team and even Pressley realises that.
  16. Pressley says their looking at 500k plus add ons as a bare minimum for wallace so i very much doubt that he'll be going anywhere else in scotland unless celtic are looking at him. He's certainly the best young player i've seen at falkirk in the last twenty years. Sibbald is only 16 so it'll prob be a couple of years before anyone comes in for him. Duffie isn't far behind wallace so i reckon we'll be looking for a bit more than 200k for him. Fortunately the cup successes mean we arent desperate for cash or that might've forced our hand.
  17. I'd be surprised if st johnstone would be willing or able to pay a few hundred k for the likes of wallace, sibbald or duffie. These guys wont go on the cheap and will go to bigger clubs than st johnstone i'm afraid.
  18. Doubt either hearts or st johnstone could afford any of out youngsters who are all tied up on decent contracts. More likely to be looking at the likes of farid or , or higginbottom whose contracts run out in june and are therefor more in their budget range especially hearts.
  19. Whilst campbell Christie certainly did his bit for falkirk there's been others over the last 135 years who are equally deserving of that kind of tribute if not more so.
  20. I disagree. We badly need a new backbone for the team. Centrback, centremid and centreforward. Whether its Dodds or not is another question but I wouldnt fancy a centre half partnership out of any of these guys. We'll probably need to sign more than one centreforward too as I've got a feeling there basically all out of contract next season.
  21. We simply cant afford a player who struggles to play 20 games a season due to injury and suspensions.
  22. I would presume that if the Moutinho cash is being paid by an internal member of the club and not the club itself than signing Pedro will make no difference to our financial situation. It is though obvious that by not replacing Marr or Deuchar the board have basically resigned themselves to us being stuck in this division next season and are already trying to balance the books. This would also tell me that theres no way we will see the clown in the dugout being repalced no matter how bad things get between now and May.
  23. Millar might only have been sent off once but how many times has he been booked? I'd be willing to overlook that too if he actually made other telling contributions to the team like Cregg did when he first arrived but the guy does absolutely nothing. I made a point of watching him in a couple of matches and he hardly even works up a sweat jogging from one area to another. We need a bear in the middle of the park who can put himself about for 90mins not just one or two silly tackles now and again. He might be young but he's played a t a decent level before do theres no excuse for his lack of interest. As for McManus it was unfortunate he got injured but Pressley then resigns him and we're now hearing it could be well into February before he gets back into the team. That's just ludicrous if you ask me. He isnt the only striker out there we could've signed for fecks sake and we need new faces now not in 3 or 4 weeks time. I reckon firing pressley now can only save us cash surely. If he's only contracted to May/June then the amount owed cant be ridiculous and crowds are already down by over 1000 on what we were getting earlier in the season. Add to that the fact that season tickets will be on sale shortly and we need to do something or theres no chance of anyone being stupid enough to buy one no matter what the price.
  24. I just cant believe that anyone can actually believe that Mark Millar has been a decent signing this season. He has been utterly woeful . He strolls about the pitch doing sweet FA and then when he does finally put a tackle in he usually ends up booked or sent off. Yes he scored a decent goal against Partick but thats been it since he signed. I'd punt him anywhere given the chance. As for the other signings Higginbottom is a sand dancer of the highest order and has no end product what so ever. You've got to ask why he was signed when we've already got Stewart, Flynn and compton in the side. Khalis is a young player who i feel has potential but he's not the finished article and needs time. Deuchar has to be seen as another failure . Pressley never played to his strengths and now he's away so its been basically money down the drain. Finally you had Marr who was no better really than what we already have and McManus who got injured after what three games if that. Signings can make or break a manager and I'm afraid Pressley has made a right arse of his.
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